Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1871: Werewolf Invasion

"Are you from that monster world?" a sentinel asked loudly.

"Monster world? No, it's called radiation, you can call it wasteland, thank God, we saw you," shouted the big businessman.

"Praise the darkness, let us see you." The sentinel said angrily.

"Don't say that, if one person's pain is shared with two people, the pain is half." The businessman said with a smile.

A bullet hit him in front of him, but the big businessman was not afraid at all, and he took out a large pictorial and showed it to the soldiers.

The eyes of the soldiers were all good, and the door of the fortress quickly opened quietly.

Cockroaches, ghouls, and hounds, like the north wind in winter, want to blow off people's suits, but they are counterproductive; the strong iron gate of the fortress, but at this time, under a pictorial, it actively opens.

The soldiers soon did business with the merchants.

They used bullets and cans, and exchanged cigarettes, drinks and pictorials with each other.

By the time the major found out, they had all done three rounds of business...

The major was furious: "What if they were a group of enemies?"

He never imagined that his soldiers would be so undisciplined.

Perhaps it had something to do with the tragic death they had just experienced, and discipline couldn't restrain them.

"No enemy will pretend to be a businessman, right? Who else will do business with them in the future?" A soldier asked puzzled.

"Why not?" The major recalled the books he had read, and reprimanded, "Close the gate immediately, check the goods from the trade, and take them away if there is no problem."

In the end, the problem was found, and there was some radiation in the drink.

The wasteland merchants said they were innocent, and they were like that.

Drinks without radiation are too rare.

Finally, the major thought about it and asked them to set up a trading point away from the fortress, and let the soldiers send representatives to go out to trade.

The merchant agreed, and built a trade point 500 meters away from the fortress, leaving two tents, a two-headed cow, and a follower guarding there.

And he went back to bring more goods.

The major led and talked a lot with the entourage and got a lot of information.

He believed in this information, and there must be other channels on it, but this did not prevent him from returning to the fortress and writing to the rear.

It is impossible to send telegrams, and the telegrapher will be exhausted.

"They come from a world called the Wasteland, where there are monsters everywhere and only a very small population. They are very technologically advanced and have a kind of artificial armor that can resist fierce monsters."

"They split into many forces. There is no God's brilliance. People believe in God, but they don't expect her to help them directly."

"There are a lot of monsters there, a monster called a mutant, with green skin and intelligence, and can use human weapons, one of the most terrifying monsters, and there are even legendary ghosts and monsters there. I don't know. What kind of monster has mutated there?"

"Fortunately, we haven't encountered mutants yet..."

While writing the letter, suddenly the soldiers shouted in panic:

"Change, mutant!"

"That's the legendary mutant, right? The boxing champion is not as strong as them!"

"They are at least two meters tall!"

"Give him a shot?"

The major hurried to the observation post at the highest point of the fortress.

Then he saw, a huge green, wait, how does its head look like a wolf?

Oh yes, it must be the result of radiation mutation.

He now also knows a lot of information about the radiation wasteland.

He ordered the sniper next to him to fire a shot.

But then what surprised him was that the sniper's bullet had no effect on the opponent!

It even popped right out!

This, is this a steel plate skin?

And the green werewolf jumped back and shouted loudly, "Don't shoot, I'm a good guy!"

The major was a little confused, but then he was relieved. Maybe he just arrived in this world and couldn't understand the language.

Wen Rensheng, who was watching the battle from a distance, smiled.

This is the classic werewolf killing, and Mengxin exploded in situ.

And even the wolf's head was exposed, the only thing that wasn't exposed was the knife stuck behind his back.

That's right, this is the werewolf killing world linked to this civilized world.

Now let's see if the major can wake up a bit.

"Are you a good person? No, you are clearly a monster, stay away from my fortress." The major said, and asked the orderly beside him to go to the telegraph room in a low voice.

The orderly left quickly.

"Oh, I'm from another world, I really have no ill intentions, can you give me something to eat, I, I can take it..." The green-skinned werewolf looked down at his body and found that he had removed a shirt. If you can take it off, there is nothing else.

So he took off his shirt: "It's pure cotton, and it's quite valuable. It should be able to change for three days, no, for a week's food, right?"

The major looked at the other party's behavior, and the other party's ability to not eat bullets. If this is a bad person, he should think about staying away from this place and robbing the village instead of making a deal.

"Throw him two cans," he ordered.

Soon a soldier threw out two tin cans from the firing port of the fortress.

The green-skinned werewolf was so eager to eat the can that he almost swallowed the tin.

"It doesn't look like he's a bad guy," the soldier next to the major looked at him. "Should we put him in the fort?"

Soldiers will say this, the purpose is very simple, this guy is not afraid of bullets, then to deal with monsters, isn't it still one to fight ten?

With such a strong fighting force, they are much safer.

Although this will take a lot of risks, no matter how big the risk is, can more than 700 people drop sharply to more than 80 people?

" It's better to let him live outside." The major thought for a while and said.

Then they ordered the green-skinned werewolf to live in the wild, and threw him a tent there.

In fact, the idea of ​​​​playing is very simple, free to be a sentry and meat shield.

It's just that they couldn't see that when the green-skinned werewolf turned around, there was ferocity and cunning in his eyes.

After dark, it's fine.

Werewolves live in tents.

Half an hour later, two more people dressed as villagers came over.

"Have you seen a werewolf?" they said, facing the fortress from a distance.

Although they were far away, their voices were so loud that everyone in the fortress could hear them.

The major picked up the megaphone and shouted at them, "Who are you?"

"We come from a world where werewolves killed, and a werewolf who was in the game with us came to your world. You have to be careful, it is invincible after dark, it can knives, no, it kills!" Villager Jiagao shouted.

The major didn't understand too well, what game, what werewolf killing?

However, he was born in a small aristocratic family, and he played cards a lot. He keenly thought that this might be related to playing cards.

This is the horror of intuition.

Some people are blind by intuition, good people are considered bad people, and bad people are considered good people. Some people have strong intuition and can see good people at a glance.

"Tell me carefully about your world and what it means to kill a werewolf!" The major did not immediately explain the whereabouts of the werewolf, although he already knew what the other party was talking about.

The two villagers looked at each other, they looked at the sun, and quickly made a long story short and briefly introduced it.

The most frustrating thing about good people is that they are not trusted by others, and they are also treated as wolves by other good people. The feeling of being wronged is never good.

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