Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1728: game

Wen Rensheng was quickly shaken by Xiao Huan.

Seeing the question given by Julie, he solved it in just an hour.

This hour is mainly to carry knowledge and consume time.

This math problem has long been a common sense problem in the previous spore world.

"Hmph, how arrogant that woman is this time!" Xiao Huan said triumphantly.

Immediately, she showed Wen Rensheng's solution in Julie's mind.

After Julie swept the first three lines, she understood - this little girl must be a more talented personality of herself.

Well, she still insists that the other party is her split personality.

It's just that the other party is the essence of the essence, and the playfulness is only an appearance. The essence is that the genius has reached the extreme. He feels that there is no challenge in the world, so he chooses to play.

Like, just like the emperor of the East, go to the extreme, after no challenge, choose to enjoy.

"You, with your ability, you should concentrate on research, you should crack more advanced mathematical conjectures, and you can even develop towards physics, chemistry, biology..."

"Shut up! I want to play, just play, play every day, and kill you!" Xiao Huan rolled wildly in her mind, like a rolling ball.

"Oh, sure enough, the more talented people are, the more stubborn they are, just like my main character." Julie shook her head.

She is withdrawn, indifferent, keeps away from strangers, and looks down on those mediocre people.

It is extremely difficult to get her approval.

Even her parents, siblings and sisters wanted to please her, because she once helped a top accounting firm solve a big problem, and the remuneration she received directly helped the family pay off the loan.

This is great.

Nerds were looked down upon at McCann, and they liked sports and social stars, but if nerds make a lot of money, it's Bill Gates' type.

McCann, after all, is still a money-based society.

If you can legally make money, you are a star, and you are the object of worship.

And now, she finds herself admiring another personality of her own.

It took only one hour to solve a mathematical problem. It should be said that it took more than 30 minutes just to copy those formulas.

But this guy is a hundred times harder to coax than himself.

How to induce her to study hard?

Thinking like this, Julie ceded the dominance of her body to a super-genius personality.

After Xiao Huan got the dominance of his body, the first thing he did was to throw away the math textbook in his hand.

The book flew out and hit a young student's head.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The student covered his head and stared at the talented girl in front of him.

Of course he knew this little girl, but it was vigorously promoted in the school, and she was a celebrity on the Internet.

I was admitted to this prestigious school at the age of twelve, and I should be thirteen this year. I heard that I have already graduated from university.

He is 23 years old this year, and he is just a senior. He is looking for companies, submitting resumes, and waiting for notices.

The other party heard that he had helped the top accounting firm solve problems when he was a child, and now he has a bunch of employment notices in his hand.

"Oh, my hand slipped, Sao Rui." Xiao Huan apologized.

"Uh, ... it's okay, it seems that you are not as inhumane as they say." The young student smiled.

He is a graduate of a prestigious school, and he is not a street hippie. Of course, he will not do anything to a little girl who has already apologized.

"I get along very well. Everyone plays with me. By the way, do you know any fun places nearby?" Xiao Huan asked familiarly.

In a sense, she is very social, even Wei Yiqing can handle it.

"A fun place? Bar, no, you can't go in. I have a lot of video games, do you want to play?" the young college student asked with a headache.

His biggest hobby is just playing various video games.

The bar, he just heard from the people in the same bedroom.

"Video games, I've had enough. Do you have a shooting range here? I want to play with real guns."

"Ah, minors can't go in, and I don't know where it is."

"Che, you're a big idiot too, come with me."

Xiao Huan called the young college student over, and after a few words, she knew the other's name: Jock.

Half a day later, Jock was standing in a suburban ranch with a bewildered look on his face.

The uncle of the rancher here is very talkative, and he also knows Julie, a talented girl.

The other party is a very famous person nearby and has many fans on the Internet.

After Xiao Huan casually agreed to help the other's daughter make up lessons, he actually allowed the two of them to play with guns in the ranch, of course under his supervision.

The ranch is very large, with its own firearms, and even modified firearms.

The ranch is located in the outskirts of the country, with a remote location and a large area. It is not the focus of the patrol officers' daily patrols. It can even be said that the patrol officers pass by for a long time.

There are no daily patrols, and in McCann, that means very low security.

Gun preparation is a basic survival skill.



Xiao Huan had a good time and touched all kinds of guns.

It's a pity that her body is limited, and those with too much recoil can't be used. Only some guns with fixed brackets can be used, and the recoil is carried by the bracket instead of the human arm.

On the contrary, Jock played better.

He had never touched a gun before, and his father's gun was absolutely forbidden for him.

Playing real guns for the first time now and getting excited right away.

It's just that the marksmanship is terrible, there is no hope of hitting the target, but the level of hitting the wrong direction is not there.

After the shooting, Xiao Huan casually instructed the ranch daughter on her homework, and then she thought about playing the next project.

And Jock is also impressed by this talented girl, the other party is too powerful.

The gun hits the bull's eye, and it's almost time to go to the Olympic shooting.

Is genius the mastery of everything?

The rancher was also shocked, saying that if Xiao Huan was on the battlefield, he would definitely be the White Death God.

The next project is to go out to sea to catch On the yacht, Xiaohuan fishing and riding sharks in the sea, and had a lot of fun.

As for the money for the yacht, of course, it was Julie's card...

It really doesn't work, but Lao Wen can still help her make money.

Seeing Jock's eyes widened.

He never imagined that this talented girl would have such a lively side.

There are too many prejudices in the past.

I thought the other party was just a nerd, but the other party turned out to be a decathlon.

After playing for a while, things changed quickly.

It's just that another luxury yacht came over, with a group of beautiful women and shirtless men sitting on it.

Their yachts are tall and large, and they rushed over when they saw a yacht here.

"Hey, man, let's play a game." A bald young man shouted from the high deck.

He held the two beauties in his hands, bare feet. .

"What do you want to do?" Jock asked loudly.

"Jumanji, let's hedge the two yachts and see who is the bravest!" the bald man shouted.

"Haha, Fitch, they must not dare to play, they are a bunch of cowards!"

"That's right, there's a little girl among them, haha, how could they possibly play this kind of game with you?"

The people behind laughed.

When Jock heard the words, he immediately refused: "This is too dangerous, we will not play."

"I want to play, it's fun." Xiao Huan shouted.

"People will die. This is at sea. There is no brake. If the direction is slow, it will hit the ship, and it will overturn the ship. Besides, the crew will not listen to us." Jock cited three reasons in a row. .

"No, I think it's fun too." The crew member who was driving the yacht, a red-faced man with a big size and a thick face, stared at the bald man and said.

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