Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1710: sheep man

Wen Rensheng silently watched Qian Shaokun and the five explore around while he was preparing the spaceship.

Everyone has no opinion.

After all, they don't know about spaceships either. If someone who knows is tossing around with transportation, let the other party fix it.

The exploration has yielded great results.

Three hours later, Qian Shaokun and four boys came over with a singing sheep.

"Actually, I'm just a sheep. Don't look at me with a flying flower on my head. I just want to eat, drink, and sleep until dawn every day."

The sheep was naive, walked upright, was not afraid of being caught by five people, and was still singing there.

Wen Rensheng thought for the first time that he was possessed by a phantom.

A closer look reveals that it is not.

"It's so strange here. A sheep can talk, walk, and sing like a human. I almost thought I had entered the world of cartoons." Qian Shaokun said in surprise.

"Hey, let me go quickly, otherwise, Cong Yangyang will come to save me, and you will all be out of luck." Sheep stopped singing after seeing Wen Rensheng and the spaceship.

"Don't worry, we are all good people." Wen Rensheng said amiably.

It's a pity that Gao Erbao, who was holding the sheep's horn, and the boy who carried the sheep's hoof, made his words less credible.

"A good guy? Do you have anything to eat? I want chicken legs and hamburgers." Sheep said with big round eyes.

"You're a sheep, are there any fresh weeds here for you to eat?" Wen Rensheng pulled a handful of grass from the ground.

"Cut, I don't eat grass, that thing is bitter and astringent, only wolves can eat it." Sheep said with disgust.

"Well, it looks like you have a companion."

"Yeah, behind me is the powerful Sheep Village and Wolf Village, you outsiders, don't bully me." Sheep said proudly.

"By the way, what's your name?" Wen Rensheng asked.

Wouldn't it be lazy?


"My name is Kuai Yangyang, where are you from? What are your names?" Sheep asked curiously.

"Put it down." Wen Rensheng instructed everyone, and then introduced himself.

"Earth? How far is it? We are sheep people, there are only sheep and wolves, but wolves will never be able to eat sheep, only grass." Kuai Yangyang said in surprise.

After some friendly exchanges, everyone found that they were hungry, and they all looked at Kuai Yangyang with malicious eyes.

Fortunately, everyone is a quality person, and they can't do the act of stewing sheep in a big pot for a while.

"Where do you usually get food?"

"We have a chicken farm, which is run by the chicken star people. They keep chickens that don't speak. Other guys say that eating chickens is cruel every day, but when I eat chicken legs, I can't grab them. ." Kuaiyang said depressedly.

"Where do you live, how far is it from here, can you take us there?" Wen Rensheng asked again.

"Okay, you can go together."

At this time, Qian Shaokun took Wen Rensheng aside and asked in a low voice, "Is it also parasitized?"

"Well, let's take a look."

Then several people worked together to lift the sheep into the MRI machine and did a brain MRI.

After checking, Wen Rensheng shook his head: "It has not been parasitized, and the brain is very clean."

"You don't seem to be a medical student or a biology major? Oh, by the way, you should have learned it in the dream world." Qian Shaokun added to himself.

Even medical students, and biology majors, don't know what a sheep's brain is supposed to be like.

Wen Rensheng thought so.

He could see that it was just a comparison with the magnetic resonance image of the old professor's brain.

"Well, it's useless to stay here, let's go and see that sheep village."


More than two hours later, everyone carried Kuai Yangyang to a manor surrounded by high fences.

In fact, everyone didn't want to carry it this time, but Kuai Yangyang only walked for five minutes and didn't move.

"Okay, this is our sheep village, I'll call the door." Kuai Yangyang rolled over, broke free from the crowd, and ran to the gate.

Half an hour later, they saw hundreds of sheepmen.

They all looked at the crowd with curious eyes, and brought out the best wine and chicken leg feast to entertain the crowd.

Sheep eat grass, and sheep people eat meat.

It should be said that only by eating meat can one become a sheepman, and only relying on grass alone cannot produce wisdom.

"Most of them don't seem to know anything," Qian Shaokun said to Wen Rensheng after some exchange.

"They don't have books and ink. They should have raised too many algebras in captivity and have forgotten the origin of their ancestors. We are the first batch. If we stay here for a long time, the descendants will also forget." Wen Rensheng speculated.

After the banquet, the old village chief of Yangren Village invited Wen Rensheng and Qian Shaokun into a single courtyard.

"You were all caught by the devil, right?" The old village chief said straight to the point.

"Well, it seems that you still remember your origin." Wen Rensheng nodded.

"Yes, each generation of village chiefs has to keep this secret until the next one." The old village chief sighed.

"What if there is an accident?" Qian Shaokun asked curiously.

"To take office, the village chief needs to go to a spring to soak for three days and three nights. Under the spring, the origins of the ancestors are recorded." The old village chief did not hide anything.

"How did the devil eat you?"

"We hold a meeting of the smartest sheep on a regular basis, and the winners will be eaten. In the past, the old sheep won, but this time, it may be the young sheep, and the smart sheep won. I hope to ask you one thing, think The way to defeat Cong Yangyang and let him retreat." The old village chief said expectantly.

"Doesn't this offend those demons?" Qian Shaokun wanted to refuse.

Although the other party entertained him, it was not enough for him to fight with his life.

"Don't worry, the demons won't care about so many things, they only care about whether there is food at that time. Just like when we ate chicken just now, we would never care which chicken escaped this round of banquet, let alone put it away. Catch it out and eat it again." The old village chief said wisely.

"Have you never thought about resisting?" Wen Rensheng asked another question.

"The flock of sheep that resisted is in another village." The old village chief shook his head and said, "The sheep that have given birth to the next generation will select a group of sheep and send them there for training."

Cunning Rabbit Three Caves.

Some are obedient, some are rebellious.

The obedient is responsible for reproduction, the rebellious is responsible for hope.

Wen Rensheng nodded.

Although in the eyes of those aliens, it may be naive, but it is the most suitable choice for sheep people.

Otherwise, what else could it be?

"Okay, we agree to your request, but why didn't you tell Congyang the truth?" Qian Shaokun asked again.

"It's still too young, it needs to accumulate wisdom, and I can tell it when it takes my place. At that time, it may be able to come up with a better way." The old village chief sighed.

Wen Rensheng and the two nodded, this was a reasonable explanation.


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