Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1719: plant

Wen Rensheng made several phone calls to inform those people where Hao Yan was.

The phone call came back soon. They found the underground warehouse, but when they arrived, they found that there was only rope left on the ground and no one was there.

Just judging from the traces on the ground, someone did exist.

"Got it." Wen Rensheng burst out three words, and then hung up the phone.

He asked the students to bring their own mobile phones, and the call just received was from the hospital.

He began to check the relevant information of this world.



After seeing two familiar names, his head swelled.

what is this?

Is it just similarity, or did you just travel through time and space? Came to Earth before any fantastic events happened?

He doesn't read the old professor's memory now. It's easy to read people to death, because when reading other people's information, it is difficult to control whether to copy or cut.

He was a little confused, then looked closely.

There is also a patrol department here, but the job is very simple. It is to check the public security in various places and coordinate the handling of difficult cases, such as stray criminals.

In fact, for detectives, the kind of guy who sets up a secret room, takes pride in himself, challenges the detective, and waits for the detective to solve the puzzle is the cutest...

The real headache is that after committing the crime, he ran away.

You know who the murderer is, but if you are unlucky, it will take years to catch it.

In an era without surveillance everywhere, it is likely to disappear.

Even now, if the other party absconds to another continent, it will be a headache for the detective to the death. It is necessary to write endless applications for investigation assistance, go back and forth, and really spend the time in catching the prisoner, maybe. less than one tenth.

This is obviously beyond the ability of regional detectives, whether it is time, money, or authority.

The Inspectorate is to deal with these roaming criminals.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he felt that compared with their counterparts in Dongzhou before, they were already very happy.

At least the danger of roaming criminals is far from that of fugitive aliens.

Every time the latter hunts, once there is a slight error, it will result in heavy casualties.

He looked at other aspects, and the more he looked, the more similar they became.

"Hey, Lao Wen, why haven't you gone home yet?" A little girl's voice sounded in her mind.

"How did you get here?" Wen Rensheng had a headache.

"I see that you haven't moved for a long time, so I'll come to see you." Xiao Huan forcibly grabbed the right to use Professor Hao's eyes and looked around.

After looking at it, she was surprised: "Hey, why do I think there is a familiar smell here."

"Do you feel familiar too?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"Yeah, it's very familiar. The smell of disinfectant is too unpleasant. I want to eat something good." Xiao Huan said angrily.

"Uh, I know I can't count on you. You should stand aside and don't move around. I'll check the situation around you."

Wen Rensheng comforted the guy, got into a wheelchair, called the student, and pushed him out.

He felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't guess what was wrong for a while.

There is still too little information.

The mobile phone was inconvenient to do things, so he asked the students to find him a laptop.

He quickly connected to the Internet, and then typed a series of command lines to search for some more secret and effective information.

There are still five continents in the world, east, west, hot, south and wheat.

This is completely consistent with the previous Dongzhou world.

Geographical distribution, consistent.

Humanistic language, consistent.

Climate and environment, consistent.


One match after another made Wen Rensheng feel more and more that this should be the Dongzhou version without extraordinary power.

There is no extraordinary power, but now there is black technology.

Parasite, spore.

Two days later, he saw a news from McCann.

"Recently, on many beaches, some unknown plants have appeared. They are green and black, and their bodies are like swollen pythons. Next to these plants, some piranhas will grow. They have many strong green branches. These branches will Actively attack and capture animals and humans that are close to it, please pay attention to tourists, once found, stay away and call the police, never approach."

When Wen Rensheng saw the news, he knew that Hao Yan must have escaped to McCann.

It took two days to run. This kind of action is definitely not something that an ungraduated female doctor who stays at home can do.

Needless to say, it was the spores in her body that gave her wisdom and guidance, and she even went into battle in person.

Also, the real environment suitable for parasites is actually McCann, not Dongzhou.

McCann is vast and sparsely populated, and they take care of themselves. In this case, it is very convenient for them to expand and develop in the early stage.

Not long after the news appeared, Wen Rensheng was invited to the countermeasures department of the Dongzhou Inspection Department.

"Professor Hao, you made a phone call before..." The director-general asked in person.

In the Countermeasures Department, everyone was wearing well-fitting biochemical protective suits, carrying oxygen tanks...

Wen Rensheng repeated what General Wen said before.

This time, he spoke out about the parasite world.

When everyone heard the back, they were stunned.

"Parallel world is just a conjecture or fantasy, and the multiple space theory has never been confirmed. It's not so much another world, it's just an experimental accident." A staff officer said.

Everyone nodded.

"Well, you can understand it this way, it's just the product of this experimental accident, that kind of parasitic fungus can occupy the nervous system of organisms, can induce biological mutation, and with the help of the nervous system of organisms, they will form new groups, you deal with They must be prepared for a big battle just like they are dealing with people." Wen Rensheng reminded.

"We need to inspect you the most detailed inspection."

"Whatever you want."

Anyway, this is not my body.

But in order not to be embarrassed, Wen Rensheng chose to temporarily leave the old professor's mind.

After three days, the inspection was over.

"We found that there are more shadows in your mind, and your personality and thinking mode are also very different from before. We can think that you are also affected by those fungi." The director general gave a conclusion.

"The influence on me should be beneficial. I said that after these fungi parasitize, they have the ability to think, and they will also divide their positions. The parasitic on me is symbiosis, the parasitic on my students is control, and the other is intestinal Coexisting bacteria, one is the iron nematode controlling the praying mantis." Wen Rensheng used an appropriate analogy.

"What did you want to cause?" The Director-General was very curious.

Because now Professor Hao is much more powerful than before. Whether it is wisdom or execution, through evaluation, he is much stronger than before.

If he can be so powerful, he is willing to live together.

Anyway, he won't live long.

Yes, he just found out that he is seriously ill. How long he can survive depends entirely on his maintenance.


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