Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1725: recover

At the same time, Wenren was promoted to his family.

"Hey, just wait, I will soon become an omnipotent great devil, whoever I point at will disappear."

Xiao Huan was in the living room, announcing arrogantly to everyone.

Wen Rensheng still expects her to forget about it as soon as she sleeps, how is that possible?

Is it true that children are forgetful?

Great forgetfulness means that you don't like what you like, and you can remember what you like until you grow old.

"Hey, you should be a little angel, how can you be a big devil?" Wang Wenwen taught a lesson while eating ham.

"Tch, I'm Lord Kelulu now, how about an evil god? Of course it's the Great Demon King." Xiao Huan plausibly said, with his hands on his hips, with my biggest expression in the family.

Obviously, only the red panda agrees with this expression.

For it, the guy who often pulls it to do hard work has long been the Great Demon King.

"Xiao Huan, it's not good for you to do this. You should use this ability to benefit others." Ouyang Ling fully assumed the role of a grandma with three normal views.

"This ability is to make things disappear, how can it be beneficial?" Xiao Huan scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks.

"For example, flies and mosquitoes, you can make them disappear forever, such as colds and fevers, germ lesions, everything is fine." Zhao Han followed up with an idea.

"And my big fat belly!" Wang Wenwen immediately said the most important thing.

"You have to work for me for a year." Xiao Huan rolled his eyes and said, rubbing Wang Wenwen's belly.

"A year is a year."

Anyway, this belly has been reduced for more than ten years and hasn't gone down.

"Then when did you learn this ability?"

"It will be after I finish my sleep." Little Huanyan said firmly.

"Is it that simple?"

"Simple or not, I don't know, anyway, that's what Lao Wen said."

"Okay, I'll make your bed for you."

Wang Wenwen gave full play to the true qualities of a dog leg: in the face of weight loss, all the morals of aliens can be thrown away.

"Strange, why can't you cultivate a fat-absorbing ability?" Zhao Han was a little surprised.

"I asked some experts, and they said that I am psychologically obese, and I am overweight, which cannot be lost by ordinary exercise." Wang Wenwen said helplessly.

In the past, she always felt that it didn't matter, anyway, she could lose weight if she wanted to.

Only recently did I understand that obesity can also be weird and ingrained, and it's not that simple.

"Fortunately, I exercise regularly." Zhao Han said happily.

As soon as Xiao Huan fell asleep, he fell into a dark sleep.

Day by day passed without waking up.

Because she really didn't sleep much before.

Said to sleep with a toy at night, but actually sneaked out to sleep for a day.

But everyone thinks it is normal, this should be a kind of evolution, similar to changing from a cocoon to a butterfly.

So sleep longer, totally deserved.

Everyone also takes turns to take care of them intimately, clean regularly, and ensure that there are people around the clock.

When Wen Rensheng returned home, he was a little surprised to see everyone taking things so seriously. He only found out the reason after asking, which was a bit ironic.

Well, it seems that Xiao Huan really listens to his own words.

That being the case, don't let the other party down.

But that ability is too powerful, you need to add a lock.

Wen Rensheng thought for a while, left a book and put it under Xiao Huan's head, hoping that she could dream when she was dreaming.

After doing this, his thoughts traveled through three worlds and came to the world of spores.

At this time, his old professor status has been enshrined as a **** and Buddha by the people in the refuge.

"God, help us."

"God, what price do you want us to pay? We can give it all."

"Let's go back to the past."

Wen Rensheng opened his eyes, and looked at one person after another, all kneeling outside the room before he went offline.

"You? Forget it, you are already disabled, so how can you ask you to do something that you can't do at all?"

Wen Rensheng shook his head. At first he wanted to hate him, but after thinking about it carefully, what can these people earn?

Struggling until now, I have tried my best.

If you struggle too much, Chaos will be aware of it, and then disappear without a sound.

He looked out the window and muttered a few more words in his mind.

Not long after, someone said in surprise: "Look, the spore blue algae in the sea have disappeared!"

"Ah, it really disappeared? What's the point?"

"God, it must have been done by God!"

"Look at the satellite monitoring, the spore jungle on the land outside has also disappeared!"

The people in the entire refuge surrounded the old professor's room.

The kneelers lined up from the door to the deck outside.

"This is a miracle, an absolute miracle!"

No matter how materialistic people are, they have to admit that some people may have mastered some natural laws.

"God, please grant me immortality!"

Some people really are chicken thieves.

"God, please let me go to heaven."

"Go away, you guys who have committed blasphemy, you should all be thrown out to feed the sharks!"

"Yeah, to drive them away, we can only pray to God, but we cannot ask God to do anything for us, because God has no obligation to mortals."

It didn't take long for anyone to be quiet.

No one spoke anymore.

Wen Rensheng saw that it was the management of the refuge that maintained order.

He didn't say anything and just left.

Just let this world survive in silence.

He will do nothing more.

He wants to return to the original world.

Because he just discovered that he walked through these worlds not from the lower level to the upper level, but a ring, a ring world.

From left to right, then right to left.

He came to the recovered McCann.

There was silence.

The spores were gone, leaving patches of vegetation on the ground.

They captured many places, but the main industrial cities and industrial belts were not captured, but surrounded in groups like guards.

These plants, without the control of the spores, will obviously be cleaned up quickly.

As long as someone comes.

In the city, people woke up one after another.

"Hahaha, I'm rich, and I know eight professional skills! They all have more than ten years of experience." A young man looked up to the sky and laughed.

He was so excited that others worried that he would die laughing.

"Damn, why don't I have such a good thing? My experience is moving drill bits. I can move more than a hundred in a day, and I have moved tens of thousands. But is this experience useful?"

"You can go to express delivery."

Some are happy, some are depressed.

But no one is These people still remember the situation after their bodies were controlled by spores.

That was hell.

Fortunately, those spores disappeared inexplicably, and God must have heard their inner prayers.

"Go back to work, you guys, go to work for me." A boss approached his former employees.

"No way, I just returned to normal, and I won't let you rest for a month?"

"How is it possible? The equipment needs to be repaired. Those guys don't know how to take care of the equipment. After another month of rest, they will be scrapped."

"Alright alright."

In the breath of life, Wen Rensheng wandered around like a ghost that eluded people.


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