Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1761: core

"Captain, you're such an awesome lady! My admiration for you is like a surging river, endless, and like the flood of the Yellow River, out of control..."

After another world, on the Black Tentacle Square, a pretty schoolgirl sneered at Li Chun.

"Of course, the captain is someone who has reached the threshold of Team Paradise but won't enter! I only have two words for the captain: I am grateful, in short, I am very grateful." Another male college student put his hands together.

"That's 1, 2, 3... 10 words." The girl said contemptuously.

"Okay, you two, hurry up and think about what to strengthen next." Li Chun interrupted the conversation between the two in the team.

"We can't figure it out, Captain, help me figure it out, you are a prophet." The female student leaned on Li Chun's lap and pleaded.

"Forget it, I'll deduce it."

Li Chun's prophet, of course, was realized with the help of an analog mobile phone.

This is not a problem. In this dangerous world, there is only the difference between early death and late death. Even Team Paradise, I heard that they have changed two core players.

He joined the Rock team before, and now, he is the only one left.

And these two male and female students were just joined by the first two worlds.

Before, he didn't fully exert his ability to simulate, for fear of being discovered by others.

Now that he is the captain, he has the dominance and can naturally give full play to it.

The simulation started quickly: "After 5 minutes: Su Xiaodan chose to continue strengthening the bloodline of the Succubus Queen."

"Nine days later: You have entered a feudal world, and poetry has extraordinary power. Su Xiaodan was considered by an old master to be a demon woman who brought disaster to the country, and he killed him on the spot with the power of a great Confucian."

Yes, after his plea, the logistics department strengthened his mobile phone, and now it can be deduced to a month later.

Of course, the lifespan of consumption has also increased, and it will consume as long as the deduction takes.

Seeing this, he said to Su Xiaodan, "I can't continue to strengthen the succubus bloodline."

"Ah? What do you want to strengthen?" Su Xiaodan asked with surprise.

She wants to continue to strengthen to the queen level, so that the captain can kneel at her feet, and she can do whatever she wants in the future.

Now the captain has turned off the permission for newcomers to join randomly, saying that newcomers are troublesome. Instead of her, she doesn't care whether the newcomer lives or dies, the more she comes, the better, just to raise it.

Li Chun shook his head, not wanting to deduce any more.

It will consume 10 days of his lifespan at a time. This thing is not a random simulation.

"You choose one by yourself, in short, you can't strengthen the succubus."

"Su Xiaodan, you should also strengthen your output and fight, you can't let us fight each time." The male college student said dissatisfied.

He doesn't care about the beauty of the other party, so he makes a bionic beauty. Isn't she fragrant?

To be more obedient, be more obedient.

Only a young boy thinks that a high-ranking queen is good. Men who have experienced it know how important it is to be obedient.

"Huang Ergou, I want you to take care of it! Captain, you can do the math..."

"No way, there are too many leaks, which will greatly hinder my life." Li Chun shook his head.

"Okay then." Su Xiaodan glared at Huang Ergou before coming to Hei Tentacle.

A bunch of tentacles came up.

In the end, she chose to strengthen the elf queen bloodline.

A black aura flashed by, and a beautiful and refined, but also a bit charming, there is holiness in the demon, and there is a seductive woman in the holiness.

For Su Xiaodan, it is a belief anyway: beautiful to the end.

Li Chun shook his head.

Sooner or later, this woman will be unlucky.

"Captain, what do you think I want to strengthen?" Huang Ergou asked carefully.

"let me see."

Li Chun simulated again.

"Five minutes later: Huang Ergou chose to continue strengthening the Jiuyang Divine Art."

"Nine days later: You have entered a feudal world... Huang Ergou was chosen by a great Confucian as his bodyguard because of his martial arts skills and highly suited to this world, but Huang Ergou hated the hypocritical Confucianism and was unwilling to be a dog. The great Confucian was furious and transformed Huang Ergou. became a real dog."

Seeing this, Li Chun said: "You can continue to strengthen your Jiuyang Divine Art, but the next world person, you must obey my orders."

"Yes, Captain." Huang Ergou said happily.

Jiuyang Shengong, which integrates offensive and defensive treatment in an all-round way, is strengthened to the top level, and is also the harmony of yin and yang.

In the low-magic world, the survivability is extremely strong.

Moreover, it has its own masculine power and is resistant to many strange worlds.

It can also change its own character, making the cowardly strong and sunny.

With so many benefits, it is completely worthy of its price and reputation.

When it is too strong, it can also transform its physique into the body of the Nine Yangs and enter the path of self-cultivation.

Huang Ergou immediately came to the black tentacles, and as the tentacles surrounded him, a blood-red aura appeared, lingering around him.

Li Chun continued to shake his head.

This child, Jiuyang Divine Art is masculine and righteous, but it is the evil black tentacles that strengthen it.

After the blood qi, Huang Ergou could only hear the bones rattling all over his body. From the inside to the outside, from the top to the bottom, he had gone through some hair washing and cutting the marrow. The spirit of the whole person was greatly different than before.

Immediately after the tentacles retreated, Huang Ergou walked back excitedly: "Captain, I've become stronger again."

"Strange." Li Chun said.

"What's so strange?" Huang Ergou was a little scared.

"Why didn't you get rid of toxins and filth from your whole body?" Li Chun continued.

"Uh, maybe it was absorbed by the black tentacles, and then used for Su Xiaodan, the yin and yang are in harmony." Huang Ergou squinted at Su Xiaodan who was looking in the mirror next to him.

"Huang Ergou, you are going to die!" Su Xiaodan was furious.

This woman is beautiful, even if she is angry, she is full of charm.

", don't quarrel, the two of you, the next world is a world where Confucianism and Taoism are manifested, there are great Confucians, there are poets, and in short, it is a place where literati have power..."

"The self-fantasies of a group of sour scholars are boring." Su Xiaodan said with contempt.

She looks down on those scholars. What she likes is the emperor and the harem...

Scholars are just servants.

"Confucianism and Taoism are holy? There are good and bad Confucianism. The good thing is that it is good at fooling people and can maintain the great unity. The bad thing is that it restricts people's thinking and prevents people from thinking about it." Huang Ergou analyzed it seriously.

"Okay, you all go to check the information, and gather after 9 days." Li Chun ordered, and then came to the corner of the square to rest.

Black tentacle square, except for black tentacles, there is nothing, but it is not a guard space, but there is also a personal room.

Nine days passed in a flash.

Li Chun also got a new task.

He felt that his minister was very powerful, and he was able to stretch his tentacles into the black tentacle space, so he was not afraid of being discovered by the other party?

"Find the core of the black tentacles."

The entire Destroyer camp has an unknown number of teams, one for each Black Tentacle Square, and the Black Tentacles in each team must be clones.

Where is the core of it?

In the strongest Heaven team?

Or the weakest team?


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