Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1706: name

"Who assassinated you?" Wen Rensheng asked directly.

He didn't ask why he was assassinated. There are too many internal intrigues in such a large group.

It's just that he can make a fuss to the point of sniping, and he can still see the world, which is relatively relaxed.

Probably similar to a weakened version of McCann policing.

"It's my biological mother."


"You're not surprised at all."

"Not surprised."

Qian Shaokun was stunned. This Wang Wenzhao was obviously just a student. Well, that's what the data said, but he looked a little anxious.

"Why aren't you surprised?"

"I like to read history."

"Yes." Qian Shaokun suddenly realized, "You really don't look like a student. You are famous in the dream world, and everyone thinks you are from which Chuanwu family."

"Actually, I just like to watch martial arts." Wen Rensheng shared some information about Wang Wenzhao.

On the other side's desk was a pile of martial arts with greasy wrappers.

"Okay, can you help me with this? I can give you another 10 million."

He didn't say hundreds of millions of words to the other party.

Not necessary.

Give too much, and the other party can't bear it.

"Your mother wanted to kill you because of the right of inheritance, right? Your father should be the son-in-law, but your grandfather is actually your grandfather." Wen Rensheng continued.

"That's right. It's ridiculous, she's in her fifties, how long can she stay in power? Not for another son."

"Oh, the solution to this problem is very simple, let her and her son enter the dream world." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

Qian Shaokun was stunned. He entered the dream world to escape the cruel reality, but he never thought that the dream world was the solution to the problem.

"If they don't want to enter?"

"Then you help them get in."

"Understood." Qian Shaokun nodded, "You really don't look like a student."

"I'm really only eighteen."

"Okay, I'll take it as you look too anxious."

Wen Rensheng didn't care about the rest.

When he went back to school, he met the old man from the Wang family who was looking for him angrily.

He shoved the test-exempt admission notice into the other side's arms, and the other side had nothing to say.

Then he picked up the walkie-talkie and said in surprise, "Da Qiang, my son has passed the xx."

"Okay, your joke is even scarier than hearing alien invasion."

"Go! Go to **** hotel for dinner tonight."

"Oh, it turns out to be true. You must be reluctant to spend this money on fake news."

Alien invasion?

Wen Rensheng's ears keenly caught this information.

He suddenly had an intuition that this second world might not be the core of Chaos Omniscience.

Quite simply because he heard the words "alien invasion".

The theme of the previous world was the misty detective, and this world may be "alien".

There should be no aliens in the real world, only suspected ones.


Three months have passed.

The identity of Wang Wenzhao used by Wen Rensheng has been taking classes at **** University for more than two months.

"Students, in the study of narcolepsy, our scientific community has discovered a new major threat: that is aliens." A gray-haired old man preached to the crowd.

"Professor, isn't that true? Are you telling a story?" The students suddenly burst into an uproar.

"No, I'm not telling a story. Scientists hate one thing the most, and if they can't explain anything, they push it to aliens. But the scary thing is that the root cause of narcolepsy is probably aliens."

Hearing this, Wen Rensheng couldn't help laughing. To these people, he was an alien.

"Teacher, do you have any basis for saying this?"

"Of course, some people with narcolepsy have gradually woken up recently, and some people have said some things, all of which are about another world, which is obviously not something that our planet can be born with, so it can only come from aliens. "The professor said firmly.

"What?" Everyone was very curious.

"Martial arts." The old professor shook his head and said, "This is obviously not in line with the existing scientific system and can only come from another planet."

At this moment, suddenly, a student turned to look at the door of the classroom.

It turned out that there were four people standing there, all dressed in white suits, very capable.

Wen Rensheng recognized that they were the people of the world's upper management organization: the Global Major Affairs Council.

In the past few months, he has not been a scumbag.

"Hello, Professor Feng, please visit Wang Wenzhao with us."

"Why take my students?" The old professor walked out and looked directly at the four of them.

"That's not your business."

"If you want to take my students, please take me too."

Wen Rensheng was still a little moved, but the next sentence revealed the professor's purpose: "I'm getting old, and I'm about to go into the earth, and I want to see another world, but unfortunately, I can't enter that dream with my brain for so many years. the world in."

"Okay, it's good to have one more person to associate with." The leader of the white suit said.

Suddenly, several male classmates also enthusiastically said: "We are Wang Wenzhao's dormitory, take us there."

The leader looked at these ignorant and bold fellows with pity.

Do they really know what they are doing?

But Wen Rensheng would not laugh at them.

It is because of these daring people that mankind can move forward at a huge price through trial and error, although these people often become the price.

"Then you come too."

A day later, Wen Rensheng, the old professor, and four male classmates all came to a secret research base.

Unexpectedly, however, they were not studying narcolepsy, but real aliens.

A photo is placed in front of the crowd.

Above is a dark starry background with only a few bright spots.

"The three positions of a, b, and d are all stars that have been observed. However, the bright spot at position c, the time of its appearance, happens to be the time when the collective narcolepsy is popular on our planet." said a white coat.

"Have you never heard of it before?" a male classmate asked boldly.

"It has been confirmed before, and only recently has the time of its appearance been confirmed. Its many characteristics are not the same as a star. On the contrary, it is very consistent with the characteristics of a man-made object, both in terms of spectrum and movement trajectory." The white coat looked at him and said.

"Then call us here, how can we help?"

"Well, we need a group of people to come into contact with it, and these people need to be related to narcolepsy, maybe they can know the purpose of this highlight." The white coat said seriously.

"Great, I'll go, I'm going to be the first person to come into contact with aliens." The male classmate said excitedly.

Wen Rensheng gave the other a thumbs up.

Although the other party may die, in other words, who will not die in this world?

At least this male classmate will leave his name.

"Okay, your name?" Someone finally asked his name.

Even in the most brutal slave society, the king did not hesitate to record the names of the warriors.

"My name is Galbo."

"What's the origin of this name? We're going to write it on so that we can tell it to aliens."

"My father was reading some books at the time, so he gave me that name."

"What book, do you remember?"

"My father didn't say it, and I didn't ask later."

The white coat specially wrote it down, and then said to the four white suits, "Go check it out."

The four of them left without asking why.

Wen Rensheng was stunned, and looked at the male classmate carefully.

The other party has a normal appearance, but his eyes are bright.

If he guessed correctly, the other's father should have watched "Steel" and "Haiyan".

However, these two books are absolutely impossible to appear in this world.


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