Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1694: 1 other world

Mao Qiu and Lu Zhi hid, and took a closer look at the tree man flying in the air.

Another person is watching this scene.

Of course it was Wen Rensheng.

In fact, when the tree man first appeared, his eyes were projected.

The Mysterious Seed did not give any information about the Treant.

This itself is to show that the origin of this tree person is unusual.

To know everyone in this city, he knows it.

Could it be that "it" is the essence of chaotic omniscience.

Unexpectedly, Lu Zhi's messing around can lead to such a big surprise.

This **** is not played white.

He looked carefully.

More than two hours later, the tree man flying in the air swayed and landed on a playground.

However, the playground was obviously just a threshing ground before.

It evolved automatically when the tree man fell.

This made Wen Rensheng thoughtful.

Then I saw the tree man looking around for something.

The trajectory of action is very strange, it is the kind of head-covered bumping.

Then I saw the tree man, his hands were messing with something, and he muttered to himself: "Suffocated to death, put down the water."

While speaking, he dubbed himself: "Wah woah..."

Just didn't have any water coming out.

Wen Rensheng already understood what the other party was doing.

It's just that he is still a little unsure, where did the other party come from?

Time passes gradually.

Wen Rensheng never thought that he would watch another man release water for so long...

This is a proper black history, and it should disappear like before.

Well, it will definitely disappear.

He has this confidence.

I don't know how long it took, the tree man felt that something was wrong, and he started to speak again: "Why is it more uncomfortable to put so much water in it?"

"Oh, I remembered, I'm dreaming now, I knew it just now..."

The tree man started pinching his big legs with his hands.

However to no avail.

Wen Rensheng just looked at each other quietly.

After another period of time, the tree man turned into a ball of light and was about to disappear from the city.

Wen Rensheng immediately projected a thought.


"Luo Yan, wake up, sleep from noon to night, do you still want to perform?" A woman's scolding voice sounded.

Luo Yan opened his eyes from the sofa, wiped his saliva, and then ignored it, ran out of the office, and rushed to the bathroom.

"Crash" can be regarded as a real water release.

Five minutes later, the wind was light.

As a senior member of Haicheng's second detective team, Luo Yan is back.

"Okay, Meizi, what's the matter?" he asked the woman who was chasing after him.

The woman was in her thirties, with a melon-seeded face, willow-leaf eyebrows, fair skin, and the corners of her mouth were raised, looking very angry.

"This month's task is out. We have to solve the case five times, or get 300 tons of material rewards." Meizi said angrily.

"Oh, it's only 300 tons, which is 10% lower than the same period in previous years. That's a good thing. Then you're still rushing." Luo Yan took out a mirror and began to comb his handsome face.

For some reason, he suddenly saw another face in the middle of the mirror, slightly worse than him.

A closer look revealed that it was dazzling.

Appears to be sleepy.

"The reason for the decline is that Haicheng's population has decreased, everyone doesn't want to have children, and there is a population outflow, which is not good for us people." Mei Zi sighed.

"You're pretty lenient, it reminds me of a joke, eating sweet potato rice and worrying about the world." Luo Yan said disdainfully.

The two were bickering when a middle-aged man burst in.

"There is a new case in the foggy area, and I managed to grab it. The director handed it over to our second team, and I will deal with it immediately."

"Yes!" The two responded at the same time.


Half an hour later, Luo Yan and Meizi, as well as the captain of the second team, appeared in a foggy area.

There is fog all around.

Since Luo Yan walked into the fog, he felt that someone was always following him, but he didn't find anything.

how can that be?

He is a senior team member, and it is impossible not to find the stalker.

There is only one truth, that is, I think too much.

"The crime scene is right in front." The captain looked at his black watch and said.

After the three of them walked a few steps, the fog suddenly dissipated.

In front of you is a river.

There is a green grass by the river, and on the green grass, a giant view rushes up.

The corpse was so swollen that it was impossible to distinguish between men and women.

It can only be seen from the clothes he wears that he may be a male.

Before the three of them came, they put on masks, gloves, and isolation suits, and were fully armed.

Therefore, in the face of the foul-smelling giant concept, he can still keep his face unchanged.

"Look at your watch, the content of the case should come out," the captain said.

Luo Yan looked down at his black watch.

A line appeared on it: "Unknown male corpse, drowned, found the murderer, regular reward: 20 tons of unhulled wheat. Additional reward: three sunny days."

People need light, and without light for a long time, people will become weak and sick.

"Identify the corpse, look for clues, determine the identity of the deceased, and start work." The captain simply ordered.

The three immediately got busy.

Naturally, they didn't know that there was a gaze watching them.

The owner of that gaze is naturally Wen Rensheng.

He knew at first sight who the murderer was...

The murderer was the deceased himself.

Yes, this is suicide.

As for how he saw it, of course, it was based on rich experience, unparalleled wisdom, and a little hint from the mysterious seed.

Since he cast his eyes into this world, he found that the power of the mysterious seed was greatly reduced and could no longer support the increase in power.

But wherever he looked and what he saw, he could give some hints.

"The Unknown Dead: A poor **** who stumbled into the water, but perhaps it was his luck."

After the observation just now, he already knew the setting of this world.

Cities isolated by fog have extremely limited hardware resources such as sunlight, land, minerals, etc., and large-scale farming and breeding are not possible.

The source of their food, meat, and various industrial raw materials is the reward given by the mist.

Mist randomly has some cases every month.

The content of these cases are ordinary cases, without any extraordinary power.

But the appearance and reward of the case are clearly extraordinary.

Solve these cases, you can get food rewards.

So fighting over the number of cases is the key to each city's expansion and persistence.

If you can't grab the rival city, you can only accept the fate of decay.

These people do not have any extraordinary strength, but their skills and marksmanship are first-class, comparable to professional soldiers for more than ten years.

Just as Wen Rensheng was thinking, Luo Yan finally found a library card from somewhere in the body's pocket.

"Name, He Changliang, Haicheng University xxxx student, this is from our city." He said to the other two.

"Xxxx class? So he is a junior or a student?" Mei Zi frowned, "It's a pity to die at such a young age."

"Is the cause of death determined?" the captain asked directly.

"There are strangulation marks on the There is river sand in the depths of the nasal cavity. It must have fallen into the water before his death. It is suspected that he was strangled first, but he was not strangled to death, just unconscious, and then pushed into the water." Luo Yan then replied. road.

"Oh, okay, the two of us will go to Haicheng University to have a look first. Meizi, you call someone to collect the body and send it back for autopsy." The middle-aged man said to the two of them.

Meizi agreed directly, and then started to call.

The reason why they didn't call at the beginning was naturally because the forensic manpower was very tight, and the two had to face the work of more than a dozen teams.

It's best if things don't require a forensic presence.

As for why I don't train more forensic doctors, the reason is very simple. I have trained a lot, but they all jumped away and went to a better city...

This kind of high-caliber professionals is too popular, and small cities are blood-sucking lives.

There are only two family lovers left.


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