Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1943: recruit

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Priesthood Temple.

The Great Emperor Lancelot would appear here every morning for a two-hour morning carnival with the clergy.

The only way to wake up people who sleep late is to ask them to play.

Only today, several old priests were worried and absent-minded when they were playing. Even the best wine from the Kingdom of Tanya was not in the mood to drink.

"Imperial Yinxing, Lord don't seem to be interested? Are there any tributes that are not beautiful enough?" His Majesty the Great Emperor asked kindly.

More than caring about his mother.

"No, Your Majesty, everything is the best in the world. What we are worried about is because we received a piece of information..." Yin Kex quickly bowed in greeting, and then said that the summoned object was killed and the upgrade could not be carried out.

They also responded, but they were too passive.

Lancelot nodded.

He already knew this information.

Now it seems that there are always some sober people among the clergy.

This is the core that you really want to win over and rely on.

With more than 5,000 people, he can only get close to and directly control 100 people. This is the most.

"Oh, this is the matter, I have ordered the hookers to investigate, and they got the news that the children of the two old nobles are behind the scenes..." Lancelot said with a smile, as if everything was in his hands .

"If that's the case, why didn't His Majesty the Emperor immediately arrest them and execute them?" Yinkes asked hurriedly.

"Oh, Lord Inks, what do you think is the real threat to our clergy?" Lancelot asked rhetorically.

"Of course it's the old nobles who have always wanted to fight back," Yinx replied subconsciously, and then saw that His Majesty was shaking his head, and quickly changed his words, "and those untouchables who want to turn over, the homeless, the unknowable threat in the depths of the ocean, and The magic tide that disappeared for a long time..."

"No, it's our own greed." Lancelot said slowly.

Yinkes stroked his white hair and fell silent.

The priesthood brings them endless energy, making aging only a BUFF, but they can still walk fast with the blessing of high attributes.

But if the aging buff turns into a death buff, no matter how high the attribute or level is, it won't help.

He also wants youth, this is his own greed, and he even did some unsightly things for this.

"God's grace is limited, Your Majesty." Inks whispered.

"Yeah, you can't be too greedy. Even emperors often die under greed. If they want to gain longer lifespan, they squander their original lifespan on all kinds of bizarre herbs." Lancelot sighed. road.

"Understood, Your Majesty, I will persuade our brothers to keep in mind that they must control their greed." Yin Kes replied cautiously.

Lancelot nodded.

He didn't say what his true intentions were.

Because his intentions are invisible.

He naturally wouldn't think that the mere two pariahs could be stronger than his clergy.

Divine grace is limited and will fade, of course because the magic tide has subsided.

The messenger of God does not need to stay any longer.

But, but what if the magic tide reappears?

"But what to do with the two old noble children?"

Lancelot couldn't reveal his mind, he smiled: "Those two children were innocent. Our brother, a priest, driven by greed, could not control his anger, ignored justice, ignored Justice, wrong decisions were made."

"That's the case, so you choose to forgive them, hoping that they will find their way back." Yinkes thought he understood the intention of His Majesty the Emperor, and hurriedly praised, "You are so kind, you are our eternal beacon, forever. His Majesty."

"Okay, you go down, I will let someone handle this matter." Lancelot nodded.


in the forest.

"His Majesty the Emperor has an order to reprimand the clergy brother who harmed you, and grant you the status of free people, as long as you pay 50,000 red-eyed mice to the royal family alone every year." The court **** was holding a document , said arrogantly to the two brothers and sisters.

Judging from his appearance, this great emperor's will is a supreme favor.

If it is seen by others, it is true.

After all, two old noble children chose to rebel just because of a little grievance, and they killed so many noble clergy summons, which should be roasted with iron bulls.

And now, to be forgiven and become a free citizen, what a grace!

But in the eyes of the big mouse, this is Chi Guoguo's contempt!

Look, how merciful I am. Not only did I not hold you accountable for your sins, but I also reluctantly said a few words to my brother. You should be thankful and continue to keep mice!

What kind of free people, just change the name, and pay 50,000 tributes every year. Isn't this the same as the previous work of the rat breeder?


He lowered his head, gritted his teeth.

Weir is worried about his brother's anger.

However, the elder brother suddenly raised his head, put on the most beautiful smile, the most comfortable expression, respectfully took the document from the eunuch's hand, and put it carefully into his arms.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Just, Great, Noble Emperor, for your brilliance..."

A piece of flattery made the **** nodded again and again.

The dozens of gold and silver jewelry and expensive gold and silverware that followed made him smile even more.

Even if there were some bloodstains on it, he turned a blind eye.

"Next time, clean it up. By the way, this is one of my addresses." The **** hinted, and then handed him a note.

The big mouse immediately took it carefully and placed it further inward than His Majesty's document.

The **** laughed, as expected, he was from an old noble family, and he was sensible.

No one else is willing to approach them, for fear of being eaten by them with rats or infected with a demonic plague.

And he chose to come to issue the will, just to understand that they must know how to make a choice.

It now appears that he was right.

The **** rode away contentedly in the carriage.

After he left, the big mouse took out the emperor's paper...

Violently tore it into three pieces, stomped on the ground hard, and let the mice eat all the scraps...

Of course, it was all his imagination. In fact, he didn't do anything, just memorized every word carefully.

This is a protector.

It seems that he has a huge responsibility on his back, but in fact, it is also a huge power.

He came to a nearby noble manor.

"I want a piece of land of six hundred rotas, and I want it today."

As he spoke, he showed the document.

The aristocrat here is an earl who lives carefully every day.

He already knew this.

"I am His Majesty the Emperor. Use the Rat Keeper!"

The document was not fake, but the earl felt distressed about the land and couldn't help but ask: "This document does not say that I want to provide the land."

"Well, when I can't get 50,000 mice, I will die, but before I die, I will say that it is because you refused to provide land." The big mouse smiled.

When the earl heard this, he almost jumped up in hatred.

How unlucky he was to be blackmailed!

Little did he know, he was actually handpicked by the big mouse.

There is a lot of land on the other side, and it has always been missed by several priests, but the priests have to live in the temple, and there is too much land to enjoy. Plus he carefully worships, things are temporarily put on hold.

He stole the opponent's land, but also transferred the target for the opponent.

In the end, the earl really compromised and handed over the land that the clergy had been eyeing to him.

And cursed him fiercely, to be beaten into scum by the clergy.

Unfortunately, the big mouse is not afraid of this at all.

Because he knew that as long as there were red-eyed mice, the clergy would never do that.

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