Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1712: potential

Afterwards, everyone stayed in the village of Rebellion Sheep.

Everyone trains every day.

Wooden guns, wooden cannons, and wooden engines.

It has to be said that these sheep have developed the wooden civilization to a new stage.

The material of the gun is a kind of iron wood, the texture is as hard as iron, but unfortunately it is wood and has no ductility, so the number of uses is still limited.

Wen Rensheng remembered that there would be no shortage of iron in the planet. Even if iron ore could not be found, it should be able to extract iron.

Without this element, planets can be said to be unable to form normally.

Unless the feet are unnatural planets, but man-made.

This is also possible, isn't it just to create a large space station?

It is also possible to make it with only soil.

But even if it is made of soil, there is iron in the soil, because carbon-based life cannot do without iron.

He asked Zhuang Yang about this.

"The strategist is really smart. In fact, we have quietly refined iron and even artificial gasoline, but we know this is too important, so we only kept the drawings and destroyed the real objects." Zhuang Yangyang said with admiration.

"I understand, you guys have to wait until all the technical joints are connected, and then it will burst out at once." Wen Rensheng's wisdom was so high, he could easily guess the other party's plan.

"That's it," Zhuang Yangyang clenched his fists and said, "No one wants to serve as food for others, and we are not ignorant chickens."

"But have you ever thought that this kind of hidden behavior, in the eyes of the other party, may be as simple as a child's hide-and-seek?" Wen Rensheng asked back.

"If they can think so, that's even better." Zhuang Yangyang gritted his teeth.

Wen Rensheng nodded.

Science and technology can explode, but the development of science and technology follows strict material laws, and there can be no shortcuts and flukes.

Just like Internet technology, it must have super-large-scale applications to promote development. For things in small laboratories, there are bound to be countless bugs that cannot be found.

There are other technologies as well.

If the scale of basic industries is not up, it is impossible to go further by relying only on petty troubles.

With the scale of several thousand people in Yangcun, it is already very great to be able to create a musket and internal combustion engine, but they are only reproducing the technology of their ancestors, and cannot go further.

Such as engaging in low-level applications.

Unless they make it in another world, and then bring it to this world to reproduce.

It is equivalent to directly developing the top attack technology from the beginning to the end in another world, and then copying the finished product bit by bit in this world, rather than developing it from the beginning to the end.

At this point, the nuclear weapons of the previous life are a good demonstration of this process.

The country of late development, the reason why it can be done is precisely because they directly know the principle and the general production method. If they can do it from scratch, they may not be able to do it for hundreds of years.

dream world...

Yes, the solution to the game is here.

So Wen Rensheng said to Zhuang Yang, "I have a place where the leader's plan can be realized."


Qian Shaokun and others fell asleep again.

Only this time, there are thousands of sheep.

When they fell asleep, the old professor who had been forgotten in the spaceship came out.

"These newcomers are especially good at paralyzing themselves. They actually invented sleep and realize their thoughts in dreams." He said to the outside with a communication tool.

"It's very common. You can enjoy it if you can't resist. It's their philosophy, numb yourself and let yourself survive. This is also the advantage of their life race."

"The numb intelligent creatures are not delicious, their brains are confused, and they are unpalatable to drink."

"Yeah, I've eaten a few numb ones, and they basically don't turn their minds. They only have the instinct to eat and drink. They never think about why the sun shines on the earth. It's like chewing a chewed sugar cane. It's unpalatable to death."

Several cannibal aliens were talking, their voices full of distress.

This is not arrogance, but anguish that one's own food is not growing well.

It's like the owner of the ranch found out that the cattle and sheep are not good at eating grass or exercising, but they just wilt every day, and they will die of illness at no time.

"So it's still necessary to give them more hope of escape, and if they can really escape, it will be crispy when they eat."

"Well, then release their technology to the point of spaceship, so that they can escape to a freer hunting ground."

"We obviously left their spaceship behind."

"They don't use it, it should be a lack of fuel."

"Then give them a fuel tree."


The world of the misty detective.

The appearance of a flock of sheep shocked the cities.

He used to be a martial arts master, but now there are sheepmen, what will appear in the future?

Everyone was surprised.

The new sheepmen are very special, they don't have any martial arts, but they work very hard, super hard.

And everyone is a scholar.

After initially integrating into some cities and being accepted by city residents, they burrowed into the library and researched technology.

Start with the most difficult mathematics, micro-physics, macro-physics, molecular chemistry...

Anyway, what to learn.

Half a year later, some Yangren published a well-known paper, which was cited by many people.

Then they started trying to make spaceships.

"It's useless for you to build a spaceship. Someone built a rocket a long time ago, trying to fly to the sun on a sunny day, but it never flew." A scientist discouraged them.

"Then why don't you study the fog well?" Zhuang Yangyang asked.

"I've been researching it every year. The problem is that I can't find anything. It's like the setting in the story. For example, sheep can talk. As for why, I haven't given it." The scientist shook his head.

"We are different from you," said Zhuang Yangyang.

Zhuang Yangyang knew this was a dream.

Knowing that the fog is the setting of a dream.

They don't care about this.

Research spaceships, research plant varieties.

Which plants can extract more and more complex minerals, and then various instruments.

Time passes day by day.

A hundred years in the misty world just passed.

What shocked everyone is that a hundred years have passed, and since these sheepmen appeared, they have never aged.

Including Xiao Huan's stand-in Luo Yan, he is not old either.

However, no heirs were born, otherwise, the population would have been full.

Only Wen Rensheng understood why.

The world from a higher dimension fixed this low-dimensional world.

The technology of the foggy world has had a big explosion.

Technologies that people couldn't even imagine before appeared one after What hibernation technology, light-speed spacecraft, nuclear fusion, genetic adjustment, strong artificial intelligence... It's not far from uploading consciousness.

These goatmen are simply insane.

No wonder they become food for cannibals.

"That's not right," Qian Shaokun wondered. "If they are so strong, why are they still being caught as food?"

"It should be said that because they have such strong potential, they were caught as food. You see, those chickens and ducks have not been caught." Wen Rensheng corrected.

"So, those aliens will have higher technology. And they will stare at us precisely because we have discovered the dream world, which has greatly improved our thinking ability, thus attracting them?" Qian Shaokun speculated road.

"You may have found the truth by accident." Wen Rensheng nodded.


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