Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1676: happiness

There is only one place, the game simulator is a completely real transplant, which is also the difference between it and ordinary artificial games-

That is where intelligent life carries consciousness.

Brains are not mentioned here, because many intelligent beings do not have brains.

If this place is simulated, the consciousness will also be destroyed, and the soul will not exist.

That is, the scene is fake, but the emotion, character, and consciousness are all real.

So, what's the difference between true and false?

The brain in the tank, as long as people can't tell the existence of the tank, according to the razor principle, everything is true.

Because of an uncertain fact, it is unnecessary and cannot be used as a basis for reasoning.

When Wen Rensheng made sure of this, he let out a long breath and looked around.

Close your eyes, block the interference of the naked eye to the brain, stop mental induction, touch them one by one, and use only the most primitive touch to judge.

Stickers, stickers, stickers...


A little soft.

He opened his eyes, but was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "Why are you here?"

"I can't come?"

It turned out that the one who appeared in front of him was the immortal.

Wearing a light gauze, frowning slightly, it seems that he doesn't like the surrounding environment very much.

"Of course you can come as you please, but this kind of pollution-filled place should be what you hate the most." Wen Rensheng asked.

"So I came to destroy it." The longevity said lightly.

"Destruction? It's a pity."

"Why is it a pity?" The longevity man chuckled.

"After all, what an interesting place to observe." Wen Rensheng pointed to the scenic road outside.

"Messy, dirty, not natural at all, where's the fun?"

"There is infinite vitality here, chaos is its soil, filth is its fertilizer..."

The real reason is naturally: the secret here, he has not finished exploring.

It's like a good book, how can you burn it if you haven't finished it?

"Is that so? Then keep it for now." The longevity nodded slightly and asked again, "What were you touching just now?"

"I'm exploring the secrets of the world, and I'm curious how a real object travels in a virtual setting."

"You're so stupid, have you ever heard the question, the heartbeat and the flag moving?" The longevity reminded.


Wen Rensheng nodded.

Yeah, as long as the person doesn't move, just have all the simulations move around the person.

It is equivalent to passing data into people's five senses. People think that their position has changed, but that is only a change in relative position. In fact, people have stayed in place.

This is easy to understand, just like when playing a VR game, it seems that your character moves in the scene, but the surrounding scenery changes according to your character coordinates, and you have been moving in that few square meters.

This game simulator also refers to this point, but it simulates an order of magnitude higher, which is far from what a VR game can compare.

In fact, he can realize this after a while, but he still accepts the other party's kindness.

"Humph." The longevity disappeared immediately.

Wen Rensheng frowned slightly, this guy appeared and disappeared inexplicably.

He doesn't think that the other party is here to destroy this wasteland.

Well, it should be to express dissatisfaction with my long-term expectation here, no one likes people around me to stay in the mine...

He continued to **** with his eyes closed.

I don't know how long it took before he opened his eyes.

It's just a pity that the Mysterious Seed has no explosion prompt, it seems that these secrets can't satisfy its appetite.

Unless you can dig deeper.

He swept the surroundings, it's been a long time here, it's time to change place.

Thinking of this, when he thought about it, he left the puppet body and returned to the study at home.

As soon as I got home, I heard a burst of chirping singing and the instigation of several people.

"Good singing, Huanhuan is awesome, another one!"

"One, two, three, four, five, go up the mountain to hit the tiger, the tiger is not at home, and the little squirrel is hit, how many squirrels there are, let me count..." This was Xiao Huan's voice.

This is also called awesome?

Wen Rensheng sighed, making him a headache.

Educating children not to brag blindly.

They all feel that boasting is good, but the child forgets the reality and cannot bear the frustration of failure.

He looked up and saw a group of people surrounded by a group of birds in the living room, listening to the song.

Among the birds, there were turtledoves, magpies, and swallows... all surrounded by a lark.

Uh, needless to say, the other birds are Xiao Huan's new friends.

She just likes fun guys.

Not to mention, the lead singer is not very good, and the accompaniment is still in tune.

After the song was over, everyone clapped their hands and ate.

Some threw away millet, some threw shrimp, some threw mealworms, and the birds took what they needed and enjoyed it.

The lark in the middle of the home court is aimed at a pig's trotter with a big peck and a unique style.

There are parents, Lao Wu, and the women in the family. No matter how smart and capable they are, now they are all domesticated by Xiao Huan...

He listened to songs that were out of tune, and still had fun, and he was also responsible for feeding.

What a happy scene.

You must never let it go away.

Wen Rensheng thought to himself.

However, at this moment, a somewhat familiar voice whispered in his ear.

"Yeah, what a happy scene. Why can you do this, but the person just now can only die with his lover? All he asks is the most humble wish."

"That's because he is too weak, no, too confused." Wen Rensheng replied.

The real reason, of course, he knew.

But can't tell.

"No, not at all. Because he has met Chaos Omniscient, when he is attached to the other party, the tragedy is doomed. Unless you dare to reveal the true face of Chaos, this kind of thing will continue to appear. ." said the voice.

"If you uncover it, the whole world will collapse and be destroyed. Is this the result you want?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

"If you dare not face it, this day will come sooner or later, you know, no matter how strong you become, if you dare not face it, everything will end, the happiness you see now, what you have Everything will disappear." The voice replied.

"But, do you really know what kind of opponent you are facing?" Wen Rensheng frowned.

"Of course, he is stupid, ignorant, chaotic, and keeps his eyes closed. Remember the previous Longhan script? You are playing a similar role there, and when you open your eyes, everything disappears. Likewise, if He opens his eyes and everything will be destroyed."

"Since you know this, do you know the answer to make him close his eyes forever?"

"Of course, start sleeping now, and I'll take you to a place where all your problems are solved."

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