Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1686: go back

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"Oh, last night, all my people were taken away, what should I do now?" Xiao Huan grabbed Wen Rensheng who had just woken up and shook it back and forth.

"Isn't that a trivial matter?" Wen Rensheng rubbed his head.

Today he felt that a page was suddenly missing from his memory. Although it was not very important, it was what he saw with his own eyes.

Extraordinary memory is passive, with the bonus of the upper limit of mystery itself, which is 445.75 times, so his brain generally does not forget anything.

It's weird.


"It's a big matter, please help me find a way." Xiao Huan said dissatisfied.

"Oh, think about it. As Ke... Lulu, what should you do at this time?"

"Oh, I should, I should, don't care about anything?" Xiao Huan really put a lot of effort into answering right away.

"Smart." Wen Rensheng said with relief, "Then you can do it."

"I don't care about anything, I always feel that I'm not very good, but I just opened the market." Xiao Huan scratched his head.

"Sometimes, the more you don't care, the more you can prove your majesty." Wen Rensheng reassured.

"Listen to you, it's not me who is unlucky anyway." Xiao Huan muttered and left.

Wen Rensheng shook his head, the trouble Xiao Huan encountered was indeed too small to be trivial. Compared with the missing page of his memory, it was completely the difficulty level of common math application problems for elementary school students.

In fact, he had already vaguely guessed how the memory was missing.

Except for the essence hidden in the chaotic omniscience, who can take away his own memory so quietly?

Even if it is the most powerful Principal of Calamity, it is impossible for it to cross two worlds, under the protection of the mysterious seed, to do this, without allowing itself to notice and resist.

As for why it is missing, I am afraid that the factor is related to the principal of the tower. It is using this method to prove the existence of that thing to itself.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath.

This is an unprecedented enemy.

Take a sentence from the past life, it is not a dimensional existence.

Can you defeat Him yourself?

No matter how perfect you are, it is difficult to beat your opponent here.

So, is it useless to you here?

No, it works.

This is my own world.

The principal of the tower reminded himself that low dimensions can also affect high dimensions.

Wen Rensheng took a deep breath.

It's hard, very hard, but also fun, fun.

He glanced out the window.

Outside, the fragrance of flowers is pleasant, and the green bamboo is swaying.

The breeze was blowing gently, and laughter could be heard in the distance.

It is a place of tranquility, happiness and peace.

It's enough to appeal to anyone with a weary mind.


Wenren stood up, and with a thought, he was already on the street.

He hadn't visited his own world for a long time.

On the street, people come and go, all with smiles on their faces, carrying large and small bags in their hands.

"Come and see, there is a new product! Across the ocean, the newly-baked mutant beast, the kind that will help you with housework!"

"Be well-behaved and obedient, and understand Chinese."

The cry of a cute pet shop quickly attracted him.

Looking up, at the corner of the street, a naive little panda is being sold in a cage at the door of the store, with a look of hopelessness...

This, was arrested last night, and sold to me this morning?

Sure enough, the power of money is everywhere.

He stepped forward.

At this time, there were many people around the cage.

"Boss, you are selling rare animals, do you understand?" someone reminded.

"What kind of rare animal is it? It's a mutant beast. Do you know the mutant? The inspector doesn't care, as long as it's not harmful, it can be sold. I've done a quick identification, and it's absolutely harmless, even an 8-year-old child. I can't beat it." The shop owner said poignantly.


"Show you the appraisal certificate." The shop owner unfolded a green certificate.

Everyone looked at it and saw that it read: "There is a McCann mutant bear today. It has been identified as a mutant of an ordinary animal. It does not have the real DNA and essential characteristics of the panda. It is speculated that it wants to use the reputation and image of the panda to come Increase your chances of survival..."

"It turns out to be true, so how do you sell this?"

"30 million." The store owner said directly.

"It's so high, then you might as well go grab it!" The buyers shook their heads one after another.

"Well, it can't be so expensive. 30 million, do you know what the number is? You can buy several houses in the Jiuxing District."

"Look what you said, am I just robbing?" the shopkeeper said proudly.

The little panda looked listless, and suddenly it came alive because it saw Wen Rensheng appearing among the crowd.

"Woooo." It waved at Wen Rensheng, if it weren't for the crowd now, it would have called out long ago.

However, Wen Rensheng was just like an ordinary passer-by, just watching the fun without doing anything.

The red panda was disappointed and sat there downcast.

No one cares about it.

"I paid 30 million, and I bought it." A very old man said suddenly.

"30 million, really rich." Someone envied.

"Uh, yes, only our currency in Dongzhou can still be used, and the currency in other places has long been exchanged for gold, silver and copper."

After the old man made the transfer, he took the red panda home.

Wen Rensheng was a little curious and followed his gaze.

The old man's home is a villa, located halfway up the mountain, and there are many drawing boards in the yard.

It turned out to be a senior painter.

"Ah, the great Klulu's messenger, please forgive me for saving you so late." The old man looked pious.

Wen Rensheng was not surprised. With Xiao Huan's temperament, it was impossible to act as a thing without using the people around him.

"Oh, thank you, at least you saved me." The little panda finally recovered.

It thought, it seems that Huanhuan still hasn't forgotten me.

It's really good to be a panda.

The old man then released it from the cage, and then sent the freshest bamboo.

Of course he didn't know that this panda didn't eat bamboo, and his favorite food was stewed winter melon with ribs.

Well, the ribs are going to be on the front.

However, the red panda had to reluctantly eat a few sticks in order to act like it.

"Great messenger, what are we going to do now? Send you back to the land of the gospel?" the old painter asked piously.

"No, no..." Little Panda waved his hand quickly, "Wait here first."

"Understood, I have to wait for Lord Kelulu's call." The old painter took the initiative to make up a reason for it.

"That's The little panda went down the steps.

Anyway, it is not willing to go back to work as a coolie.

Hang around here for a few days, it's best to hang around until Huanhuan forgets herself.

However, the next moment, Xiao Huan's voice appeared.

"Old Wen is right, don't care about anything, the matter will be resolved by yourself, sigh, Jiang is still old and hot. Little panda, you hurry to the wasteland and continue to work for me."

"Ah! I don't listen, I don't listen." The little panda hugged his ears and looked like he was stealing the bell.

"If you don't listen, then I'll change you back to your original state and make you still a little octopus." Xiao Huan threatened.

"Hmph, just go."

The little panda was caught as a coolie again.

From start to finish, only its injury situation was formed.

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