Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1773: Wangba

Hua Gang explained everything in detail for 12 hours, and everyone shrank.

He even went to the toilet several times, and said what posture he used each time.

Finally, after signing and pressing fingerprints, they were allowed to leave, but they were required not to leave the city and keep the phone open.

Once on the blacklist, you can't find any job, and you can't buy anything in any store.

Just wait and be a savage.

Hua Gang returned to his house in despair.

Fortunately, the house was not confiscated to myself.

Only illicit gains were confiscated.

There is no pie in the sky, so the migrant workers should work honestly.

Lying on the bed, he couldn't help thinking, if he had been careful enough in the beginning, would there be a different ending?

But he thought about it carefully and found it useless.

As long as you use 10,000 times the game task rewards, the game mechanism will definitely be discovered.

It will be blocked when found.

If you change your account and get too many, you will still be called to the police, and this is the end.

Moreover, even if you are careful, other players will not be careful.

This is the case in modern society, especially when it comes to information, it is exposed too quickly.

Fortunately, the wool of the small companies is the wool of the small companies. If the wool of the few big companies is monopolized, they can't pull it to the target?

Sai Weng loses his horse, how can I know it is not a blessing.

The next time a pie falls, I won't pick it up if I kill it.

Thinking so, he fell asleep on the bed.

Depressed, although a little hungry, but not even in the mood to eat.

After sleeping for an unknown time, an inexplicable voice rang in my ears:

"Want to get rich? Want to gain financial freedom? Want to rest every day?"


He was talking in a daze, and then he heard a "dong" sound.

His cell phone rang suddenly and woke him up.

"What's the matter?" Hua Gang suddenly woke up from the bed.

He opened the phone and saw a fluffy little panda appearing on it, rolling there.

"What screensaver is this?" he said subconsciously.

Immediately, he saw the red panda talking to him: "Hello, I'm Xiaohuan, an artificial intelligence, nice to meet you."

artificial intelligence?

Oh, I see.

After all, Hua Gang is a modern man with a big brain.

He suddenly realized that what happened to him before must be that a hacker group created artificial intelligence and then threw it on the Internet for random testing.

Or was it testing humanity before?

Want artificial intelligence to understand human nature?

He did not rashly talk to him.

He is much more cautious now.

In the past, he always felt that people in the business alliance would not care about a small person like him.

It doesn't matter if he does a little rubbing.

Now he understands, don't care because you don't have anything to care about, and once you have, in microseconds, you'll be in their line of sight.

After thinking for a while, he didn't say until the little panda seemed a little impatient, "How can you help me get rich?"

He still remembered what he had heard in his sleep.

The little panda said of course: "Just add four zeros to your bank card."

Ha ha.

Artificial Intelligence: X.

Artificial mental retardation: R.

"You added it one second ago, and the next second I have to go to jail." He said angrily, "Did you give the previous 10,000-fold task reward?"

"Yeah, you had a good time, didn't you?"

"I really thank you." Hua Gang said depressedly.

"Needless to say, I've always been helpful to others for (myself) pleasure." Little Panda said with a wink.

"What are you doing?"

"I will do everything except make you a fairy."

Hua Gang was silent.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Can you copy a popular novel for me? By the way, I have to check it online and pass it."

"Isn't that easy?"

After a while, a classic novel appeared in front of Hua Gang.

He spent half an hour doing a quick scan.

In his opinion, even if this book can't sell for millions, there are still hundreds of thousands.

He quickly took a screenshot.

Hmph, if you don't let me sell gold, then I'll write my own novel and publish it, right?

There are countless people who have never written, suddenly wrote a popular book.

You can't find fault with me, can you?

He thought so, then went to the computer and typed frantically.

Don't think about it, just type directly at it, and the speed will definitely fly.

He typed 90 words a minute, 5,400 words in an hour, and after the rest time, he had a speed of about 4,000 words.

Ten hours a day is 40,000 words.

This book is 3 million words in length.

It was over in less than three months.

He groaned as he typed.

Obviously with such a big hang, I only dare to rely on coolies to make money.

If you were born in a rich family, how can you use it as you want?

Use this artificial intelligence to engage in finance, trade, and industry every minute. Which one is better than now?

Forget it, let's get the first gold first.

Just after typing two thousand words, he suddenly realized a terrible problem.

"Lord Xiao Huan, is there anyone watching me?"

"Yes, I have."

"Oh, no... That's okay. Wait," Hua Gang looked horrified, "You said someone was watching me?"

"Yes, your mobile phone camera is running quietly, let me show you who is watching you." The little panda said, stretching his calf.

Then a bunch of faces appeared on the screen of the phone.

It was the investigator who had just interrogated him before, as well as a few strangers.

They stared at each other, as if looking at a screen.

Look at it for yourself, and the other party also looks at it.

The two parties looked at each other as if through a window.

"That guy seems to have spotted us?" the other side said.

"He's not a fool after all, he definitely wants to know that we are watching him, but what if he wants to?" Another person didn't care.

Hua Gang gritted his teeth.

Yes, people are right.

He just found out, so what?

Run over and beat those people up? Or complain to the league?


"What should I do now? I want freedom, I want to develop freely, I don't want to be controlled by them." He said to the little panda.

"Well, let me deduce the deduction..." Little Panda said with a wink.

ten minutes later.

"Yes, you bring solar panels, find a place where no one can find you, and become a savage. I will give you a lot of black technology, and when you turn these technologies into strength, you can dominate. "The little panda showed him a way of development.

Hua Gang was still very excited at first. After thinking about it carefully, he asked again, "What is the success rate?"

"3.4%. UU Reading"

"As expected, you cheated me again." Hua Gang said helplessly.

"This is higher than your chances of surviving to be a hundred years old. Why, don't you fight? Do you want to live suffocatedly or bravely fly into space?"

"Live suffocated."

"Don't. I'll give you another path with a higher chance."

"What way?"

"You go and work with people in the league and tell them you're going to give them your all, and they'll give you a high position, 90.3 percent of the time."

"I'm a little unwilling, I can be the king, why should I be a dog? You don't have any black technology, block their monitoring of me, and let me run to the tribal jungle outside? They don't care about anyone, as long as they pay Just money."

"Yes. The chance of success is 83.3%."

"Okay, then follow this path."

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