Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1854: resist

A group of priests quarreled.

And such scenes are everywhere.

Around the two questions of "whether or not to improve the living conditions of the workers" and "whether the workers are willing to live or not after the improvement", churches and palaces have fallen into fierce debates.

As for why there are no farmers, sorry for this era, there are no farmers.

All lands, mountains, pastures, fisheries, seas, deserts... belong to kings, nobles and priests...

Even if you grow vegetables and grains on the land, you are also an agricultural worker, not a serf, because the church does not allow slavery.

Allowing slavery had a negative consequence: large numbers of people were immobile and tied to the lands of kings and nobles.

It is easy to say that a church in a small place can go to a church in a big city to find abundant believers?

Each of the upper-level figures, like a queen bee, lays one egg after another.

The females stay, and then a handful of the strongest drones remain, and the others are driven into society.

They have no means of production and can only be workers.

The result of the debate: first issue incentives to see how much subsidies workers can receive from the church, king and nobles for having a child.

Unfortunately, the problem is that most of the females are in the backyard of the gentlemen, and if the workers want to give birth, they have to have someone to cooperate with them...

Fortunately, nature is fair, and there are always people who are randomly compared to bad luck.

They can also marry women who are either old or ugly...

The eyes of the old man are very high.

There are also fertile young ugly women who have become a sweet treat, and one will be scrambled by hundreds of men.

In this case, a powerful, violent, and destructive dark force is spreading rapidly.

There was another riot.

The workers of a certain factory couldn't bear it anymore and smashed the machine that made them work hard every day. Of course, they would not think that the machine itself was innocent.

As usual, the factory master sent bodyguards with supernatural powers to suppress it. Yes, even the patrol police do not need to be dispatched. They are already familiar with it.

Freddy, the captain of the bodyguard, is a cruel person.

His favorite thing is to use the divine power bestowed by the master to turn it into an iron hook and hook people on it, just like hanging a pig!

Today, it's time for him to enjoy again!

He came to the factory gate and blocked the workers who were wreaking havoc in the factory!

The reason for the riot is said to be that the master diverted the salary that was originally going to be paid to buy the stock of the plantation in the new colony. As a result, the plantation was destroyed by a natural disaster, and the stock fell directly to a horrible place.

The master then announced that there would be no salary to be paid for the next three months.

It's no wonder the workers don't riot, because if they don't get paid for a month, they will be kicked out of their rental house!

But this has nothing to do with Freddy.

He just looked arrogantly at the irritable workers: "I can still give you a chance now, hand over the leader, and the others will not die."

As he spoke, a sharp iron hook suddenly appeared in his left hand, with a long iron rope attached to the back of the hook.

Many workers were silent, no one spoke.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd threw a rusty iron wrench at him!

Nobody wants to maintain these production tools...

Then there are countless wrenches!

The wrench is heavy and heavy, and if it hits someone, it will definitely kill them!

However, Freddy sneered, and the iron hook automatically rotated in the air at the next moment, just like a propeller, directly hitting all the wrenches back!

"Ah!" Someone was hit by a wrench and collapsed to the ground.

"Hahaha, you stupid pigs, idiots, trash, don't know how to study hard, you can only work here!"

"If you can learn a hundred percent from a young age like me, would you still have to do such hard work?"

"Idiot, idiot, trash!"

Freddie laughed wildly.

At this time, he was extremely grateful to his fierce mother. When he wanted to roll around and play like other children, he was forced by his mother to study with whips and hungry meals.

Fortunately, he is the type that can be forced out. He doesn't feel rebellious and doesn't want to study because of the beating. Instead, he wants to study hard and hit his mother in the face.

There are actually quite a few such people, and of course there are more people who are rebellious and give up on themselves.

Therefore, it will be popular to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, but the cost is too high.

Just when Freddy was arrogant and proud, suddenly a long tentacle flew from the crowd and directly knocked his iron hook into the air!

Then there are countless ones, passing through one by one, strung him directly in the air, like a fly falling into a spider web!

"Ah!" Freddie cried out in pain, but it only lasted a few seconds before he died.

"Praise the **** of darkness!" People cried out in surprise when they saw this scene.

"Rebel, this is a rebellion!"

When the other bodyguards saw this, some fired, some turned into shields with divine power, and some just turned around and died.

Only a fool would go to **** with a group of monsters for the annual salary of hardware dinars!

God couldn't let him do that either.

Not surprisingly, more than a dozen bodyguards met thousands of workers with dark powers, and they were given for nothing.

In the end, when cleaning up the scene, it took a lot of effort to find some of the remaining hair of these bodyguards, and other things were thrown into the machine and twisted.

And this is just the beginning.

More places, more workers up, more factories destroyed.

The Temple of Darkness, began to appear in the most violent place.


"Damn, a group of poor people are going to rebel and kill their masters. They forgot that without us providing factories, where would they go to earn wages? Where would they go to eat and live in a house?"

"Anti-God Evil God"

A factory master said angrily. His factory had just been destroyed by the workers, and most of the bodyguards he sent were dead.

He turned to the local patrolman for help, but was told that the patrolman had been sent to protect the cathedral, and his factory had to protect it by himself.

The receptionist replied at the time: "Don't you have a thousand sons? Armed with five hundred, it is enough to protect your factory. Oh, sorry, I forgot, your 990 sons are all you look down on. Bastards, thrown out of the manor at the age of fifteen to fend for themselves."

The receptionist appeared to be the one thrown out.

"What should I do now? The king can't send troops. The priests seem to have some kind of conspiracy, and they are slow to move." Someone wondered.

"What conspiracy? Don't they just want to wait for us to die, and then auction off our inheritance at a low price, mainly land. They have money in the church, but they can't buy land, so they can't control food." Someone retorted.

"It seems that we need to set up our own **** team, each family will have ten bodyguards, and we want the most elite ones who can maximize the use of divine power, instead of using divine power as a splurge for their own enjoyment, this kind of waste is not suitable for this world at all. !"

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