Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1806: resist

But there are also many technologies that do not need to consider patent barriers, especially in military technology.

Hua Gang's status was immediately promoted to a national treasure.

All kinds of treatment are directly filled!

All the benefits that can be given are given.

A person who can carry all the technical knowledge on earth is invaluable.

If before, he was only regarded as the source of miracles, but now he is a miracle himself, a precious treasure.

"Mr. Hua, Mr. Hua, look at how this technology can be done..."

This became what Hua Gang heard the most every day.

He fixed an hour every day to solve the inquiries sent by various important departments.

For one more minute, he won't do it.

Even so, people are still flocking, very respectful.

"I'm very sleepy today, don't look for me!" he said directly.

Then go back to the 100-square-meter big bed and feel comfortable.

"This is the life of a man! Those lives in the past were simply slaves!"

After Hua Gang enjoyed it for a while, he began to think about danger again.

He did not forget his experience in the mental hospital.

At that time, I couldn't help myself, being tied to the bed and doing all kinds of experiments.

Now he has to think about what he has to rely on.

By the way, keep some secret technologies and dig out a little bit.

There are so many important technologies on the earth, it is not a problem to spend a little bit a year until the age of 90.

Thinking of this, he said in his mind, "Grandpa, is Grandpa there?"

"Yes, are you okay?" A kind and kind voice sounded, reminding him of his long-dead grandfather.

"Can you give me a list of the most important techniques so I can learn them all."

"Very well, you are working hard, I will list it for you."

Industrial master machine technology, high-precision machining lathes, precision material technology... The upstream core technologies of many core industrial chains, he learned one by one.

As for the patent barrier, he doesn't care about this, and let those application personnel worry about it.

Whether they are remodeling or directly copycats, he doesn't care.

However, as he learned more and more, an ambition in Hua Gang's heart gradually rose.

In his mind, he said to the grandfather: "I have these technologies and can build a huge company and a powerful country, but now I am just a canary."

"Canary? You think highly of yourself, you're just a piece of junk. When you run out, you'll be exhausted." There was a sigh in the old grandfather's voice.

"Jin Ke La? Well said, fatten others and drain yourself." Hua Gang said in his heart, looking up at the extremely luxurious bedrooms around him.

Carpets, ceilings, cooling, heating, decor, vases... servants, housekeepers, gardeners, and assigned wives.

These things are very good, but they are not comparable to any technology he handed over.

Those technologies are worth billions of dollars, and many technologies have to consume tens of billions, or even tens of billions, to be researched.

In fact, business alliances once invested tens of billions in several key technologies, but in the end they got nothing and became a laughing stock.

Now, they just need to send students to learn from him step by step.

There is absolutely no risk of research mistakes, going the wrong way.

Thinking of this, and thinking about the unscrupulous research on him by the investigators before, Hua Gang was even more angry.

Courteous before and after.

This is the individual, helpless in the face of the huge system of the alliance.

"Grandpa, can't you really make me a superman? I want to fly, I want this day, I can't cover my eyes, I want this place, I can't cover my body, I want all the dark clouds in the sky to dissipate!" He spoke bitterly and even made a sound without knowing it.

"It's useless, matter determines consciousness. I can only let you learn the knowledge of this world, but I can't let you directly have the power to change matter." The old man said helplessly.

"Then do you have any way to let me have power? I want to become a king, and I want no one to take me away at will!" He gritted his teeth.

"This is very difficult, because there are too many people monitoring you. You are now a national treasure, enjoying the treatment of a national treasure and the monitoring power of a national treasure." The old man refused again.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either. Do I have to serve my enemies like this every day? Hmph, do they think these things can change my mind? Don't think about it!" Hua Gang said angrily.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Alada, are you in there? Sounds like you're in a bad mood."

"Miyamoto-chan, I'm fine." The anger in Hua Gang's heart disappeared instantly.

His business has nothing to do with Miss Miyamoto outside.

And the other party is just a poor person, a poor woman who doesn't know anything and is just arranged here.

Chiyoko Miyamoto, whose parents were tragically in a car accident, had an older brother who went to the extreme, and even sold her to an indescribable place, and was rescued by the investigators during the operation.

It was then arranged for him.

The other party's temperament is extremely soft, just like a little sheep, and he just likes this kind of thing the most, what kind of independent and strong woman, he has a headache when he hears it.

"Well, Alada, don't take it to heart if you have something, I can bear it."

"No, I'm fine."

Hua Gang sighed.

Compared with him, there are more and more miserable people.

His situation is much better than 90% of the people.

Thinking of this, his fighting spirit slumped a lot.

From the original possibility of more than 90% outbreak, it suddenly dropped to more than 10%.

"Look at you, just a few words from a woman can make you lose your fighting spirit. This is your world, strong and stubborn, and material determines consciousness." The old grandpa sighed.

"Then what can I do? I'm alone, there are so many of them."

"Let me think about it, there are many of them, but there are many factions, and the business alliance is composed of many companies. Your technology, every company wants, think about it, in this case, will anyone want to steal you out?"

"There must be, but how can they reach me?"

"Do you remember that dream world?"

"Remember, by the way, isn't there a lot of robots in the dream world? Can I have a technology that can control all the robots, and then I can control the robots behind the scenes, let them form a kingdom, and I will be the king …”

You think so The Tower Principal is amused at the ambition of this poor human being.

But after laughing, he felt that the other party had a lot of ideas.

This is not impossible.

The premise is that he cooperates with one or two.

"Let me think about it, um, there is such a technology. But the power that robots have now is not enough to fight against humans. They don't have weapons, they don't master the core industrial chain, and the minerals and resources needed to produce robots are all It is firmly under control. Once the war begins, the reserves will be enough for three months at most." said the old man.

"That is to say, it is actually feasible. I can wait slowly. The robot can reserve resources, minerals, coal, oil, and even the quantity. If the reserve is more, it will be pushed in one wave."

"It's not that simple. Regarding companion robots, the Alliance and the Horde have reached an agreement to impose strict restrictions, allowing only civilian use, and not allowing any robots with weapons to appear." 7220/10556827

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