Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1734: destroy

Wen Rensheng noticed the medieval world.

Here is where his questers have been.

He had already cut off its connection with the East Water Fragment World before, and now he saw the changes here again with the help of the contact information given by the Inspectorate.

He saw a college where modern astronomy was being taught.

In fact, there were also before, because astronomy and divination are related.

But not independent.

Independent now.

"The stars do not move around the earth, but the sun, and the earth also moves around the sun. If you explain it this way, it will be easier to understand the changes in the star map throughout the year." An old man said in class.

"That's what the sun center says."

"Teacher, what you said is not right with what the church said. The church said that God created all things with the earth at the center, and the earth is the center of all things, and the center of the starry sky." A student stood up and said.

"Oh, that's it, maybe that's it." The old man said with a smile.


in the countryside.

A few numb old farmers are working **** the land, sweating profusely.

Tanabe, the gentlemen's overseer, was watching them with a whip.

Whoever does it slowly will be whipped up.

They were serfs and did not own any land of their own, not even the huts and grass where they slept.

They just live numbly, and then in the middle of a hard day, they fall headlong, and it is impossible to expect a funeral.

The body was dragged directly to the side of the road pit and thrown away.

In the dark middle ages, it is not even clear that it is so easy to cause the plague.

The body must at least be buried, even if it is buried in the backyard of the house, it is better than leaving it on the side of the road.

At this time, a certain master came over.

Beside him was a young man in robes, who was suggesting to him: "Sir Sterling, look, how can your serfs have the motivation to work? You still have to hire several overseers to pay for their food and wages, although Serfs don’t need money, but the work they do is too little.”

"As a top student at Golos College, do you have any suggestions?" Lord Jazz asked.

"You can distribute a small piece of land to them. Of course, the land is still your own. You can adopt a sharing system, stipulating that they can keep 10% of the grain for themselves. In this way, their poor brains will soon understand There are many ways to gain more." The young man in the robe said patiently.

"10%? Do you want to give them 10% of the food? The food they grow now belongs to me." Sir Sir said distressedly.

When the young man in the robe heard this, he wished he could jump up and open the mind of this idiot, and see, why couldn't he figure out such a simple truth?

Serfs would not think of ways to improve the production tools, let alone cherish the tools, and would even try to destroy the production tools, because in this way, they would be able to rest.

Of course they are afraid of the whip, they will not do this blatantly.

But there is absolutely no such thing as a hardworking slave.

No wonder the progress from serf society to feudal peasant society is such a small step, and the monarchs have to take great pains and even resort to force to implement it.

It is really a noble inbreeding, and has not been eliminated by Darwin's society. There are too many idiots.

"If you don't believe it, you can try it in one village. Anyway, you have five villages."

"But if the food is less harvested, who will compensate me?" Jazz asked back.

"Our college, no, I'll compensate you. This is fifteen gold coins. Your village's surplus for a year, is that all?" the young man in the robe said, taking out a bag of shiny gold coins.

This is the money he earned by selling his brain.

"That's great, I knew that all of you from Golos Academy are smart people." Sir Jazz was overjoyed immediately.


Looking at the sly face of the other party, the young man in the robe was disgusting as if he had eaten a fly.

What he didn't know was that he had been tricked by this smart Sir Jazz.

Not willing to take any risk, but want all the benefits.

This is why the feudal nobles will be completely crushed to death by capitalist merchants in the end.

The other party never expected that once this opening was opened, the serfs who had tasted the sweetness of independence would never be slaves again.

Waiting for this lord is a knife and a gun.

Soon in a certain village, the benevolent Lord Sir announced that he would give the serfs a small piece of land, and they would have to cultivate the land themselves for food and shelter in the future.

And the benevolent master will only ask for 90%, and the rest is theirs.

To the astonishment of the young man in robes, none of the serfs were happy about it.

They all begged the master for mercy, not to do this, and to maintain the previous practice.

After careful questioning, he found out that none of these serfs understood what "90%" meant, and they only thought that the master would no longer take care of the food.

In the future, their food will be grown by themselves.

How can this work?

Wherever they grow food, they do what the supervisors say.

No one can tell when to sow and when to reap...

They are used to digging ditches, plowing, weeding, and harvesting under the urging of the supervisor and the village chief.

Only then did the young man in the robe understand that it was not that simple to be a qualified feudal peasant.

It wasn't that he opened his mouth and freed the serfs, and the serfs became farmers.

This task is not easy to do.

He had to persuade them patiently, and even specially selected the most shrewd serfs who were best at doing farm work, and let them demonstrate first.

However, the overseers were very shrewd. They asked these serfs not only to be busy with their own land, but also with the previous land.

In short, the work of the master cannot be spared.

The few serfs who were best at doing farm work were exhausted to death like this.

The young man in robes was dumbfounded at their coquettish manipulation.

On the contrary, Lord Sir also praised them.

"Although a few untouchables died of exhaustion, your hearts are good, and you know that you will not be short of grain." Sir Sir said happily.

The young man in the robe was stunned.

He silently dropped a bag of gold coins and left.

Wen Rensheng raised a little finger when he saw this.

Childish guy.

I don't understand a truth at all: it is a hundred times more difficult to reform the concept in a person's head than to cut off his head.

How did serfs exit the stage?

It is not by the medieval nobles who figured out their own accounts.

Relying on the new-style In the cruel economic and military competition, they have an advantage, which is physiological elimination.

If these destroyers only have this level, they will not be able to overthrow this world.

However, Wen Rensheng quickly saw their strengths.

Well, it should be the power of the "black tentacles".

Five years later, there was another batch of people in robes. The previous batch didn't complete the main task and was wiped out.

But the new Destroyer is much smarter.

They no longer expect to transform those decadent nobles, but exchange for titles themselves, implement the feudal peasant system on their own land, give full play to their enthusiasm, produce more food and meat, and then manufacture more armor and weapons .

With that, they start expanding around.


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