Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1681: cosplay

"Ah, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh, hungry, hungry, hungry..."

The stadium has now been turned into a concert venue.

The singer is naturally a freshly baked giant Ultraman.

The audience applauded and moved to tears.

Everyone said that this song is a once-in-a-lifetime sound, which is indescribable in mortal vocabulary.

"This song should only exist in the sky, not in the world."

"Heaven and man are qualified to listen, we really don't have this qualification."

"God, your divine voice should not be heard by ordinary people."

The giant Ultraman was obviously very intoxicated.

Wen Rensheng has only one feeling now:

Regret, in short, very sorry.

Xiao Huan shouldn't be turned into a lark. She wanted to discover her singing talent, but she released the devil.

And there's a bunch of unintentional ones.

The family praised her because they loved her, and the people praised here because they were afraid.

After regretting it, I looked at the sky above the stadium again, and the gray-black aura entrenched on it dissipated even faster.

What is this called?

Is this breathwork?

No, this is prophecy.

Because of Xiao Huan's incongruous behavior, Chaos Omniscient retreated, or it ignored it, because there was only a group of out-of-tune people here, and there was no threat.

At this time, the middle-aged man, the doomsday prophet on the host stage, was also pleasantly surprised: "I saw it, I saw it, the world has hope, and the dawn has appeared!"

"It seems to work." Just as Shan Zifan was about to make a call, he found that the director Luo Jinlong was already sitting beside him, staring at Ultraman.

"I didn't expect the things in the inner world to be so terrifying after they came out. If we can use it, can't we unify this world?" Luo Jinlong muttered to himself, not at all afraid of what others would hear.

"Then how to use it?" Shan Zifan continued.

"It's very simple, you told this monster in the past, just say, as long as we rule the world, we can hold a sports meeting ten times, no, a hundred times, no, a thousand times bigger than this!" Luo Jinlong is confident! road.

Wen Rensheng nodded slightly, as expected, he was a person.

It is meaningless to see Ultraman's phantom character so quickly, ruling the world, but if it can be exchanged for such a big lively scene, it will definitely help these people.

"But the current scale is 150,000 people, 1,000 times that is 150 million people, can it be done?" Shan Zifan said in shock.

"It can be done. One person occupies 1 square meter. 150 million square meters is only 150 square kilometers. This is only the size of a large city. Adding auxiliary facilities, 500 square kilometers is enough." Luo Jinlong Indifferently said, "You can rule the world, can't you get this investment?"

"That's right, but will there be any hidden dangers?" Shan Zifan was still a little worried.

Using the power of the inner world to rule the outer world, will it cause chaos?

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized a terrible fact: they listened to the prophecy man, in order to prevent the destruction of the world, they held lively large-scale activities, and finally summoned unknown giants.

However, this unknown giant itself has the ability to destroy the world.

I see.

They prevent the prophecy from coming true, just so that the prophecy can happen in reality.

If they didn't believe it, if they didn't do anything, the beast would not come, and there would be no possibility of destroying the world.

"Hidden danger? How long can you live? Your life is only fifty years. If you don't do an earth-shattering career, you won't be reconciled to death." Luo Jinlong's face flashed a trace of enthusiasm.

Shan Zifan's heart is awe-inspiring, it seems that the career of a son-in-law who has come to the door for many years has made the boss's mind distorted and desperately longs for a position of power.

"Well, then I'll go and communicate with it."

Shan Zifan said, and then wanted to wait for Ultraman to finish singing.

You can't just interrupt, right?

Politely and impolitely say otherwise, angering the other party can really kill the world.

He never expected, wait and wait, from noon to evening, from evening to noon, it has never ended.

Just when he wanted to ask Wen Rensheng for advice, he found that the other party had left unknowingly.


Where is Wen Rensheng at this time?

He's in the library, he's reading a book: "21 Days for a Drama Actor".

After watching it, he generally understood.

Different from film and television, drama is dominated by actors. Actors must play the role well, enter the world of the role, and then reflect the world of the role, move the audience, and convey the feelings of the role to the audience.

For example, the famous "Tea House" and "Thunderstorm" in the previous life, through simple scenes, complex characters, and profound and powerful lines, show the background of the times and the changes of the times, which greatly touched people.

Fourth Master Chang, who only asked for the word "li" in his life, came alive in people's hearts by relying on the sentence "Pills of the Great Qing Dynasty!"

After watching the elementary course, he watched the intermediate level, advanced level, and disguised his identity to go to various drama clubs to observe and even practice.

He has seen a lot of powerful names.

It's a pity that in this world, drama is not so popular anymore. People like to eat fast food just like their previous lives.

This is no wonder anyone, after all, the tense pace of life makes it difficult for people to calm down and enjoy those profound dramas.

From these people, he learned a lot.

"If you want to play a person well, you have to become that person, starting with any little habit, including how he thinks, how he acts, what does he think when you see a beggar, see When he becomes a rich man, what does he think..." An old celebrity patiently taught Wen Rensheng.

He wants to teach all the skills of his life to the young people in front of him.

There are very few young people who are willing to learn this kung fu.

After Wenren finished his studies, he used it now, and acted as a XX commissioner, telling the other party that he had won a prize online.

Then he called 5 million to the other party's account.

The old famous actor thought he was a liar at first, but when he saw the news on the mobile phone text message that the money had arrived, he sighed and breathed happily.

Wen Rensheng had no choice but to run over to save him.

This must be due to the fact that his acting skills are too Alas, this bonus is too high, and it is not a good thing.

Obviously, the old celebrity can resist this surprise. After all, five million is only enough for his old man to pay off two-thirds of his children's mortgage.

But Wen Rensheng's performance was too contagious, and the joy of the old famous actor was magnified to the extreme, which made him happy and sad.

After a small episode, he went to play all kinds of people and so on.

Half a year later, he read the news and found that the world suddenly formed a consortium, all forces, large and small, all formed an alliance, and three executive officers jointly held the power of the alliance, namely military, technology, and civil affairs. .

Needless to say, some careerists took advantage of Xiao Huan's power.

He knew from memory that although this world had a bit of mysterious power, it was limited to the level of orthodox martial arts in the previous life. It could attract some surprises and horrors, but it was impossible to shake the main force.

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