Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1885: meteorite

"Looking for a world without the protagonist's victory? Isn't there a lot of such worlds? What else are you looking for?" a staff officer said.

"Give a chestnut." Red asked with interest.

"For example, Romeo and Juliet, Tang Bohu and Zhu Yingtai, Othello... Not to mention more animation worlds, such as the three questions at the end of the day, X is on campus." The staff officer clearly understood, but his tone was a little nervous.

After all, this is a conversation with the super super big boss.

"It's Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai." Red first corrected the other's mistakes that might have been caused by nervousness, "You are very right, those are all tragedies, but they are not the world, the protagonists in them are just the protagonists of the drama, Not the protagonist of the world."

The staff officer was silent, he still didn't understand the other party's problem.

Looking for an absolute tragedy, a world where the protagonist cannot win?

If the other party is not wrong, its own world, isn't it?

After the world is born, it is doomed to be dead, just as people are doomed to die after they are born.

Many people think that there may be no heat death, and after all the stars are extinguished, the universe will shrink again and reincarnate.

The problem is that heat death is not a fantasy, but a scientific inference.

When all the effective energy in the universe is converted into heat energy, the temperature of all matter reaches thermal equilibrium.

This state is called heat death.

In such a universe there is no longer any energy that can sustain motion or life.

This is derived from the thermodynamic principles of mechanical energy loss in nature.

"Have you found it yet?" the staff officer asked unwillingly.

"I found it, it's not that you came to us." Red smiled.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to fight?" the staff officer said seriously.

"Battle, non-existent, we will become one."

Red said, and rushed into the body of the staff first, dyeing him red.

"Lu Jianping, you are really popular now." A colleague next to him joked.

Come here and be prepared to die.

Moreover, he believed in the future God, and he would definitely be resurrected.

Usually do good deeds, just say your name out loud before you die.

"Tao Cheng, you will be the same for a while." The staff officer said angrily.

Except for turning red, it doesn't feel superfluous.

"Chi has gone, it's our turn." Orange followed.

After speaking, it rushed into Tao Cheng's body, and the other party turned into an orange.

"You are not as good as me, my appearance has not changed." Lu Jianping said with a smile.

"Bastard, change me back." Orange said beating.

"I want to take a bite." Everyone laughed.

No one was afraid, and no one was afraid.

What is death?

But the computer is turned off, and it will be fine when it is turned on again.

The third yellow color followed, but everyone who was not afraid of death avoided.

"How can you do this? I'm also a dignified seven-color. You don't hide from both of them, why are you hiding from me?" Huang Se was very puzzled.

"We don't know either, but we have an intuition. We may not really be able to resurrect if we are attached to you." A driver shook his head.

"Forget it, you are not willing, and I will not force it. I will stick to the head office on the wall, right?" Yellow Color said, and painted all the tens of thousands of silver-white battleships into yellow.

"This..." Everyone was speechless.

Green appears.

"I'm an environmentally friendly color, and it's good for the eyes. It's a color that represents life. They must have opened their doors to welcome me!" Green said proudly.

Imagine Chinese Network

Yellow humbly did not dare to say a word.

After speaking, Green also rushed into the battleship.

I saw that the doors of each cabin were tightened, everyone was fully armed, and space suits were put on.

"What are you doing?" Green asked confused.

"Strange, red understands our human culture so well, why don't you know anything?" Someone asked in doubt.

"He studies humans, I study Cthulhu." Green said the reason.

"It turns out that we like green very much, provided that green is on others." A staff officer said angrily.

"Yes, you can say that we are Lord Ye's good dragon."

"It turns out that Duke Ye loves dragons. Damn, then I have to stick to the wall!" So Green occupied the inner cabin.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Look at you, you are not afraid of death, are you still afraid of being green?" A female staff officer said dismissively.

"You said it nicely, the hero sacrificed heroically, and everyone praised; the hero was green, and everyone scolded him. We don't want to take this kind of experience. We can't say that in the future, God will not want to resurrect us. Who wants to resurrect Wu Dalang. ?"

Everyone was speechless.

Then cyan appears.

This time everyone started to go crazy.

"My name is Cheng Aotian, this is the color of the sky, give it to me first."

"Do you give priority to one day? I still record the sea. This is the color of the sea. Give it to me first."

Under the scramble of the crowd, Cyan said happily: "Don't worry, I will give it to you equally."

The crowd gave up.

After evenly dividing, everyone is cyan on their bodies and green on their heads.

"What's going on?" the crowd asked in frustration.

"Ah, aren't you humans? Humans should know that cyan is made up of green and blue. If I divide it evenly, green will appear."

"I still can't escape." Everyone wanted to cry without tears.

True blue appeared.

On the contrary, everyone was not so excited, and they loved it.

Blue casually found a personal fusion.

And the last purple, on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, watching silently, without any movement.

"Aren't you coming?"

no answer.

"Then shoot!"

Thousands of guns The smoke of gunpowder passed, and everything disappeared.

Rainbow bridge, various colors, turbulent source world...

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt that the world was spinning for a while.

Then an azure planet appeared.

The battleship disappeared.

Everyone rushed towards the blue planet.


hot city.

At noon, the temperature is as high as 42 degrees, and the ground is as high as 56 degrees, so frying eggs is not a problem.

However, that's it, a group of meteorites fell from the sky.

Everyone was curious at first, and then someone exclaimed.

"Pick up stones, one is worth a million!"

"No, it's worth a suite! First-line, school district room!"

"Rush, Rush, Rush!"

Everyone shouted at the same time and ran towards the place where the meteorite fell.

"Don't die!" An old man sighed.

"Yeah, it's still a group of young people. If the old man and the old lady pick it up, it's fine."

"Who knows what they think?" said another old lady sitting down.

At this moment, someone exclaimed: "There is someone in the meteorite!"

"There are people in my meteorite too!"

"Is this an alien? How does it look like us?"

"You said the opposite, it should be why we look like aliens, did they make us?"

There was a lot of discussion.

Soon the security guards rushed over and carried the meteorites into the ambulance.

Ambulances will soon run out, so get on the fire truck, big truck.

You can't leave people out anyway.

Some smart people have quietly collected humanoid meteorites.

In fact, ordinary meteorites can't sell for a few dollars, but this humanoid meteorite has to start with the price of fossils, and it can't be lower than the Egyptian Munayin.

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