Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1717: Have a meal

Hao Yan felt very sad.

He is about to become a well-known mathematician, and his father is also a well-known professor, but he cannot escape the fate of getting married and having children.

She had to go back to the laboratory and continue to communicate with those fungi.

"Do you have children? How many do you have? How do you choose the other half?"

When she asked this, she was idle. How does the fungus multiply, she doesn't know better than others?

"A person can give birth to oneself, self-sufficiency, and more than one life."

"I really envy you."

"You can do the same."

Hao Yan felt that the other person's tone was very personal, she then asked, "Have you observed our world for a long time?"

"it's been a while."

"Don't you just live in petri dishes? That world is too small, how can you support a population?"

"Infinity is infinitely small, and infinitesimal is infinity."

Hao Yan was inexplicable and could only say that they were of different races.

"Then can you make me self-sufficient?" she asked again.

"Okay, you just need to open the petri dish and **** a little spores."



What is good?

Woman, did you know that you opened Pandora's box? Released despair, disaster, slaughter, doomsday?

Of course, there may be a little bit of hope, but it is destined not to belong to most people.

Just like in the time of feudal war, only a few heroes can benefit from it, establish their own power and territory, dominate one side, and leave their name for future generations.

Wen Rensheng looked at the silly woman, and was fooled by the mother's body, and lifted the cover to the upper world...

So, who said that with high status and power, one must have high wisdom?

It is also possible that, like dinosaurs, the brain accounts for less than one ten thousandth of the weight of the body.

In Wen Rensheng's eyes, a light appeared, followed by fresh air.

Then he saw a face, a woman with dark circles under her eyes, rough skin, a little messy hair, and even a little smell.

The woman was wearing a white coat and a mask, her hands were dry, her eyes were dull, and she looked like a bull and horse that was being forced to the extreme.

She slowly put her head into the petri dish.

"Hey, what are you doing?" In an emergency, the old man appeared, stepped forward and closed the lid.

"Don't you know that you will get lung disease by doing this? To prevent laboratory contamination, but it was written in the experimental manual from the beginning." The old man said ramble, "I think you are stunned by doing experiments."

"No, this is a world, old man, do you know that there are very intelligent beings hidden in it, and they helped me prove the previous mathematical conjecture." Hao Yan grabbed the petri dish and said seriously.

"You should see a psychiatrist. I believe that a group of rats forms a society, a group of fungi, a group of spores, don't take fantasy as reality. You can solve a mathematical conjecture, it should be inspired by God, this is your blessing, You have to cherish it, you have to be grateful for the talent God has given you, instead of indulging in fantasy." The old man babbled endlessly.

Hao Yan couldn't take it anymore.

She was thinking about what the spores said just now.

As long as you absorb a little, you can be self-sufficient, you can have children by yourself, you don't need to get married, and you don't need any trouble.

She has completely forgotten that she can have children without spores or marriage.

Wen Rensheng knew that this woman must have been confused by the thinking waves of her mother's body.

She ran to another room and reopened the petri dish.

However, the old man was already staring at his daughter.

Because my daughter seemed to be in a daze.

He grabbed the petri dish once again.

And this time, there was no rush.

The petri dish scrambled to and fro, and fell to the ground.


Soon, the spores entered the father and daughter, and then the two passed out without incident.

Wen Rensheng sighed.

At this time, he did not have extraordinary power, he just leaned his thoughts over a child.

He controlled the daughter body to enter the old man's body first, and then blocked the entry of other spores.

It's just that it's impossible for him to stop other spores from spreading.

After all, he can only control one.

"Hmph, there are a lot of people here, a lot of food, a person is a universe, there's no need to **** an old man with you." A child left a sentence and left angrily.

Do you really think I like the old man?

Is it because the other one is a woman?

Hao Yan stood up groggyly, and then saw her father lying on the ground.

"Old man, wake up, Dad? Professor Hao?" Hao Yan shouted loudly.

Wen Rensheng was also very helpless. It wasn't that he didn't want to get up, but the old guy's leg was broken when he fell just now.

Often in the laboratory, without exercise, the bones are brittle.

"I'm not dead, call an ambulance, and quickly disinfect it completely, and prohibit anyone from coming in here." He whispered.

"Disinfection?" Hao Yan was thoughtful, and suddenly a smile appeared on her face, "It doesn't exist. I didn't expect that your child actually fell in love with this new world. Do you think our original world is ugly and boring? ?"

"I didn't expect you to take over her mind so quickly. I thought she was an ungraduated doctor, so she should be more resistant." Wen Rensheng sighed.

"The smarter the person, the easier it is for us to occupy their brains. You haven't learned this yet." Hao Yan said coldly.

Then "she" stretched out her hands to strangle the old man.

When the old man died, Wen Rensheng could only return to his original world.

"Hey, if you kill me here, you will definitely attract the police. This body is an important person at the professor level, and the police will investigate it seriously. This should be something you don't want to see." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

"..." "Hao Yan" let go of her hand and stood up.

Sure enough, it is a ruthless mother body, without any humanity, if you want to kill it, you will kill it.

It doesn't matter if this is the father of the predecessor.

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Man, before you open the box, you always imagine how beautiful it is inside."

"They forgot that good things are positive, and you need to work hard to get them, but if you lie down, they will automatically follow."

"Hao Yan" left a sentence, turned around, and then closed the door of the laboratory.

Wen Rensheng lay on the ground, unable to move.

But of course he won't sit still.

Shuang. Legs can't move, both hands can move, try to crawl with hands.

After crawling for a while, I found that I couldn't do it, my leg bones were hurting badly.

He took out his and didn't have a mobile phone, probably because he was afraid of affecting the work of the precision instruments, so he didn't carry it with him.

He thought about it for a while, and began to control the spores, squirming near the old professor's broken leg bone.

try to fix.

While he was repairing, there was a faint sound in his ear.

Isn't the laboratory door closed?

How could he still hear voices?

Immediately, he understood that this was the mental connection between the mother and the daughter.

Similar to the transmission of radio signals, it is definitely not possible to go too far, but there is no problem at close range.

"Senior Sister Hao, are you going out today?" A slightly surprised voice of a young junior brother.

"Yes, Xiao Guo, what are you doing here?"

"I asked the teacher to show me my paper. Sister, would you like to read it for me first?"

"Okay, but let's find a separate place first and see your brain."

"Uh, so Senior Sister understands my intentions."

"Of course, I've always wanted to eat yours."

"I'm also willing to be eaten by Senior Sister."

Alright, lick the dog number one.


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