Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1731: zoo

"This script is wrong!"

"That's right, it's clear that the two groups are confronting each other, so how can one group directly hang up, what are they asking for? Are we the audience, or are they the audience?"

"What's the point of this? At first glance, the talented girl team won, and the game host took the initiative to help open the hang!"

At the same time, a group of viewers who were watching the live broadcast of the drone were protesting with barrage.

It turned out that the talented girl Julie, the red-faced man, Jock, and the **** bald man and his friends are all story actors selected from thousands of worlds.

Similar to Wilderness Survival, they have to perform interesting stories in different scenes to satisfy the audience behind the drone.

That paragraph just now is just the beginning of the story "Survival in the Ice Sea".

However, some viewers find it a little novel.

"Wait, in this way, it's more interesting, doesn't it mean that we can see a cool plot? The protagonist brings his own hang from the host, sweeping all the players all the way."

"Yeah, it was too cruel to watch before, and it's good to change the taste this time."

"It's good, it's good, it's good to change it."

As the rhythm was taken away, the script on Xiao Huan's side continued to move forward.

After the drone asked Little Fantasy what she was looking at, she was at a loss.

Because she suddenly found out that she had experienced all the delicious, fun, and beautiful sounds.

She played all the saviors, creators, and movie games.

"Empty," she said inexplicably.

At the same time, this sentence also drew Wen Rensheng's thoughts.

After watching, Wen Rensheng immediately found a surprise: he finally caught it.

He linked Xiao Huan's consciousness to a McCann's superhero world, which was naturally built by the Principal of Calamity, and the coordinates were given by the Principal of the Tower.

But now, the characters of this world have been chosen by another world to act as actors in stories and games.

In this case, is the drone world a higher-level world, and will it lead to the essence of chaos and omniscience?

Wait for further confirmation.

If it is another ring world, he will waste his time.

"Old Wen, what else do you think is fun?" Xiao Huan asked very distressed.

"If you don't think there's anything fun, it's very simple, let me seal your memory and play the previous project again." Wen Rensheng replied solemnly.

"This, you will pit me." Xiao Huan said dissatisfied.

"I didn't cheat you. Many video game novels, people will read twice and three times, just because they have forgotten the past fun, want to find it again, or dig deeper, the process is also very happy." Wen Rensheng Seriously.

"But I won't forget." Xiao Huan said angrily, "You have extraordinary memories, and so do I."

"If that's the case, why don't you even want to take an exam in a major university?"

"I want to sleep when I read the textbook."

"Forget it, since you can't find it, you can only let your believers use their imagination to create, and then let you choose." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

Actually there is a way.

It's just that he didn't say it for the time being.

That method is king.

"Okay, okay, I'll contact them now." Xiao Huan said suddenly.

After more than half an hour, Xiao Huan said to the drone above the yacht: "Let's play a zoo tycoon, both zoos are raising animals, let's see who attracts more tourists."

"Zoo Tycoon, the venue has been arranged, and that is the Polar Ocean Zoo." The drone nodded.

Then, on its camera, white light was emitted again.

The floating ice sea in front of me changed quickly, and a white Iceland appeared.

One east, one west, two dilapidated zoos appear on the same latitude.

"Okay, now you can go play. At the beginning, you only have twenty seals, two polar bears, and a large group of sea shrimp. Seals eat dried shrimps, and polar bears eat seals, and there is a fixed amount of food. For each visitor, you will be given 1,000. Reward points, see the description in the garden for the purpose of reward points." The drone said to two waves of people successively.

"Damn, Vincent, you shouldn't have killed Angelo just now, what a good employee we have lost." A strong man complained.

"Yeah, this mission is really continuous. If we killed each other for food at the beginning, in the second level, you can only run the zoo yourself, how can you manage it?" Another woman also complained.

The bald man Vincent gestured again with the pistol before the two shut up.

He didn't regret it, one died when one died, a dozen or so left, and there were only three on the other side.

He looked at the opposite yacht again.

Wait, how did they get the bearskin coat?

Could it be that there are other hidden tasks?

He didn't see the conversation between the drone and the three, and certainly didn't see the vodka.

He didn't realize that the eyes of others looking at him had changed slightly.

"The mission starts, you hurry up, the time is up, the polar bears will eat up the seals."

After the drone finished speaking, Vincent hurriedly drove the yacht to the zoo.

Just as he was driving all of a sudden, a fire extinguisher fell on his head.

Then, he passed out, and another man grabbed the steering wheel.

His down jacket and food were all taken off, and he was thrown into the sea.

"This bastard, if he doesn't kill him, he will kill more of us!"

"Well done, Man!" Several women praised unanimously.

"We have to formulate a rule that everyone should decide everything fairly and cannot force others by force."

Several people began to form a group on the yacht to make rules.

It took them a long time to formulate the rules. When they arrived at the zoo, they found that the extremely hungry polar bear had killed all the seals...

Three days later, without seals as attractors, they could not attract even a single tourist.

The circus can train seals to head the ball, but no one dares to train polar bears to head the ball...

But they were confident enough to play the seals themselves.

After all, there are many beautiful women here.

However, this is not the real world after all. Tourists go to the zoo to see animals, not people.

The polar bear's food is to eat a seal for three days.

When the seals were eaten, the polar bears set their sights on them...

They had to get on the yacht and run.

"Idiot, I'm so stupid. I have no challenge at all to have such an opponent." Xiao Huan sat on the polar bear's back and jumped.

The ferocious polar bear, like a baby bear at this time, is naive and obedient, attracting many children and tourists who do not know its ferociousness.

"Well, they are indeed a little stupid. They killed the most leader and the most threatening person. Let me choose a group of suitable opponents for you." The drone said.

"It's almost the same, hurry up and pick someone."

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