Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1684: sell

Wen Rensheng thought about it, walked over to the little panda, and put down an alarm clock.

Of course he wasn't the kind of guy who was looking for trouble.

He has his own intentions.

Five minutes later, the alarm clock rang deafeningly.

"What's the matter? Is Ghroth here?" The little panda suddenly turned over in confusion, rubbed his eyes, and then said ignorantly, "What did I just say?"

Wen Rensheng is someone who is looking for trouble.

He had known before that when Akhandeb degenerated, he left behind.

It is always vigilant against chaotic things, so much so that it has clearly degenerated into a red panda. In its sleep, when it hears the alarm clock, it also thinks of the most worrying thing.

"You didn't say anything, but I want to tell you that you can overcome fear by facing your fear. When you choose to escape, you can be at ease for a while, but sooner or later you will usher in the most tragic results. For ordinary people, there is also the happiness of death. But for you, there will never be such a happy ending." Wen Rensheng said with an inscrutable expression.

In this style, he can give himself 100%, and the full score is 10%.

The little panda looked puzzled: "What are you talking about, I don't understand at all, I'm going to find Wu Mama to hug."

Saying that, it grabbed the round panda hip and staggered towards the backyard.

Can't understand?

The acting skills are deep enough.

Unexpectedly, Ahhandeb, you thick-eyed and big-eyed guy found a way out for yourself early.

These source spirits are really not to be underestimated. They have lived long enough to understand what their real threat is and how to deal with them.

Whether it’s effective or not, depends on each person’s creation.

However, the little panda didn't take two steps, Xiao Huan, who had a braid in the sky, suddenly appeared from the soil behind it, grabbed it, and dragged it away.

"Hey, Huanhuan, what are you doing?" the little panda shouted, "Help, someone has caught the panda!"

The family ran out one after another, and when they saw that it was Xiao Huan, they ran back one after another.

"I suddenly remembered that you are very suitable to be my great protector. Didn't you have a thousand eyes, a thousand heads, and a thousand tentacles before?" Xiao Huan said proudly, "Now follow me. McCann, be a guardian boy."

"What kind of cheese? I don't know, all I know is that McCann is not suitable for our pandas to survive. There is no bamboo to eat there." The little panda screamed, and then turned his eyes to Wen Rensheng for help.


This is the price of escape.

When you choose to live by tricks, you have to bear the corresponding price.

How could Xiao Huan drag him backwards like this before.

Wen Rensheng just clapped his hands and gave Xiao Huan a thumbs up: "It really is blue and green, you already thought of going ahead of me."

"No, after I got there, I remembered that I still need a few helpers. This guy is the most suitable." Xiao Huan was righteous.

"I'm not suitable at all. Look at how cute I am. Do you have the heart to let me live in the ruins?"

"Why can't you bear it? I'm not your mother." Xiao Huan choked the little panda to death.

After dragging for a while, one person and one bear got into the soil and disappeared.

Wen Rensheng looked in the direction he left...


"Come here and take a look. The statue of Kelulu is on sale for only one dollar. For one dollar, you can't afford to buy it, you can't be fooled, but you can buy yourself a dream!"

A panda shook its loudspeaker relentlessly and acted as a salesman in front of a store.

"The Kelulu statue is purely handcrafted, with the spirit of a craftsman of 200 million years. After buying it home, it can exorcise evil and avoid evil, not afraid of being haunted by evil spirits, not afraid of falling into hell, and ascending to heaven after death..."

And on the curtain at the entrance of the store, there are a string of unique octopus head statues, and if you look closely, they look a bit like Xiaohuan.

This shop is located in a large settlement, can deal with the most ferocious mutant beasts, and can exist stably for a long time.

Of course, the conditions for staying here are also very harsh, ten times more difficult than Wen Rensheng's previous Kyoto household registration.

First of all, you must have professional ability, secondly, you must have enough savings, and finally you must dare to work hard. The purpose of this settlement is to search for all kinds of miracles.

When necessary, residents will be organized to fight together, and those who dare not go all out should go home and wait for death.

Passersby walked in a hurry, often like a gust of wind.

Most of them dismissed the propaganda of the store on the roadside.

As soon as you hear it, it is a trick to fool people. There are too many things in the wasteland of the last days. This believer and that believer have only one purpose: to fool your life, your money, and your seeds into their hands.

But having said that, there are always too many people who are too curious.

The two girls with tired faces approached the store with a hint of curiosity, ignoring the advice of an old man next to them.

"Yeah, it's a real panda!" Girl a said in surprise to the panda at the door of the store.

"Really? Let me pinch it. I looked outside and thought it was a high imitation panda puppet." Girl B followed and pinched the panda.

"I'm sorry, two ladies, the goods in this store are not allowed to be touched without purchase." A turtle crawled out and said quickly.

It is one of the four scumbags, the pioneer source spirit called by Xiaohuan into a coolie, and it was once the first batch to come to the earth.

"Oh, oh, did you say it's all one dollar here? Then I'll come with two. I didn't expect you to still accept old currency." Girl B immediately took out five dollars.

The two were not surprised that the tortoise could speak and be a store clerk.

"I'll give you change." The tortoise took the change and took off the two octopus head statues from the door curtain.

"No need, the rest is your tip." Girl B said generously.

These old coins are not used at all. They only have some collection value. The value of small amounts is very low, and only large amounts are eligible to be used as papyrus.

Suddenly, the girl a winked.

The girl B immediately realized, yes, the old currency is actually collected here, even if it can only be used to buy such a small statue, it is still useful...

"Hello, respectful Mr. Turtle, you don't sell this kind of grams here..."

"The statue of Klulu." Turtle added.

"Besides the statue, do you sell anything else?" Girl B said, looking at the store.

However, it was gray and black inside, and nothing could be seen, and it seemed to be covered in a layer of water mist.

"The rest of the things, only after buying the Kelulu statue, go home and have a dream before you can continue to buy it." Turtle said with a smile.

"Oh, I see."

The two girls left in a hurry. They wanted to quickly hoard a sum of old currency and come here to scan the goods while others were dismissive.

No matter what it is, as long as it is not evil or waste paper, it is better than the old currency.

It was just the next when two girls rushed to the panda store with dark circles on their faces, they found that there was already a long queue.

"Hello, your one dollar fried chicken."

"You, hello, your five dollar cucumber."

"Three dollar bread."

The girls a and b were stunned. Why did so many people come in just one day?

Didn't they still care yesterday?

"You are so stupid. There are many people who follow this store. Only you became the first free tester. Seeing that you are all right, these people came to grab it in advance." An old woman said kindly.


The two girls had no choice but to line up.


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