Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1634: Free of charge

Of course, the matter of choosing a concubine made Wen Rensheng stop.

The reason is very simple. This dog emperor cannot have a son. If he has a son, he will repeat the tragedy of the ancient three emperors.

The Zen concession system of the tall and lofty has become a family of one family.

"Saint Master Gaoming, in this way, our Heavenly Sacred Dynasty is going to be retro. Those literati always talk about how wise the three ancient emperors were, and now we are copying their practice."

"Well, I ordered to go on, and in the future, all taxes will be exempted permanently." Wen Rensheng said again.

"Ah, there's no tax, what are we going to eat?" everyone said in surprise.

When conquering the world, you can bring your own dry food; but I have never heard that those who are sitting in the world also need to bring their own dry food, don’t they have to let the people feed themselves?

"Just eat this." Wen Rensheng took out a nine-turn reincarnation pill.

"In the future, it will be sold and divided into nine grades, from one grade to nine grades, from 100,000 to 1,000 taels. Just by selling it, the tax will be enough. In addition, it can also increase the efficacy of curing various diseases. ." Of course Wen Rensheng wasn't talking nonsense.

In the previous Dayan Dynasty, food, labor and taxes were about 80,000 to 90 million taels of silver.

Conscription is not included in this list, after all, no one can calculate how much a life costs.

Just sell a few hundred and you'll have it.

As for whether it can be sold, it must be sold.

This is the most necessary.

The dying rich old man may not happen every year, but the seriously ill rich old man happens every year.

"Is it a cure for all diseases?" Someone asked curiously.

"For ordinary people, it's true." Wen Rensheng thought to himself, all diseases are certain.

The analgesic effect alone can treat more than 100 kinds of diseases.

And most diseases can heal on their own, just need a placebo effect.

This medicine is not sold to ordinary people, and it is not affordable for ordinary people.

"In the future, our dynasty will be called the Yao dynasty." Someone thought thoughtfully.

"In short, cut off the link of taxation and change it to doing business. It will be more efficient, and there will not be a lot of conflicts." Wen Rensheng understands that there are too many troubles in the link of tax collection.

"But taxation also has a major role, which is to let those people understand that we are the ones in charge, and they have to obey our orders." The Seventh Hall Master suddenly said.

Although he does not know how to manage a country, he knows how to manage his subordinates.

He is also the master of a hall, for example, his subordinates regularly make offerings to him.

The deacon of any county must have an account book for how much he has paid.

He doesn't care how much money he has, but if anyone doesn't pay, that means he doesn't care about him.

"In the past, there was no Shennet, and the people had to be informed about this through annual taxation; now with Xiawang, we can always publish various decrees, and we can declare existence by handling cases, catching murderers, and suppressing rebellions. There is no need for this model of taxation." Wen Rensheng continued.

Because he knows very well that as long as something exists, someone can expand it infinitely and turn it into a demon.

Just like Da Yan levies taxes, the positive tax is actually very small, but the positive tax is not enough, so we can only increase the distribution, and there is no quota for the additional payment.

This is terrible without a quota.

You need one point for the top, and two or two for the bottom. Anyway, you will complete the above tasks, and the rest will fall into your own pockets.

Since it is so, simply do not accept it.

As long as it is received, it will be processed on the spot.

People are often confused and shrewd. They know they are being overcharged, but they don't know how much they are being overcharged.

Yet if they know not to charge at all, it's easy.

Whoever accepts it will sue on


Zhao Han was shocked when he found out about this.

Her teacher, playing more and more outrageous.

"This, Lao Guo, even if we have to collect taxes in modern times, you don't even collect them at all. How can you support those officials?"

"It's enough to sell medicine." Wen Rensheng said indifferently.

"Impossible. How much can you sell medicine for? Taxes are omnipresent."

"That is modern, this is ancient. In ancient times, a tax of one tael was levied, and a burden of three taels was paid in the middle. Do you know why there is a moral policy called changing the movement of the people to the movement of the government? One stone of rice will cost half a stone of freight." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

He was a peasant in his previous life, and no one knows better than him the hard work of peasants in paying taxes.

"That's right, I didn't expect you to be more kind than me, the teacher is the teacher after all." Zhao Han said with relief.

She can only think of Xiaoen Xiaoyi, but the teacher's focus is the overall situation.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Keep an eye on those working officials, and bite them with big teeth if you make a mistake."

"Come on, I won't bite anyone anymore." Zhao Han thanked Wen Rensheng for his instigation.

While the two of them were talking, there was an incident of refugees entering the border in the East Frost Land.

"I heard no, the new dynasty will not collect any tax, nor will it collect any tax."

"This is really a good thing. Some people say that eating his mother wears his mother, and the king does not pay when he comes, and it actually comes true?"

"I thought they were lying, but I didn't expect it to be true, so hurry up and go."

"Oh, I can't go there, there's no food on the way, I'll starve to death."

"I'll lend it to you."

"Why are you so kind?"

"It's good to have someone on the way to take care of you."

Before, they were all refugees going out to survive, but now it's the other way around.

However, not collecting taxes is a good thing, but the officials are sad.

The people could choose not to sell grain, but to farm and weave by themselves, the only things they needed were iron tools and salt.

When the court wanted to make money, it often made money from these two sources.

But Wen Rensheng also knows the harm of monopoly, that is, the quality is getting worse and the price is getting higher and higher.

So he also abolished the government-run iron works and the salt tax, leaving the merchants to buy and sell and compete on their own.

The only thing that has been increased is the sale of Jiuzhuan Samsara Pill, and all government-run shops have been changed to sell this medicine.

And it is widely advertised on

When this person is rich, he can't bear the pain.

There is no shortage of silver, but there is a shortage of food.

In the south of the Yangtze River, where the commodity economy is developed, various materials can be easily purchased with silver.

Overseas trade also recognizes silver.

However, in the inland where the commodity economy is not developed, it is not easy to rely on silver, and people often exchange things for things.

Only money was given to officials, and they could not buy anything with money.

Fortunately, those who have surplus grain to sell are big They need money to buy medicine, so this cycle can continue.

Occasionally some places are really sad, and we can only adjust food from other places.

Zhao Han looked at the Internet one by one and found a lot of chaos everywhere.

The people were happy, the merchants were happy, and the gentry were happy too, even the officials complained.

No tax, they drink the northwest wind?

The amount of money given by the imperial court alone is enough for the daily needs of a family, and there is no way to make a fortune.

Just one month after the establishment of the new dynasty, there were repeated rebellions in remote areas.

Many officials did not repair roads and dams, leaving them to rot.

In a word, drag.

The question is that there is no money, no food and no one.

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