Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1820: choose

"I will never play again!"

It was Dr. Pan's seventeen-year-old son who said this. The young man angrily ran from the study to the living room, and threw the helmet on the sofa, but when he was about to leave, he carefully placed it on the dining table.

Dr. Pan came out early, sat on the sofa, and peeled an apple.

"What's wrong? Was it bitten by a dog?" he joked to his son.

"How do you know?" The son was surprised, "I entered that script, and I became a rabbit. I understand it. I cultivated all the way, competed with other rabbits all the way, slapped my face and pretended to be cool all the way... In the end I became a holy rabbit. As a result, I finally realized that I was in a cave of blessed earth. The cave was opened up by some great master and specially cultivated meat for his watchdog! I worked hard to train myself to be the best Eat a rabbit!"

"Hahahaha!" Dr. Pan laughed, leaning back and forth.

"You laugh like this, am I still your own?" The son snatched the sliced ​​apple and ate it bitterly.

Dr. Pan stopped smiling.

He didn't doubt whether his son was biological, but he thought of a crucial question.

He is busy here, is he just a rabbit exercising himself?

When they mature, they will be killed to eat meat?

He wouldn't have thought about it until he had seen the script of miracles and those virtual worlds.

Because there is no evidence, it is useless to think about it, it will only confuse yourself.

It's like thinking about the world after a person dies.

But it's different now. There is indeed another layer of world, and that layer of world is still watching them.

Just thinking about it, I found that my son picked up the helmet again and put it on his head.

"Okay, let's come out to eat." The wife shouted in the restaurant.

"Are you in the mood to cook today? I thought it was me doing it again." Dr. Pan said a little surprised.

"Hmph, you think it's beautiful, the food made by the shared robot." The wife said dissatisfied.

A shared robot is that several companies buy a robot together and work in each house in turn.

The upside is that the electricity bills and maintenance costs are evenly split, and you don't have to worry too much.

After all, a robot is still very expensive, and the cheapest one is 100,000 yuan, but it has too few functions. It costs millions for a home-use robot, and it is too difficult for a family to undertake.

"Oh, I said why there is a smell of engine oil." Dr. Pan said angrily.

"You took advantage of the oil that Lao Fang's family just put on the robot this morning. It's thousands of dollars a liter." His wife said while eating, and then glared at her son, "Put down your helmet and play less."

"Don't play if you don't play, I'll play again tomorrow."

"There are still a few days before the college entrance examination, so you just want to play."

"It's been more than ten days since my college entrance examination." The son said speechlessly.

"Oh, how was the test?"

"Very good, I have contacted a well-known university in the tribe and are going to recruit me." The son said, "Thanks to the virtual script, I played a script related to the tribe. I learned it from elementary school to high school. From registration to graduation, I understand everything." The son proudly said.

"That's good, this thing is really useful." The wife said with relief.

"Of course."

After the son finished speaking, he buried himself in the meal.

Dr. Pan did not speak, but silently deleted the invitation text message from a private college in his mobile phone, which read:

"Congratulations to your son who scored 323 in the college entrance examination, which is in line with our college's admission score. After receiving the notice, you can go to the **** admissions office to handle admissions matters."

Information leaks are the most common these days.

He had no doubt that it was fake, because he found it out as soon as he checked it.

Is this good?

But he didn't want to say that for the time being, let his son take it easy while eating, although this guy lied about finishing his homework since the third grade of elementary school, but he didn't actually write a word.

Isn't it because the teacher doesn't allow strict discipline now, but when he was replaced, the teacher slapped a few times and dared to lie and didn't finish the homework?

After dinner, he called his son to the study.

"323 points."

"You know?" The son lowered his head.

"Do you think that I, like your mother, can't check scores?"


"What are you going to do?"

"After spending a lifetime in the script world, many of my classmates plan to do this."

"Don't go to school, don't get married, don't have children?"

"I do the same in the script world. I've been married 80 times, married 160 times, and gave birth to more than 300 children. I'm tired and crooked."

"..." Dr. Pan had nothing to say, and took a long time to say, "Then you still have to eat and sleep in reality. Where do you get the money for your meals?"

"Let the robot earn it. You will eat your pension when you live. When you die, I will sell the house and buy a robot to work for me and support me."

"..." Dr. Pan wanted to slap his face, "You were not like this before. You used to think about starting a company and becoming a shopping mall elite."

"I just want to cultivate immortals now. I'm tired of playing the elite script in the mall, and I can easily make several trillions."

Hearing this, Dr. Pan suddenly had a thought.

abuse, abuse.

These **** really think the script world is a mess, don't they?

No wonder the other party changed it to abusive version, if not, how many people still care about the real world?

They have to understand that the scripted world is more difficult to mix.

He thought about the days when he was working in the mines, suffering every day, but it was a hundred times worse than when he was at his worst in reality.

No exaggeration at all.

The clothes are tattered, the stench is high, and I can't take a shower and eat a full meal all year round.

Sick myrrh depends entirely on boiling.

That's the real scripted world.

"Okay, let's take a look first. You're only 17 years old anyway. I'll wait for you to be 25 years old. 8 years is enough for you to squander." Dr. Pan shook his head.

He knew that the next script would be extremely cruel.

This kid still wants to hold on for 8 years, and in 8 days he will obediently return to the online script of the earth.

Just as few people can become addicted to difficult games such as Sekiro, no matter how good the game is, as long as the difficulty is high enough and the plot is cruel enough, no one will be addicted.

As long as the difficulty of the scripted world is higher than that of the earth, people will choose the real life on the earth.

Sure enough, early the next morning, he saw his son's face full of despair.

"What's wrong again?"

"I chose the Xianxia script yesterday. No matter how I cultivate, it is only the third level of Qi refining, and I will die at the age of one hundred."

"This is normal. Most people won't earn 100 million in a lifetime. You can still break through to refining qi. This probability is already very high."

"But that's the script, I should have a plug-in, and I should be able to discover the adventure..."

"The premise is that the script master wants to give you the treatment of the protagonist and the main supporting characters, and now, obviously, the script master has not done anything, just treat you according to the ordinary treatment."

"Why is that?"

"It's just tricking the dog in and killing it, that's what games do."

" I'm not convinced!"

"If you want to be the protagonist, go and see who can be the protagonist."


Wen Rensheng saw the feedback, and many people were scolding the script for abuse.

Cursing, cursing, he doesn't care anyway.

Where did this go?

The time for real abuse is far from here.

Because now they still have the freedom to choose not to abuse, and under the Qing Dynasty, few people choose not to abuse.

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