Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1664: Savior

Studying is extremely hard and tiring. Only one in a hundred people can persevere from elementary school to university under the supervision of others, and only one in a thousand people can persevere from university to graduate with a doctorate without the supervision of others. What is "happy learning", put learning and mobile phones together, how many students do you think choose the latter?

Even the so-called good students who are eager to learn, leave the school, leave the teacher, leave the parents, let's take a look?

At this point, Dufferin fully conforms to this rule.

At the beginning, the teacher's words were simple, and he was able to use the mind of an adult to dominate among elementary school students...

But when the teacher talked about the applied problems, especially the applied problems and exploration problems with a few bends, he was as confused as a group of elementary school students.

For example, such a question: "1??*??=1??2".

In any case, he has been piecing together and piecing together and piecing together, but nothing comes out.

"That's impossible, McCann Elementary can't teach such difficult questions!" he exclaimed.

"So we became wasteland." The teacher said coldly, "Now everything is in line with Dongzhou."

"Why?" Dufferin asked in confusion, "It's just some questions, can it solve the problem?"

"Of course, training a unified thinking can greatly reduce the sudden thoughts of some people in the future. Although this will also greatly reduce the probability of scientific exploration, at least when someone thinks about destroying the world, when they have When they have this idea, the education from the school will let them know that it is not the standard answer in life, and it is also the answer that is strictly forbidden." The teacher said lightly.

Dufferin was silent.

Yes, if children destroy toys, on the McCann side, they are encouraged to explore, thinking that this is the spirit of exploration; on the east side, they will be told.

For example, if you mix four cups of 25-degree water, can you get 100-degree water?

On McCann's side, they are encouraged to do experiments, because it motivates their hands-on ability; in the East, they are despised because theoretically they can be eliminated, and there is no need to waste materials.

If it's a normal world, and ordinary people can't get into any big trouble, that's fine; but this world isn't normal.

Dufferin stopped raising the bar because the other party was right.

The lesser of two evils.

Small things didn't matter before, but now we really need an idea and a standard answer.

Joker wouldn't detonate a nuke if there was a standard answer.

But, this question is really difficult!

He back and forth, this thing has to use the means of solving equations, right?

He hasn't completely forgotten about his middle school lessons.

However, after several attempts, it was a mess.

He had to listen to the teacher explain.

"The standard problem-solving steps for this problem are as follows. First of all, we see that this problem is a three-digit multiplied by a two-digit number. The maximum will be a five-digit number, and the minimum will be a four-digit number."

"Now, see that the result is a four-digit number, and the highest digit of the multiplicand is 1, and the highest digit of the result is also 1, so we have to fill in 1 in the highest digit of the multiplier, and then see..."

The teacher chattered.

Dufferin was dizzy.

And next to him, a group of black and white elementary school students, only one or two had a sudden realization on their faces, and they were all excluded from the class in the past.

Sports stars like him are the ones who call the wind and the rain in the school.

But now, these two elementary school students are obviously favored by their teachers.

Soon the teacher called one of the classmates who understood and did the question again.

"The answer should be 101*12=1212. This is how I solved the problem..." The elementary school student successfully completed the problem according to the teacher's method.

At this time, another student suddenly raised his hand and said, "Teacher, I have another method, and this question has more than one answer, such as 124*13=1612, 114*13, 134*13..."

The elementary school student gave many examples.

However, the more the teacher listened, the darker his face became.

In the past, the teacher has long praised the sky.

"You, who made you have so many messy thoughts? That's not right, you won't be hit right in the exam, you have to consider the will of the question maker, will the question maker be so complicated? No, 101*12 , is the simplest answer, and the answer that comes to mind at first sight!"

"You go to the office with me after class."

The teacher severely reprimanded the pupil.

The other's eyes were holding back tears.

Dufferin could not wait to stand up.

But he still didn't get up.

How can he stand up?

Beat the teacher?

Kill this teacher?

Tell him that the child should be encouraged to think.

But the wasteland proved that the previous way of thinking was wrong, and the McCanns had to turn it around now.

Be honest in class, don't have superfluous ideas, learn a skill well, and be able to support yourself.

Messy thoughts will only attract source spirits and monsters.

Dufferin held back.

He continued the class.

Fortunately, Xenogeneic gave him a little support, that is, his physical strength is very good, and he can stay up late to practice.

A primary school student can only study 9 hours, he can study 19 hours.

Soon he jumped from third grade to middle school.

Middle school is even more difficult, adding physical chemistry and Chinese, all of which have to be learned.

Fortunately, his Chinese is good, because the rugby game is going to be sold to Dongzhou, and the rugby star is also asked by his agent to learn Chinese well.

This saved him a lot of time.

And in middle school, his embarrassment has also decreased a lot.

After all, mature-looking middle school students are not uncommon.

There were also many girls who gave him their arms, but he refused all of them.

High school took four months to complete.

"Okay, you have already graduated, and you will work hard in the future. Don't think about it. The settlement will assign jobs to you." The middle school principal said this.

"Yes, Headmaster." The students didn't have a stab.

Because of the thorns, he was directly driven out of the settlement and died on his own.

This is far more powerful than expulsion.

Over time, staying in school, they are all good and obedient students.

Dufferin also graduated.

Middle school academic ability is enough for him to become a hacker.

It is not uncommon for junior high school students to become top hackers.

He went to several surviving libraries, such as "Computer Principles", "Electronic Circuits", "Network Principles", "Becoming a Hacker in 21 Days from Zero", "Cthulhu Teach You to Learn Computers", "Introduction to Algorithms"...

It seems that something strange has been mixed in, so let's learn together.

However, halfway through learning, he began to have a big head again.

too difficult.

The point is that he did not learn out of love and interest, but with a clear purpose.

This is a headache.

Look here, I think it doesn't help hackers, look at that, it doesn't seem to help hackers either.

It is very, very difficult to be self-taught without a teacher.

Therefore, people who are proficient in hacking technology will be called great gods. If everyone can easily learn by themselves and succeed, it is not a great god, but a screw.

Dufferin was learning and could not help falling asleep.

"Heavenly Father is calling you, come here, here is all the truth..."

"The Savior can save you, come here, come to the deep sea, in the ocean of knowledge and truth, find your way."

He subconsciously followed the sound.

Then he came to a sea of ​​binary green, blue, white, black...  

The other side of the binary ocean is the activity of each reality.

Slowly, he saw more and more, and slowly became enlightened.

The so-called enlightenment means that there is a lot of accumulation, and enough connection pathways have been established in the brain. When you see a problem, you think of similar problems, and you think of the previous solutions.

"110101000... It turned out to be in control of the land movement."

"MOV, is the keyword here."

Dufferin's memory is still very good, which is also due to the Xenomorph.

He felt that he was about to grasp it, to grasp the truth.

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