Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1839: Thunder

Above the noisy grassland, no one knew that someone was watching the war.

Wen Rensheng's eyes loomed over the army.

Of course no one noticed this.

He wanted to see if the disaster principal would appear again.

Asha Dragon God suggested that he use the game to unify the thinking of people in the main world. Apart from dealing with the disaster principal, of course there is also selfishness.

After all, the other party is the creator **** of the game world. If people in the main world focus on the game, she will naturally be powerful.

It's just that I don't need these things, I just need the authenticity.

A little bit of authenticity can have tens of thousands of times the effect here.

No matter how the opponent's strength grows, it is dwarfed by his own.

He watched it for a while, and saw that the grassland was dusty, and the grass that had not covered his feet was trampled into turf, and tens of thousands of people came back and forth.

At this time, the army training was completed, and more than 70,000 horses were divided into three groups to attack.

This is to maximize the looted area and reduce logistical pressure.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly stretched out his hand.

The sky was quickly filled with dark clouds.

Immediately after the thunder, lightning roared.

One after another, giant flashes of "Zhi" shape cut through the sky.

On the open grassland, there is no shelter.

Lightning fell on the people and horses.

The horses galloped wildly.

They have no heart to resist this kind of natural disaster.

The people are confused.

Heavy rain.

Trample casualties were numerous.

"It's Changshengtian, Changshengtian is angry!" Someone exclaimed.

The sound was insignificant in the thunder, but it aggravated the confusion.

"The big sweat killed the old sweat and angered Changshengtian!"

"Longevity has sinned!"

More than 70,000 horses, the looting team that took more than half a month to gather, just collapsed.

After most of the day, the rainstorm and thunder and lightning stopped a little.

The Great Khan gathered his own cavalry guards in embarrassment, from ten thousand elites to only one or two thousand.

More are alive, but no one wants to go back to him.

The soldiers at the bottom of the feudal era had an unimaginable fear of natural disasters.

More than a thousand people can come back, which proves the ability of this new khan.

It's just that his abilities end there.

As soon as the cavalry was summoned, his brother, Lao Khan's second and third sons, led someone to attack him.

Some of the cavalry guards resisted, some were at a loss, and some simply turned around and ran away, no longer as brave as before.

The Great Khan was hacked to death on the steppe, where his ambitions were just sprouting.

And all of this is just a fluctuation in the thoughts of a certain existence.


"I've said earlier that looting is illegal. Self-reliance, scientific grazing, and trade development are the fundamental solutions to the survival of herdsmen."

Player b looked at the player who was regarded as the guest of honor, "he is strong in the breeze", and talked rhetorically there.

He can only sigh, it is really feng shui turns.

Originally, the other party was tied to a horse, but now he was welcomed into the tent of the tribe.

Because the other party is one of the few who oppose the expedition.

The leader regarded it as the darling of Changshengtian.

Because of the opposition of the other party, their journey was delayed for a while, and they were located in the outer areas of the army, so the losses were relatively small.

The loss of oneself is less, and the loss of others is more, and the tribe of the leader will be stable.

"Then this department, scientific grazing, how to fix it?" the leader asked honestly.

"It is necessary to divide pastures, build fences, change from nomadism to settlement, learn to raise grasses artificially, make scientific analysis, rotate regularly, and do not let the pastures be over-consumed. With fewer and fewer people, other people can do business, work as security guards, serve as escorts, deliver takeaways..." "He is strong and responsible for the breeze," said eloquently.

Player b has only one feeling after listening to it, which is getting more and more outrageous.

It really doesn't take the game seriously.

He wanted to roar, "Seriously, I'm playing a game!"

Too bad he can't yell.

Now this guy is the new darling of the tribe and is regarded as the person who understands the immortality best.

The leader then appointed the guy as a deputy, a sort of stewardship, to help him manage the tribe.

As soon as this guy took office, he said that he would redistribute cattle, sheep and pastures, liberate slaves at the bottom, and give full play to the labor enthusiasm of the tribesmen.

The next day, he died unexpectedly.

In a word, he was killed by the nobles in the tribe.

Die right.

Player b thinks so.

On the third day, the guy ran back.

Although he changed his skin, the words he blurted out made people believe that he was the former "He is strong and responsible for Qingfeng".

The nobles fell to their knees.

They used to think that Changshengtian was just something to fool the followers, and it was okay to believe it orally, otherwise, they would not believe in the esoteric sect later on.

If Changshengtian was really that awesome, would they still dare to convert?

But now it has been proved that longevity really exists.

"He is strong and responsible for Qingfeng" and then began to carry out reforms, this time no one objected.

If the pasture and slaves are separated, they should be separated, anyway, they can't offend Changshengtian.

After all, what should I do if I see Changshengtian after death and punish myself?

After all, one's possessions cannot be brought to the sky.

Player b watches from the sidelines.

Reform January.

People were dubious.

Reform March.

Some of the slaves escaped after being freed, and were chased and killed by other tribesmen and became new slaves.

Their experiences made those freed slaves find it best to stay with the tribe.

Slaves were emancipated, and labor enthusiasm increased.

Herds of cattle and horses have proliferated better.

Next came the planting of pasture, which failed.

Even in modern times, growing pasture is not something that can be widely promoted, and the cost is too high.

There is a lack of water sources on the grasslands, and without water, it is impossible to grow pasture on a large scale.

Where there is water, the big tribes have seized it.

There is a master all year round.

"He is strong and responsible for Qingfeng" was not discouraged, and organized a caravan to engage in trade operations.

As a result, just after walking three hundred miles away, he was robbed ten times and suffered serious losses.

Even shouting that everyone is a shepherd is useless.

It's time to rob you, and it won't be less than half a point.

Business is blocked.

It's all over.

That can only improve the efficiency from the original grazing activities.

He found some modern herding techniques to increase the reproductive efficiency of sheep and cattle, such as artificial insemination.

The ancients did not master this trick, or they did not master it well enough.

As a result of this trick, the number of pregnant ewes and cows that year has doubled.

Only then did the leader completely believe it.

The bad things that were done by "he is strong and responsible for Qingfeng" before have all the bottom line.

To know that if they continue to multiply like this, it will not take long for the cattle and sheep in his tribe to be several times more than others.

If there are cattle and sheep, there will be a population, and if there is a population, there will be soldiers and horses.

He can also look forward to the position of the Great Khan.

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