Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 186: charging node

The experts were making a fuss, and more and more people came in the large conference room, until when it was about to fill up, someone finally came in and started to issue notices.

This is an inspector in a black uniform, and there are two men in black behind the other party.

He said in a deep voice: "Everyone, be quiet. Now we are starting to form formations. The experts mobilized in Dongshui Region, regardless of their professional origins, are only mixed into six teams according to the three generations of the new, middle and old. Each team is 200 There are two hundred and ten people. Two teams of the new generation, three teams of the Mesozoic generation, and one team of the old generation. Everyone listens to my call, and when the name is called, they will form a team in the aisle. "

"The first team: Fu Chengkui, Liu Jinhe..."

"The second team: Xie Guangfa, Wang Guangliang..."

Wen Rensheng soon heard his name, got up and entered the first team.

In this conference room, there are experts from the new generation, more than 400 people, just formed into two teams.

"Under the team, there are groups. Each team is divided into twenty groups of ten people. Everyone will form groups by themselves first, choose the group leader, and then I will adjust them."

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he looked at Wu Liansong, who happened to be looking at him as well, and the two smiled at each other.

Obviously, this is a rhythm that brings acquaintances together, so that everyone can work together.

Soon Wen Rensheng, Wu Liansong, and Wang Binyuan, whom Old Wu knew, formed a group, and then some parents of students whose children were in Wen Rensheng's class also followed.

Among them was Mo's mother who had struck up a conversation before, and they quickly gathered ten people.

Then, when the team leader elected, more people naturally chose Wen Rensheng, while Wen Rensheng chose Wu Liansong.

"Forget it, I'm not good at ingenuity. Being the team leader, it's easy to lead the wrong way. It's better to leave it to Ah Sheng. His brain is better than mine." Wu Lian Songqian gave way.

Wen Rensheng said seriously: "No need, I usually take care less, you should be more patient."

Wang Binyuan said: "When the team leader has merit bonus, when the final ranking, there will be a 20% advantage."

"If that's the case, then we should give it to Lao Wu. Caring for the disadvantaged is the mainstream concept." Wen Rensheng said solemnly.

"Bastard!" Wu Liansong couldn't beat him with a fist, how was he weak?

Their group pushes back and forth, and other groups have already fought for this leader.

Even though everyone is familiar with each other, there are times when it is time to fight, especially when the scene is so big this time, the prizes that will be settled afterwards must be very rich.

In the next group, a man with a slender face said very dissatisfiedly: "I don't agree with the recommendation. The premise of the recommendation must be that the target is on the same level. You can't all 6 people choose a fool, so let the fool do it? "

"Old Chen, don't speak so harshly, no one is a fool."

"I'm just making an analogy. Fools are compared. In the eyes of liars, those who are deceived are fools."

"Then how do you want to choose this team leader?" someone asked.

"The best come first. We are mysterious experts. We want survival rate and military exploits. Of course, the strongest person, the person with the strongest resourcefulness and strength, will be the team leader, so that we can lead everyone to victory. You know, truth is everything. It's in the hands of a few, not the one who is more to everyone's taste."

"In the end, you just don't believe me and want to compete with me."

"Yes, we are usually good brothers, but at this time, you can't be friendly just because you are popular. This is going to be on the battlefield, and it must be the strongest one."

"Well, I agree, whoever wins will be the team leader."

Wen Rensheng swept it over and saw that in the conference room, most of the people had found their group and were electing the group leader.

The way of selecting team leaders, some teams are based on popularity, some are based on strength, and the other part is based on their usual status.

The last part can be seen as an expert of the Inspection Department, or from a private institution with strict rules.

It took about an hour for the group leader's recommendation before the meeting room became quiet.

The inspector in charge of organizing the team was not impatient at all, but waited slowly, occasionally coordinating to prevent everyone from playing too much.

After the election, the inspector began to appoint two captains, which were not elected by everyone, but two senior experts from the East Water Department.

After the organization was established, everyone was collectively connected to a transport plane.

With more than 400 people, one plane is enough.

On the plane, the person who organized the inspection of everyone started to inform everyone what they were going to do.

Seeing the other party standing in the aisle and starting to shout, everyone in the seat immediately cheered up.

Going to the battlefield, the magnificent picture scroll will appear in person in front of him.

"Please forgive the secrecy before. The place where you are going now is the Dongtai General Logistics Base. The job you have to undertake there is very simple, that is, to serve as the channel of power."

"Power channel? What is that?" Someone asked immediately.

"Yeah, listening to this, we can't even go to sea."

"Everyone be quiet," the inspector said, "The power channel, based on confidentiality regulations, can't tell you too much, that is, we have built a mysterious facility that can extract power from the mysterious world, but we need everyone's aliens as nodes and stability. To prevent accidents. Of course, it will be more difficult for everyone these days, and the working hours will be very long, I hope everyone understands.”

"Huh, that's true. I used to say that it was the role of the battery, but now it seems to be the same." Someone was greatly relieved.

Wang Binyuan, who was sitting next to Wen Rensheng, said angrily when he heard the words: "Damn it, I thought I could board an aircraft carrier, board a warship, and recharge on-site, or at least the role of ground staff. I didn't expect it to be the role of the rear factory during the war. , 997 coolies, what else is exciting about this?"

"It's not 997," the inspector came over and said amiably, "you can only rest for 3 hours a day, including the time to eat. Anyway, everyone has a high-level extraordinary physique, and this hard work is nothing. I listen. It is better to say that there are still people with master-level physique here. It is absolutely distributed according to work, and each person’s performance is strictly and fairly calculated.”

"..." Wang Binyuan had nothing to say, so he could only secretly stretch out his **** after the other party left.

Wen Rensheng shook his head, so it turned out that both Mr. Zhao and Mr. Qin had given themselves a precaution in advance.

Is this the correct opening position for modern occult experts? Really great.

In less than two hours, the plane landed in a large factory surrounded by heavy forests, and a railway extended from the factory gate to the forest.

As soon as they got off the plane, Wen Rensheng and others were placed in an azure factory. The factory is a large flat floor. After entering, the ceiling is very high and the view is very wide.

Underfoot is the marble floor, and on the floor, there are large rings carved one after another.

On each ring, there are ten pits that are half a person deep.

Inside the ring, complex and intricate patterns are carved, which are colorful and colorful. At first glance, it makes people dizzy.

"I don't even understand it at all. This is the charging facility? How many basic units does it have to be superimposed?" After someone swept it, he sighed, his tone full of powerlessness.

Another person echoed: "Yeah, although 0 and 1 are simple, they can form a complex computer system and accomplish many miracles when they are superimposed together. The same is true for these mysterious rituals. I don't know how many people and generations of research results."

Most of the people were surprised, but there were also some people who looked normal and seemed to be dabbling in it.

"Don't be surprised everyone, line up the team, then follow your team leader and keep moving forward, one group at a time, one pit for each person, don't The inspector who led the whole process began to give People arrange their positions.

In less than half an hour, everyone took their places and sat around the ring. It's okay in the pit, with soft cushions and backrests, it's quite comfortable to sit up, and you don't have to worry about getting cold and rheumatism.

After Wen Rensheng read it, he was unable to complain.

People who understand, know that even if it is a charging node, it is a kind of high threshold. It takes decades to win the competition from hundreds of thousands of people to sit in this pit.

But after showing it to outsiders who don't understand, I still don't know what kind of weird things to say...

It really destroys his tall image. Fortunately, it is highly confidential here, and there is no need to worry about a pattern being broadcast live.

He turned his head and looked over, eager to find the former expert surnamed Chen. The other party wanted to select the team leader based on "intelligence and strength"... He wanted to see the other party's expression at this time.

Do people need your resourcefulness and strength?

No, all they need is your physical strength.

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