Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1881: complex

Bullets flew, wounded soldiers let out low pain sounds, and radiant cockroaches walked around, searching for flesh and blood...

Yang Weite pressed a medical bag to the soldier's wound and quickly wrapped it.

The battlefield is the best place to improve medical technology, because there are so many objects for your practice.

He is now an all-around logistician, carrying ammunition, carrying food, medical soldiers, signal soldiers...

Fortunately, there is Mr. Handy by his side, blocking some stray bullets for him from time to time, reminding him where there are snipers, otherwise, ten of him will be dead.

"I can't let you die easily. It's too difficult to find someone who is willing to listen to me all day long." Mr. Qiaoshou said arrogantly, but he did not admit that Yang Weite had been regarded as a character in his personality module. It is the second highest priority, after its owner, the old popsicle.

"Okay, okay, there is another one calling for bullets over there, let's hurry over there, if they don't waste like this." Yang Weite said seriously.

"They have long forgotten how to fight to save bullets. They are all benevolent masters who spoiled them like sweethearts." Mr. Qiaoshou sneered.

Yang Weite was short, even crawling forward, through scrap steel plates and potholes, came to a blocking point, and put down the ammunition box.

"Thank you, brother." The soldiers immediately opened the box, loaded the heavy machine gun with bullets, and fired a burst of fire to repel the ghouls that rushed over.

Seeing the consumption of ammunition, Yang Weite finally understood why in the war, when surrounded by enemy troops, generals and soldiers often lost their morale quickly.

If you are surrounded, there will be no ammunition to replenish. As long as the other party tries a few times, you will quickly consume light bullets. Without bullets, you only have fists and sappers left. Can this morale not drop?

To fight is to fight logistics.

In the past, I just listened to Mr. Qiaoshou's nagging, but now this sentence has really become something that he will never forget.

In the future, if he hears about 100,000 iron cavalry roaming the world, if he believes a word, he is a pig.

The logistics of these ten or so people are almost exhausting him, Mr. Qiaoshou, and the other six villagers. It is hard to imagine how much pressure one hundred thousand people must have, and the iron cavalry...

Logistics, logistics, or special logistics!

He resisted another box of grenades and transported them to another group of soldiers.

They were passing through where Mr. Knight was ambushed: a valley entrance with a large number of ghouls, most of them legendary.

He didn't understand this level division, it was told to him by a soldier.

At first, mercenaries deliberately classified monsters in order to make money.

You can't beat Death Claws and radiant cockroaches for the same price, right?

They need to stop the ghouls and provide conditions for them to enter the valley to save people.

Once the ghouls break through the line of defense, the rescuers will be trapped together, just like going to the river to save people.

Even if you can swim, don't jump into the water rashly, calling for help from a professional is what you should do.

After three days of hard work, the captain brought Mr. Knight out.

The other party is frustrated.

But he still cheered up and thanked him for these things, especially Yang Weite.

"Thank you, Lao Yang, I couldn't have come back alive without you." The old popsicle sighed.

"Has your child been found?"

"No, but there are more clues. It turns out that they are going to do an experiment with my child, but I don't know what kind of experiment."

Yang Weite couldn't say anything to comfort him, he could only express his sympathy with his eyes.

"By the way, it seems that you also want to be a fighter. It just so happens that I have an extra set of V systems here. When you go back, come to me and I will teach you how to use it." The old popsicle is really a good protagonist. Such a great gift was given directly.

"I just did some trivial things. It was those brave soldiers who really rescued you." Yang Weite said with sincerity and fear.

"You are really kind, and you are different from many people." The old popsicle patted his shoulder.

Yang Weite only knew that his stable life was preserved.

This successful experience made him understand a truth: life is protected by his own guns and hands, and the other is to prepare adequate logistics.

You can't protect your life without logistics.


Three years later, Wen Rensheng watched Yang Weite grow all the way, from a disabled young factory worker to an experienced wasteland survivor.

He didn't open any hooks to the other party. On the contrary, he increased the possibility of the other party encountering unfavorable situations.

For example, I was deceived by a woman before, was ambushed, and the backer protagonist was ambushed...

He saw Yang Weite's self-breakthrough, from a person who just wanted to live a peaceful life, to a warrior who had the courage to fight.

It's just that the death rate of warriors is too high. In this wasteland, elite warriors often face powerful monsters and often cannot survive a few games.

It doesn't matter if the protagonist is abused, the rule that the protagonist cannot die will still take effect.

Otherwise, what is there to grow?

So he gave Yang Weite a BUFF to escape from nowhere.

Once they cannot escape, they are either comatose and captured, or someone comes to rescue, in short, they will not die.


"We need to connect different shelters with safe trade routes, so as to build a complete logistics supply base, from ammunition to food, from ordinary bullets to special bullets, from light weapons to heavy weapons, from personnel recruitment When it comes to personnel training, it should be involved." Yang Weite said to his staff.

In the past few years, he has been appointed by the old popsicle as an adjutant + steward + prime minister, in short, similar to the role of the chief secretary.

At the same time, he is also the chief of staff of the Volunteer Army, and he largely controls the Volunteer Army, a wasteland faction rebuilt by the protagonist.

After all, the protagonist is either looking for a child, or on the way to find a child, and he doesn't have much mind to play simulation management: except for some players who have forgotten their children.

Yang Weite has done a very good job, and has strongly supported the reconstruction and expansion of the Volunteer Army. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

At this time, the old popsicle has discovered the true identity of his son: the leader of the academy, a son older than his father.

The old popsicle is caught in a dilemma. One option is to help his son and the academy and destroy other organizations; the other is to personally destroy the academy, an organization that has produced many tragedies.

Regardless of the choice, Yang Weite will fully support the old popsicle.

After all, it was the kindness and protection of the other party that prevented him from turning into dried meat hanging in the factory after entering the wasteland.

However, just when Yang Weite was ready to show his strength, the civilized world came.

It was a woman, a beautiful woman, with a team of capable soldiers by her side.

"Hello, my name is Lisa Ace." The pretty woman smiled.

"You are from the civilized world, what are you doing here?"

"We're looking for higher technology, more allies, aren't you here for these two things?"

"I just want to live." Yang Weite said sternly.

Except for the old popsicle, he no longer trusts anyone, except for the skillful hand, which is not a person.

The captain who had rescued him several times before, after he was promoted and his status was higher than the other party, caused several accidents and almost made him die.

He was able to discover the unexpected truth, which was completely recorded by Mr. Handy:

"If he is a waste and trash, I will not be stingy to show my kindness and kindness, which will make me feel like a light in this dirty world; but when he stands on my head, I I can't stand it anymore, why is a waste, a disabled person, a guy who should be inferior to me, even more beautiful than me?"

People are really complicated.

He didn't hand over the recording, but just used the power in his hand to transfer the other party to a border shelter far away.

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