Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1698: leaf

After living in Shuren City for a few weeks, Luo Yan became a little bored.

Although the surface here looks relaxed and comfortable enough, but after a long stay, you will find that everyone is rolling.

Whose manure is more fragrant and takes up more manure, even the dung bull tree, dung king tree, and dung **** tree have appeared...

Whoever occupies more will grow taller, occupy more territory, and occupy more beautifully-dressed treewomen.

He never expected that a group of people who turned into trees could not let go of everything and live a good life.

Why can't I lie down and bask in the sun every day?

He didn't learn biology well, and he didn't know a common sense: plants are much more ruthless than people when they roll up...

There has always been only vines entangled with trees. How can there be trees entangled with vines since ancient times?

The vines can kill the tree.

The tree will also try to hide its leaves from any sunlight, preventing the growth of other plants under the tree.

Trees crush shrubs, bushes crush weeds, and weeds crush crops.

He completely underestimated the involution of plants.

He originally wanted to lie flat, but after he lay flat, he realized that lying flat among the flora, he couldn't even touch the fresh sunlight, only the afterglow of the setting sun.

What should I do?

Suddenly, an idea inexplicably popped into his mind: "The people here don't want to lie down, they can go up there to exchange things like myself. There are people up there who want to lie down."

This idea seemed to be stuffed in by someone, and it seemed to burst out by itself.

Luo Yan didn't care so much, more than half a year of hacking career has already greatly reduced his sensitivity to abnormalities.

This is the reason why many generals did not die in fierce battles, but died on patrol after victory.

In his city, there are many people who want to lie flat.

The reason is simple, the entire city relies on solving crimes to survive, and there are no redundant jobs.

However, the positions that can solve the case are also limited, because the number of black watches is limited, and a large number of people can only do some basic work, such as visiting clues and doing investigations.

Those who can do high-end jobs often choose to move to big cities, such as forensic medicine.

If one is cultivated, one will go away.

Some people say why it is so extreme, it is because big cities are also trying their best to poach people.

And small cities need the detectives in big cities. Faced with this kind of excavation, it is impossible to openly set up obstacles.

In the case of such a narrow upward channel, many people just count on one day.

Anyway, there are basic benefits in the city, which can keep people from starving to death.

The only question is, how to get those people down?

He tried his best to recall his situation.

It's like sleeping in the office, dreaming while sleeping, and entering this world in the dream.

Well, let other people dream too.


In Haicheng, where Luo Yan lives, dreaming has become popular for no reason.

Some people say that in a dream, you will enter a city of tree people, where all you think about every day is eating, drinking and having fun.

Don't worry about lifespan, because that kind of tree can grow indefinitely.

Some trees have lived for tens of thousands of years, and their final death is caused by natural or man-made disasters, not their own reasons.

This rumor is getting more and more popular.

Amazingly, the city management, did nothing like it didn't exist.

Soon someone said that he did it, he saw the city of his dreams.

But not so good.

It is said to be eating, drinking and having fun, but it is actually rolling.

Trees fight each other.

Of course, if you don't want to fight, it's okay, if you run to the edge, you will have to bear the attack of some wild beasts.

However, when facing the intelligent treant, the beast is sending minerals.

"In short, it's still much better than our city."

"The most important thing is not to wait for others to donate food, but to have food when you lie down and sleep."

"The most annoying thing is to rob the beasts' dung every Monday. Whoever wants to rob will be robbed. Anyway, I won't rob."

"If you grab the dung, you can grow taller, and if you grow taller, you can grab beautiful tree girls."

"It's delicious."

Luo Yan ushered in a large number of the same kind.

They gathered and occupied an area to the west.

The water, soil and light here are not good, the only good thing is that no one comes to **** it.

When they wake up every day, the more diligent ones wake up at ten o'clock, and the lazy ones wake up at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Anyway, as long as you fall asleep, you can bask in the sun. Those who get up early are all adjusting the angle of the leaves to make more and better use of the sun.

"Strange, we have become trees now, and we have lost our brains. What are we using to think?" Next to Luo Yan, a new tree man wondered.

"Of course you are thinking with your big roots, root neural network, have you heard of it?" An old tree man laughed.

The old tree man was a former Dongshui man who mixed in with the newcomers. He was very interested in these newcomers, so he migrated with them.

"Root neural network? I see." The new tree man forced himself to accept this.

Anyway, he didn't want to get to the bottom of it, as long as he had an answer.

"Stop talking, come on, let's play cards, leaf cards." Someone started to circle people.

"Playing cards, playing cards."

The trees said in their mouths, then stretched out their branches and started playing cards.

The leaf card they play is very simple, it is fighting the landlord, and whoever loses will throw some leaves.

Some people are so obsessed with it that they almost lose all their leaves.

Fortunately, don't be afraid of him dying and stop him.

As long as you see that kind of naked treant, you know it's an obsessive.

Luo Yan is also playing cards. He feels that this kind of life is very comfortable, and he no longer has the hard work of the past.

No one laughed at him, no one despised him.

Until one day, a tree woman found him.

"Luo Yan, I really didn't expect that you would escape from reality to the point of opening up a conscious world for yourself." The tree woman said with hatred.

"Judging from this tone, you are Meizi?" Luo Yan recognized it as soon as he heard it.

"It's me, you go out with me quickly."

"I'm not going to leave. It's so good here. People never have to worry about eating, and they don't have to worry about life and death. They eat, drink and have fun every day. How happy they are."

"But it's fake."

"True or false, is it that important? Isn't there a lot of hypocrisy outside? At least here, everyone's feelings are true. You see, that kid still owes me 5,000 leaves." Luo Yan pointed said a bald tree man.

"You are really crazy, do you know that after you left, many people fell into schizophrenia, their consciousness was replaced by others, and those people caused a lot of trouble in our city, because they don't know how to die Written. Wandering around in the mist every day, and if your bodies die, you will definitely die too." Meizi said a very serious question.

That's right, Luo Yan was startled, that's right, if his body died in reality, he would die in his dream too.

There is no doubt about it.

"Wait, you said that the person who replaced me is not afraid of death?" Luo Yan said solemnly.

"Sure, your personality is the most tossing. You don't toss everyone until you are exhausted every day. There are so many tricks. Either let everyone do some kind of tower competition, or let everyone compete to see who can go the farthest into the fog."

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