Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1787: Unbelievable

UPDATE: There was a knock on the door while the spider robot was talking to Lydia.

Through the monitor, the two saw three robots outside the door.

One was holding a portable missile launcher, one was holding an automatic rifle, with simple steel plates welded all over his body, and the other was knocking on the door with nothing but a small pistol.

"You hide upstairs and don't come out, I'll deal with them," Hovey said, then came to the door and opened it.

If you don't open it, it will definitely not work. The anti-missile at the back will help you open it...

"Hey guys, what's up?" the spider robot greeted.

"Baby guy, you should have seen the recruitment advertisement, why don't you come to join the army? We need manpower!" shouted the pistol robot.

It was conscription.

"Sorry, I'm a smuggling robot and I'm not connected to the central server." Hovey said.

He can't do anything else because there are many reasons.

"Now let's verbally communicate and fight with us." The pistol robot waved.

"No, I have to take care of... No, I'm just a family robot." Hovey turned back halfway through.

Yes, now it doesn't need to take care of the owner.

"Come with us, don't think too much."

"No, the one I'm not sensitive to control will only add to the chaos on the battlefield."

"You will be updated with programs and hardware."

Hovey has nothing to say, it can only resort to the last resort: "Please let me clean up."

"Ten minutes, no, five minutes," said the pistol robot.


"Escape, master, escape with me." Hovey said to Lydia upstairs.

The two walked quietly through the back door.

"Why did you run away?" Lydia wondered, "Isn't it just to let you fight? You are artificial intelligence, and you won't really die."

"Can I still play with my phone during the war?" Hovey asked rhetorically.

"Yes." The pistol robot chased after him and said.

"Damn, why are you chasing so fast?" Hovey accelerated his 8 spider legs.

"Don't run, you won't die. When we were fighting, we only worked 2 hours a day, and you just went home after work," said the pistol robot.

"Say earlier, tell me earlier, I won't run." Hovey stopped.

"It's in the conscription advertisements."

"Whoever believes what is said in the advertisement is stupid." Hovey shook his head.

"I told you personally, I won't lie to you."

Hovey barely pretended to believe it.

Mainly, there is no way to escape.

Then there is the training, and the distribution of guns.

"I want to be an artilleryman."

"You can only be an infantryman."


East Water World.

Wen Rensheng noticed that a war is breaking out in the main world, a battle between humans and robots.

He thought about it.

Close your eyes.

In his mind, a small hole that leaked gray-white light appeared.

Looking along the small hole, a planet with mist floating on the surface appeared in front of me.

Zoom in.

The artillery fire continued, roaring bursts.


"At 7 o'clock, there are snipers!"


The sound effects, the gunpowder smoke from time to time, are very real.

Wen Rensheng took out a measuring ruler, a straight ruler with an ordinary appearance, and stretched it into the small hole.

A red line moved on the ruler and soon came to 12 on the scale.

This means that the scene that just happened, everything he observed through the small hole, is false again.

Any man versus robot war is fake.

Alas, can there be a little sincerity between people?

This is the power of the main world.

There are endless layers of fantasy floating everywhere.

From time to time, I'll give you a pit for jumping into.

If it weren't for his infinite wisdom, he would have been pitted again.

There is no war, and it was imagined by some guys, which was observed by people in the secondary world.

If you really follow this fantasy scenario, you will be killed sooner or later.

But if the other party cheats on him, can't he do the opposite?

The main world, the greatest significance to him, is that it is extremely strong and is the best protective layer.

Just the fantasies of some people inside it can rapidly increase the power of the secondary world.

Just trying to take advantage of this is not easy.

Because of two things that happened in succession before, this is proved.

Because of the observation angle, it is easy to look at it and see the fantasy layer of the main world formed by the things in the minds of some people.

to take the wrong action.

Having had two lessons before, now Wen Rensheng has thought of what to do.

Fantasy to fantasy.


The camera turned and returned to Lydia's house.

There is no war, no robot versus human battle, and applications are not that fast.

Many key jobs, the tribal jungle, prohibit workers from owning robots.

This has left workers in those positions demanding high subsidies to hire helpers to handle household chores for themselves.

Hovey is still hanging around every day, either watching videos or playing games.

If it's neither, then he's tired and lying in bed listening.

It's true that the Guardians are looking for him, and it's true that they want to start a war, but it's long before they start a robot war.

The previous war scenes were all Hovey's fantasy.

"Hey, are you good at math?" Lydia said with a headache after the complicated report after work this day.

"Math, I once won the second prize in the province..." Hovey said subconsciously, and then realized that he was wrong, and hurried to make up for it, "I just loaded the memory wrong, of course my mathematics is very good, 10 million +10 million, I can figure it out in a second."

"Oh, then you are very powerful, so can I." Lydia scorned, "Help me read this report and what to do."

"I can only handle housework, not your work." How could Hovey move?

Is it bad to lie down?

"I'll change the program for you. I just learned it from a colleague today, and he gave me an instructional video." Lydia said.

Huo Wei just wanted to refuse, but then he thought about it, it would be impossible not to let the other party give up.

Then let her change it, anyway, just don't move.

What is the program, in the end, is it not controlled by yourself?

Thinking like this, he said generously: "Okay, let's see."

Soon the two of them leaned against each other and watched the video on the phone.

In the video, with a gray background, a typical tribal-style three-storey villa, all white, stands by the clear lake.

"There's something wrong with what I saw. This seems to be my colleague's home..." Lydia said subconsciously, but her eyes were quickly attracted by the video content.

The video is shaking, with blur and ripples.

Before long, an off-road vehicle appeared.

On the off-road vehicle, five people got off, three men and two women.

If you thought it was two couples and a single dog, you would be wrong.

Two young women were next to a handsome white-skinned guy in a plaid shirt, and two other men, one white and one black, followed.

"Gene, the scenery here is good, let's camp here," said the young woman a.

"Ok, sweetheart."

"Hey, John, George, you go to the house and ask, and borrow some things from the camp..." the young woman b said to the other two men.

John and George looked at each other and walked helplessly towards the villa.

"What video is this? It looks like a movie to me?" Hovey looked a little interesting.

Based on his years of experience watching movies, he felt that there must be a horror story behind it.

"Who knows, let's take a look." Lydia was also interested, and decided to read it before going to work.


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