Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1977: Change

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After knowing the fixed number, Venerable Guanyin said goodbye and left.

She did not change her direction and continued to go to heaven.

Wen Rensheng looked in the direction the other party was going, but instead of following, he went down.

"Old Wen, who was that person just now?" Xiao Huan asked.

"The teacher of the seven Buddhas in Journey to the West, the five elders of the five directions, the Antarctic Avalokitesvara."

"She is Guanyin, she looks kind, bad, I forgot to ask her for something to eat, I'm hungry." Xiao Huan said while rubbing his belly.

"Go down and have a look."

The two said, and came to the city below.

The city was in depression, and after asking, I learned that there was a plague here.

Everyone fled, leaving those who were left waiting to die.

This is also the ancient way to deal with the plague. Once a place is dead, it will stop.

Often hundreds of miles away, the death of one village after another.

"Strange, you have so many immortals in the sky, why don't you come out and take care of it?" Xiao Huan asked an old man after he caught him.

"Hey, there are many immortals, but there are also many people. Everyone asks for immortals, how can immortals manage?" The old man looked away.

"Oh, then you are quite pitiful. There are immortals, but immortals are useless, so why do you still enshrine these temples?" Xiao Huan pointed to those magnificent temples.

"It's good if it doesn't work. If you don't worship, they will punish you." The old man sneered.

"Ah, this is too unreasonable, isn't it?"

"Be reasonable, the old man lived to be 70 years old, and he has never heard of fairies and mortals reasoning." The old man shook his head again.

"Damn, doesn't it mean that the weather and the rain go to the gods? Are there also gods who manage diseases and plagues? What is the reason for accepting the offerings and no matter what?" Xiao Huan was angry when he heard it.

"Hey, what's the truth, the principle of wolves and sheep. If wolves eat sheep, sheep can only reproduce desperately so as not to be eaten up. Do you expect wolves to help sheep cure diseases? No. Immortals and mortals are wolves and sheep. "The old man said again.

"Damn, don't you want to overthrow these immortals?"

"Overthrow them? Heavenly Court has already replaced several Heavenly Emperors, first Shaohao, then Zhuanxu, and then the current Great Heavenly Venerate. They only know that they are worshipped from above, and they don't care about life or death. Same." The old man sighed.

"Damn, then kill Tianting!" Xiao Huan said fiercely.

A gleam of joy flashed in the old man's eyes.

"Okay, don't act again, Heavenly Court Immortal, just take care of the bottom-level operation of the world, and some major events. These details have been left to the world's own hands. You old man, which extraterrestrial demon was transformed by you, who came here to disturb the trouble?" Wen Wen Ren Sheng laughed.

"Sure enough, I am a great saint from outside the realm, and my eyes can see through my true body." The old man changed his body, and a huge toad appeared.

"I... this toad is fun!" Xiao Huan said in surprise.

Wen Ren was convinced. After this guy has experienced the world of magic tide, his aesthetics have obviously changed.

"Two great saints, my master has invited me," said the toad demon.

"Let's go then."


Inside a gap in the Three Realms.

The wind of chaos here is harassing everywhere.

As strong as the gods, when they came here, they were blown by the wind of chaos, and their original indestructible body was also turned into chaos.

But Wen Rensheng and Xiao Huan walked here, but they were safe and sound.

The toad demon couldn't help but wonder, wondering why the master wanted to find them.

It can walk here by relying on the master spell.

The three quickly came to a cave.

This cave was created by chaos, and it was able to shield these terrifying winds of chaos.

"The two great saints from outside the realm came from a long way, but they were not able to welcome them from afar, but they still hope for forgiveness."

A voice came from deep in the cave, followed by a man in a wheelchair.

He has no legs, no hands, only a torso and head, and he is simply a stick.

He wore a tin mask on his face, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

"Oh, why did you invite us here?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"The secret of heaven has been revealed, and the two saints from outside the territory are coming to the three realms. Three covenants are fulfilled, three realms are ten thousand years old, three covenants have arrived, and the three realms will be ruled forever." The wheelchair man smiled.

"Sure enough, it's a world that relies on secrets and deductions." Wen Rensheng thought about Journey to the West and couldn't help but sigh.

"That's it, the two great saints from outside the realm, in fact, the Three Realms are very boring, everything is stipulated to be dead, so I left the Three Realms and came to live in this cave of chaos, at least here, I don't have to worry about any secrets, even if I know what it wants me to do, and if I don't do it, it can't punish me." The wheelchair man sneered.

"So it turns out, Your Excellency is a free and easy person, but there is nothing in this cave." Wen Rensheng praised.

The wheelchair man did not speak, but looked at the two of them.

Wen Rensheng didn't speak either, and observed the cave.

What the secret is, and how to sense it, are the characteristics of this world.

Some people always come up with a lot of conspiracy theories against Journey to the West.

In fact, there are really not that many things. It is the secret that the Buddha Dharma will prevail in the Eastern Land.

Therefore, all the holy Buddhas and Bodhisattvas must follow the heaven's secrets to do things.

Whoever disobeys the secret will lose his prestige.

Even if you are the Jade Emperor, you can't go against it.

This is different from the Eastern Continent World and many other worlds.

In the world of Journey to the West and the Great Desolation, Heaven's Secret is the first.

Therefore, for immortal practitioners, the upper body and heavenly secrets are the first priority of cultivation. Otherwise, the more diligent the cultivation, the higher the mana, and the worse the death.

Why do immortals often want to go down to earth, because heaven's secrets often don't care about the affairs of mortals.

Because there is a limit to what mortals can do, no matter how angry a person is, they will only scrape off a layer of the ground.

Sacred Immortals and Buddhas are different. Once angry and irrational, it is possible to return the world to chaos.

The heavenly secrets appeared for these great powers.

If you don't obey, you will be attacked by a group, and your honor will fall.

When a sage wants to act against the heaven's secret, as soon as a thought moves, the heaven is aware of it, and immediately descends the heaven's secret.

The practitioners around will act immediately.

The other party wants to destroy, and there are enough people to deal with him.

As for the benefits of walking in line with the sky, that is merit, that is, longer lifespan and higher mana.

Just as Wen Rensheng was looking at the cave, the wheelchair man seemed to have made up his mind and suddenly pulled out two books from his wheelchair.

One is "Derivative Techniques of the Heavens", and the other is "Shanchuan Zhen Zijue".

"These two trails, maybe the two great saints from outside the territory are interested, you might as well take a look." The wheelchair man said.

"Thank you so much." Wen Rensheng nodded.

The wheelchair man handed over the book, and then his face brightened.

Because the sky has really changed.

The above shows that she has the opportunity to rule the Three Realms for ten thousand years.

Of course, this is just an opportunity. Whether it can be realized or not depends on her ability.

But this is enough for wheelchair users.

She had attacked the heavens four times before, one time missing an arm, the second time missing a leg, the third time missing an arm, and the fourth time missing a leg.

For the fifth time, he will be ready to have no head.

This is the fate that heaven does not allow.

Heaven's secret does not allow him, no matter how hard he tries, there will be ridiculous mistakes in a certain link.

Either the subordinates betrayed, or the practice method was in chaos, or the mind was chaotic.

In short, you just can't succeed, and you can't even want to succeed.

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