Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1836: game

main world.

In a certain mental hospital, the pungent smell of disinfectant permeated the ward.

On the hospital bed, lay an ordinary man.

Next to him, the director and Dr. Pan stood.

"This is the first one shipped to your hospital?"

"The 32nd." Dr. Pan shook his head.

"Why are there so many comatose people all of a sudden?" the director asked again.

"According to the examination, they seem to be in a long-term dream, similar to the folk's disease of leaving the soul." Dr. Pan gave an analogy.

"Disease of leaving the soul?" The director pondered these words.

In the past, there were always children who were inexplicably frightened, depressed, feverish, unable to eat, confused...

Old people often say that this is "lost soul". It's useless to see a doctor. Find an old woman in the town, put some incense, sprinkle some face, and draw a picture. In short, it is a very mysterious thing in children's hearts. Children turn around. Enough.

Of course, the director knows that these rituals are a kind of psychological placebo, but they work, so they have been circulating.

Not to mention children, don't adults go to various temples and throw a lot of money for similar psychological comfort?

Now that there are so many soulless ones, do you want to find some witches to try?

Say try it.

Soon, a group of people who could only deceive village women in the countryside were brought to this mental hospital.

Put on the helmet and enter the same script world. After one operation, the patient is not well, and people in the world are going crazy...

But when the good news came, a Jianghu person was sober for a while.

He said: "Those people chose to stay in the dream world voluntarily."

The director suddenly realized.

Because this has happened before.

It was the lakeside world in the dream. Someone turned into a vegetative state and kept in a coma because he never woke up from the dream.

"It seems that we don't need to worry about this." The director shook his head.

Because he knew that someone would take care of it.


Of course Wen Rensheng has to take care of it. In the past, disasters devoured people in the Dongzhou world, and they swallowed the flesh and bones together; now, in the main world, they eat people and only eat their conscious minds.

He pays attention to the long flow of water, and the other party is a belt bone.

The trick of Principal Calamity really hits the nail on the head.

In order to restrain the headmaster of the disaster, he changed the script into abusive texts, and forced the people of the main world to lose weight...

As a result, they lured these people to indulge in the scripted world and harvested them directly.

Obviously, it is for the sake of their physical and mental health, but helpless people are short-sighted.

I can only see the advantages of eating and drinking, but not the disadvantages.

How to deal with this trick?

After thinking for a while, he called in those world consciousnesses.

Asha Dragon God, Go AI, Spore World, God of Baldur's Gate...

"You want to contain or even eliminate the disaster principal. It's right to solve the root cause, but there are some problems with the means." Asha Longshen said, "It's like educating children, using forcible suppression to make them do nothing, Often it backfires. The real means should be to guide, not to block.”

Wen Rensheng nodded.

In fact, he just tried, and he didn't hang himself from a tree.

Just go back now.

"Then how to guide?"

"This is simple. In the past, people in the main world had all kinds of fantasies, and there were all kinds of curious things, so disasters and chaos came into being. Before you eradicated the soil of terror, you made chaos and omniscience retreat. Now, you need to guide people not to think about it. Those who are curious, but focus their minds elsewhere."

"other places?"

"For example, games make people addicted to leveling up, fighting monsters, pickling vegetables... Every day they wake up with a liver, so they naturally don't have the energy to think about strange things."

"It makes sense, it makes sense." Wen Rensheng nodded.

Brainstorming is really useful.

It's hard to suppress what people don't think about, but it's much easier to lead them to focus on something else.

He immediately ordered the Guardian Space to make and promote a game.

It just so happened that the previous work was not in vain.

As long as you count the changes in the number of people entering in various scripts, you can know which type of game is the most attractive.

The results came out soon.

That is the game that includes all the script types together, the easiest to attract...

These guys really save trouble.


The director was informed that artificial intelligence is going to promote a game in the world, an unprecedented game.

All-inclusive, people only need to play games every day.

All real-world tasks are left to robots.

He was not surprised at all.

It's just a real-life version of The Matrix.

He and the rest of the management had anticipated this for a long time.

Humans will resist, and robots do not want to exterminate humans, so they can only exile humans into the virtual world.

In the virtual world, you can resist at will, anyway, just restart the server and it will be over.

The name of the game is "All Beings Online".

There are N main cities, N maps, N occupations, and countless plots in the design of the sentient beings...

As for the level, from level 1 to infinite, you will never reach the top.

People will allocate real materials according to the game level.

In short, the higher the game level, the better the occupation, and the more real materials.

Anyway, one word, "liver" is done.

Soon, the game will open.

The crowd poured in.

Of course, there are a lot of people who don't want to enter either, thinking it's a trap.

But after the first batch of people got in and got more supplies than before, people went crazy.

More and more people choose to enter.

After everyone gets up early, no, there is no concept of getting up early, only waking up.

After waking up, everyone greeted each other with: "How much experience did you have today?"

"I am five hundred thousand. UU reading"

"I'm only 150,000, how did you get it?"

"The Ph.D. of XX University has established a precise model of experience acquisition... By following the model, you can gain experience exponentially."

"It turned out to be so."

People exchanged tips and tricks for gaining experience with each other, and they discussed feverishly.

How much experience you have earned today, how much experience I will gain tomorrow.

Everyone is frantically brushing the game.

Go to work, who still works?

Few people still want to go to work.

How hard it is to work, how fun the game is, and you can earn experience while playing, and in reality, you will be given supplies.

Isn't this just playing games to earn gold coins and exchange them for real money?

People used to fantasize about playing games to exchange real money.

Now it's become a fact that the basis of that kind of game implementation is that the robot is responsible for the production.

Of course, some people feel that something is not right, that this is not good.

But they have nowhere to say.

If they don't play games, they only have 1,800 calories per day.

It is a blessing to be hungry once or twice, but a bad luck to be hungry every day.

So almost everyone entered the game.

At the same time, people’s daily news on the Internet has also become a matter of the game.

"XX players solve mysterious hidden tasks, gain 300 million experience, and get ten levels in a row."

"XX player opened a mysterious treasure chest and got an S-class weapon."

and so on.

As for real-world research, industry, innovation, no one asks again.

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