Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1721: desperate

on the Pacific.

The power of industrialization broke out completely.

Once the McCanns are at the juncture of life and death, especially when the consortium finds itself at the juncture of life and death, the operation of its power can be astounding.

In just half a month, a sea refuge composed of countless hulks, second-hand ships, and even new ships was formed.

It covers an area of ​​at least hundreds of square kilometers.

A 10,000-ton ship is 90 meters long and 20 meters wide, with a maximum size of 2,000 square meters.

At least 50,000 10,000-ton ships will be needed for this sea refuge.

And there are not so many 10,000-ton giant ships in the world.

This shows how strong the resilience can be in the face of death threats.

A plane, carrying professionals, service personnel, and rich people, landed in this shelter.

A ship, carrying various materials and fuel, was transported to the temporary port of the shelter.

Every time you approach, you have to go through a full nine layers of inspection and disinfection to ensure that no spores have entered.

Spores don't have any supernatural abilities, in fact they are fragile and easy to detect.

As long as a full-body CT scan is performed, it is possible to find out whether there are spores in the human body or organism.

After discovery, it can only be killed by pouring heavy metals or other drugs.

The real difficulty is to face the spores that have been parasitized in the brain. In this case, the only way is to pull them away.

After all, heavy metal damages the brain too seriously.

A plane landed and a group of people walked down.

They are all young people, all dressed in high-end fashion, with confidence and pride on their faces.

However, in the face of the swarming investigation team, they cooperated very well, and no one dared to say that they did not need this kind of service.

Because what followed were groups of heavily armed biochemical soldiers.

"There is something abnormal in this person!"

"I just had heart surgery," argued a young man.

"take away!"

"No, don't send me back, I can undergo further examination." The young man struggled.

However, what greeted him the next moment was just a bullet.

A bullet hole appeared on his forehead, and he died with his eyes wide open.

The others were silent, and the reliance they were usually proud of didn't exist at this time.

They were soon caught up on another steamer.

That ship has no driver, everything is self-driving and will head to a fixed location.

Everyone stood behind the railings on the deck of the ship, looking eagerly at the dilapidated and outdated shelter.

At this time, in the hearts of those who were once pampered, there was heaven.

"They can't treat us like this! We paid for it!" A woman finally couldn't help it.

Before, in order to enter the shelter, she had been suppressing all her emotions.

However, at this moment, she was obviously exiled, how could she bear it?

"There's no way, Henna, this is a doomsday crisis, no one will care about our previous status and wealth, that money is just a pile of waste paper, they are used to fool those workers to work, and they are used to defraud materials. ." Another middle-aged man sighed.

A person like him can see through everything.

Although he is also a member of the upper class, when the crisis comes, after excluding the lower class, the upper class itself will split into upper, middle and lower.

"Then what should we do? There's no one on board, we are completely abandoned! It's all because of that dead Hans, who insisted on hooking up with girls on the way, this is good, he's finished, and we are also expelled. !" Hina yelled in pain.

The others looked at her calmly.

This made Henna a little surprised.

Ordinarily, these friends should be swearing just like me.

Although they usually have self-restraint, but that is normal.

Is it?

A terrible guess came to Henna's mind.

"It seems that you are right, yes, we are already infected, but luckily, the fungus that infected us is a group of moderates who can communicate. Everyone has reached an agreement that we will do ten more math problems every day to help They provide extra energy for nerve impulses, and it optimizes our body, including removing fat, removing toxins, and driving away the ecological location of germs..." The middle-aged man said seriously.

"What kind of **** condition is this? I don't want to do it at all." Hina yelled.

Then two women stepped forward and lifted her up, while two more men grabbed her legs and poured her into the sea.

"Do you want to do it now?" the middle-aged man asked seriously.

Everyone else looked at Henna standing upside down in the water.

The only answer to him was "gudu" and "gudu".

"What a tenacious woman, I admire you."

"Is there any difficulty in doing math problems with the motivation of wanting to breathe fresh air?"

"Why didn't you agree?"

After three consecutive attempts, there was still no answer.

"Sure enough, we still underestimate the human will." Someone suddenly said.


"A pampered woman has such willpower, it's too difficult to conquer human beings."

"Our approach is the right one. Only symbiosis is the way out. In this way, we can soften them and let them beat themselves."

While several people were discussing, Hina finally bent and stretched her body with sheer perseverance and raised her head above the water.

"I promise! 100 ways will do!"


Everyone was silent.

"Okay, then a hundred." The middle-aged man nodded, "Pull her up."

Several people pulled Henna up, and then someone put a drop of blood under her nose.

It didn't take long for Hina's eyes to show a hint of confusion, and then a hint of firmness.

"Humans will not coexist with us. They have wiped out many species, and they will definitely wipe out us. We must break into them and wipe out the resisters." Henna said.

"But they have the most complete resistance measures, and the force we have is still very Then take it slow, when we occupy the land, restore the production line, and occupy the most labor force, what else do they have? Can you escape?"

Everyone nodded, and then someone started to go in and control the ship.


"We are bound to lose this battle," said a certain staff member pessimistically in a headquarters in the sea shelter, "because we cannot save most of the people. The spores will use these people to build the military industry, and finally come attack us."

"In this case, reduce everyone's labor force to the same level. They can infect animals and plants, but infecting animals and plants, they do not have the production capacity of humans, only the ability of animals and plants themselves, at best, that is to say." Someone spoke.

Everyone understood what he meant. This was the final battle.

"It's useless, I have already made estimates. The so-called final battle, the biggest threat is to destroy high-value targets, but at most 50 to 70% of all mankind will be destroyed. Bad luck, that is, 20 to 30%, far from The theoretical destruction effect is not achieved. Nuclear winter does not exist, and it will recover in two years.”

Everyone was silent.

If I had known today, I should have made 10,000 madly.

Who would have thought that there would be today's results?


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