Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1801: dream world

"Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, 3,600 turns in one breath, great mercy and compassion to save the world!"

As the young monk said, Gatling opened fire at Hua Gang.

The villain dies of the law of talking too much, it seems that he remembers it very firmly.

Hua Gang, soaring up and down, like an anti-Japanese hero, dodging countless bullets in one breath.

The monk frowned slightly and began to chant the Great Compassion Mantra again, but it was even more ruthless.

The bullet takes a turn directly!

Is this mental lock-in?

Hua Gang was like a butterfly wearing flowers, flipping to and fro, avoiding bullets.

Fortunately, it didn't take too long, after all, the other party was not infinite bullets, Gatling turned off, the young monk threw it directly, and then took out a single-soldier missile outfit from somewhere?

Hua Gang hurried forward, narrowing the distance between the two sides.

However, the monk floated up and stepped back.

Missile launch.

Hua Gang came directly to pick up the missile in the air, turned the missile around, and hit the opponent.

The monk also threw away the launch gear and kicked the missile back again.

The operation of this scene made the only two spectators outside the venue stunned.

"It's incredible. It doesn't feel like there are any special effects, just like actions that people can make themselves?" Dr. Pan said.

"Yeah, it's too exaggerated, it's simply superhuman, and it's too real, aren't dreams generally chaotic, illusory and changeable?" the dean asked in surprise.

From the words, you can hear that the other party understands.

"A normal dream is naturally like this, but when it has a fulcrum, it will stabilize, and this fulcrum, as you can see, is the lake and the villa just now, and the tribal woman." The director smiled. .

"That tribal woman, have you found her?"

"She has become the key protection target of the tribe's secret department. The protection level is comparable to the aliens in Area 51... It's a pity that Hua Gang, as the birthplace of miracles, has not shown such value." The director said with a little regret.

The two seemed to have heard something extraordinary.

"Can we hear this kind of secret?" Dr. Pan said boldly.

"Don't worry, you and your hospital have been protected since accepting the patient number Hua Gang, and it is impossible for you to have contact with outsiders," the director said.

"Director, what is your identity?" the dean asked in surprise.

"Hehe, you don't need to know this, anyway, what do you think of this subconscious movie?" the director said.

"This is very good, it will definitely make a lot of money; but why not engage in the metaverse, the second world, I think it will make more money this way." Dr. Pan suggested.

"Hahaha, as expected, there are savvy people everywhere. Not yet. The mode of filming has a relatively small impact and is easy to control. If we really want to make it into the second world, the variables will be too great. We don't know yet, it's a miracle. The real source, aliens, gods, Pangu, demons? It's not a technology that the alliance or tribe can have anyway." The director laughed.

Dr. Pan shuddered, the director must be unusual.

Probably a code name, called "director", who is actually a big man in the league.

"Oh, but what is the man behind the scenes trying to do?" the dean asked. "He must have a purpose, right?"

"This is also what we want to ask. It would be great if we could find out the purpose. I'm afraid this is a natural phenomenon."

"Is the natural phenomenon bad?" Dr. Pan asked in confusion.

"If it is a natural phenomenon, then we may usher in the doomsday, not the doomsday in science fiction, but the real doomsday." The director's face became heavy.

"How is this possible?" Dr. Pan shook his head and said, "It's just a dream world."

"It will be infected." The director said lightly.

Doctor Pan was stunned.

He shuddered again.

Infectious dreams?

"Is there no way to stop it?"

"At present, as long as you have nightmares and horror dreams, you may enter that dream world and become a part of it. Who can stop everyone from having nightmares? It can only be said that we can reduce the cultural products of horror and curiosity, and try our best to let people Don't have that kind of dream. But not the root cause."

Doctor Pan was silent.

"But it's no problem to enter that world, right? Isn't it just a lake and a villa?" the dean asked in confusion.

"People will die inside, die inside, and become vegetative outside, and the whole person will stay in the dream world forever."

"Ah, so dangerous?" the dean exclaimed.

"Yes, according to the information from the tribe, hundreds of people in the tribe have become vegetative."

"Can't they come out? Is the woman in the lake villa doing the trick?"

"We are testing, but according to the initial contact, it is not that she is playing a ghost, but the problem of those people. After death, they think that they are really dead, and their consciousness can't return to the body. There are many teams doing research." said the director.

"Are there any results? Sorry, I asked too many questions." Dr. Pan hurriedly shut up.

"It's okay, after all, you are the first doctor who treated Hua Gang. The result, yes, is that we used the mode of filming to attract the attention of that woman and gradually discover the mysteries of that world."

Only then did Dr. Pan understand why they were playing subconscious movies.

It turned out to be for that mysterious woman.

Making money or something is meaningless to the alliance, after all, the entire economic system is under their control.

To attract the core of that dream world through movies and stories, UU reading www.uukanshu. com then explores the truth of the dream world little by little.

But Dr. Pan has a feeling that this approach is futile.

Of course he can understand the director, so he can't do nothing, right?

So he and the dean continued to watch the movie.

The suspense film has entered the final stage.

After three days and three nights of battle, Hua Gang finally defeated the monk.

Then sacrificed, lured the giant python out to defeat, and then rescued the devoured soul of his friend.

"I'm alive again? Thank you, Lao Hua." Luo Wei said in surprise.

Hua Gang glanced at the lake: "You have to go out first."

"If you want to go out, you have to find that lake fairy." Luo Wei looked at the villa in the distance.

"She's a fairy? I thought she was a witch." Hua Gang remembered the woman's roar before, and it was as if the lions in Hedong would bow down.

How dare a man marry such a strong woman?

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, you don't know much about this world." Luo Wei said with a smile.

Then the two came to the door of the villa.

An old couple suddenly appeared and invited them in.

Two screams.

No one came out again.

Immediately afterwards, the villa disappeared, and another villa that was exactly the same, but looked newer, appeared beside the lake.

The spider robot and Lydia came out and looked at a clearing somewhere.

"Why didn't you remind them?" Hovey wondered, "You shouldn't be so cruel."

"I can't be reminded, the two old people seem to have a mysterious power that can make me unable to speak and make me unable to communicate with outsiders."

"Why is this? Could it be the power of faith?" Hovey was both distressed and curious.


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