Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1714: wither 0

The weakness of the cannibal aliens is quickly discovered.

First, they are not creative themselves.

All of their technology comes from plagiarizing the poor host.

After being parasitized by them, the host race will also lose the ability to break through technology. The reason is very simple. They dare not let the host continue to break through technology.

Second, their own social structure is too simple, that is, the mother and the daughter.

The simpler the social structure, the lower the development potential.

Like slave society, slave owners and slaves, then there is nothing to develop.

Feudal society has more craftsmen class, idle class, can develop technology.

Third, the contradiction between their internal daughters and their mothers is very large.

The offspring want to resist when they get the chance.

The old professor just now is one of them.

"Unexpectedly, we overestimated our opponents. They are a group of parasites. Their technology does not originate from themselves, but from the victims." Zhuang Yang said bitterly.

"Yes, many times people overestimate attackers. They always think that they are very powerful, so they dare to attack, but they never thought that they would not survive without attacking." Wen Rensheng nodded.

"What should we do now?" Zhuang Yangyang asked.

"Find a way to get its technology, know yourself and the enemy, and you will be able to survive a hundred battles."

"Then how to get it?"

"Just wait and see. Since it has reproduced a large number of daughters here, it will definitely copy its own technology."

"makes sense."

However, the development of things was beyond their expectations.

The old professor did not copy any technology, but was willing to maintain the status quo.

It seems to want to be a lay-flatter.

It doesn't even take over the host's brain completely, it just occupies a small amount of tissue for energy absorption.

This allows the hosts to be fine except for the occasional lack of energy.

"What should I do? Military division." Zhuang Yangyang felt very distressed.

"It's okay, just let it roll up." Wen Rensheng knew this too well.

"Roll up?"


Zhuang Yangyang soon knew what Wen Rensheng was going to do.

Quite simply, he attracted another cannibal alien.

"Food everywhere, no mother? Wait, there is a developing mother, I have to hurry up..." Cannibal b immediately rolled up and began to split the spores.

Cannibal a was immediately anxious.

First, the negotiation, the content of the negotiation, was undoubtedly discovered by Wen Rensheng.

"This is my territory, I am the Matrix, you have to listen to me." A said fiercely.

"You are a mother, but I was not born by you, you can't control me." B started to seize the population recklessly.


However, the two sides still maintained restraint and did not directly fight.

After all, there are still a lot of resources, and they all start to split up desperately. They often have a little food, and they invest in expansion without accumulating, just like crazy businessmen who seize the market.

If they don't fight, they won't use technology, which is not good.

Wen Rensheng's old trick was repeated, and another one was introduced.

Came directly to three points of the world.

This time, the balance could not be maintained.

The two can barely maintain, and the three parties have a saying that they are united vertically and horizontally.

a first hooks up with c, trying to kill b in vain.

b is not stupid, tell c, after killing it, c will be finished.

b and c are combined, and they have a fight with a first.

The two sides started out as a street fight.

Later, it rose to a hail of bullets, and later it was a street battle with tanks and artillery...

Thanks to the foggy world, the sky above is foggy, otherwise it would have to hit the universe.

"The technology exposed now is not as good as us." Zhuang Yang said disappointedly.

"It doesn't matter, after a while, it will be exposed more." Wen Rensheng was very confident.

Infighting is the cruelest and most ruthless.

When a big tree is cut from the outside, it always takes a long time to cut it down, and it must rot from the inside before it dies completely.

Sure enough, the two sides soon used more sophisticated technology.

Party A took the lead in using conscious reading to read the memory of the opponent's parasitic offspring, thereby achieving a complete advantage in intelligence.

Party B and Party C immediately followed up.

Then party C used apoptin, a special pheromone that specifically kills the opponent's offspring, but does not harm the host.

This is the special weapon used by cannibals when they fight infighting.

"Okay, the antidote has been found! Sergeant, your method is too clever. We have tried every means to find the antidote for millions of years, but we have not found the antidote, so we exposed them by ourselves! Why did we not find the antidote before? Think of this method?" Zhuang Yangyang was happy and sad.

"It's not that you can't think of it, it's that you don't have the current environment." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Next, the battle became more and more fierce. The three new mothers a, b, and c remotely controlled their hosts to fight fiercely. All kinds of strategies and technologies were used.

They only retain a bottom line, that is, no decapitation tactics are used.

This is very understandable, they are all overseas businessmen and must be registered.

Which one is missing should be strictly retrospectively checked.

They want to be the mother, not the murderer within themselves.

After observing for another hundred years, Wen Rensheng finally found out that the three cannibals had poor skills, and they couldn't help each other when they couldn't beheaded.

Basically, a accounts for two-fifths, and b and c equally share the remaining three-fifths.

Because it cannot be decapitated, the mother is dormant. When dormant, the daughter does not have a strong resistance to other mothers.

At this time, the opponent who is repelled will take the opportunity to counterattack, and under such a tug of war, this balance of power is formed.

However, Wen Rensheng was too lazy to care about their balance of power. He took Zhuang Yangyang and others and immediately returned to the Yangcun world. In the rebellion village, he secretly copied the technology he had learned.

The first thing to do is witherin.

This kind of pheromone formula is complicated. If you don't know the formula, you can prepare it from scratch. It will take billions of times to test it, and it will take millions of years to touch it.

Now with the recipe, it's just a matter of finding the ingredients.

It took more than three years for Yangcun to find all the raw materials and start to deploy.

The test subject was an old werewolf who was suspected to have just been parasitized.

"Big wolf, drink this bowl of medicine, and the disease will be cured." The old village chief of Yangcun said to an old werewolf with a bowl of dark medicine soup.

"If I don't drink it, I will have diarrhea."

"If you don't want to drink, your illness will not get better."

"I'm not sick."

"I'm not sick, then I'll ask you a very simple math question. If you can answer it, I won't let you drink."

"Ask, who doesn't know that my big wolf has a perfect score in mathematics since he was a child." The old werewolf said proudly.

"12=0, 2348=2, 1024=1, 1069=3, now ask you, 4689=?"

"I..." The old werewolf went blind.

"Don't you understand?"

"It's not math at all."

"Let me tell you that is equal to 4. There is a circle in it that is 1." The old village chief continued, "You see that your illness is so serious, you can definitely answer it before you change it. "

As a group of people came up, they held it down with all their hands and feet, and poured the medicine into it.

"Since it's going to be filled sooner or later, why do you have to ask one more question?" Zhuang Yangyang wondered.

"This is not a waste of time, but to make the parasite in its body fall into thinking, thereby ignoring the immediate crisis and preventing it from dying." The old village chief said patiently.

At this moment, the old werewolf's eyes slowly recovered.

"What happened before, I feel like I've been dreaming all the time. My whole person is living in a dream. My feet can't touch the ground, it's always soft and light, and I just woke up now." The old werewolf said in confusion.

"Hey, you just caught a cold, it's nothing serious, just go back and sleep." The old village chief comforted.


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