Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1983: Wukong learns the scriptures

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As soon as Taoist Toad jumped out, Tang Seng and his disciples immediately became nervous.

But Sun Wukong glanced at him and put down his stick again.

"This Taoist, I don't know what advice you have?" Tang Seng saluted.

"I said that what the holy monk just said was very good. If you want to kill someone, you have to send him to the government; but why didn't you let him send him to the government to kill the monster when he killed you?" Toad Taoist asked.

"That's because there is no government that cares about monsters." Tang Seng shook his head.

"Hehe, that's true. But the monsters he killed were ten thousand times more than humans. Those monsters were also taught by their mother's biological father. They could talk, eat, and buy things for money. But after Sun Dasheng killed them, You can say a few words at most, but you have never reprimanded as harshly as today, and you have even used a constriction spell. Why is this?" Daoist Toad.

"This, people, are different from demons after all."

"Hahaha, I missed it. Buddhists say that all living beings are equal, all living beings are one, and there is no one who cannot be crossed. Humans are born by human beings, and demons are born by demons. Why did it come to your holy monk's mouth? , but it’s different from being a human being again?” Taoist Toad seized Tang Seng’s mistakes and chased after him.

Sun Wukong originally wanted to give Taoist Toad a stick, but after listening carefully, he canceled the idea.

Because he listened very well.

Yes, you old monk, I killed monsters, but you didn't let one go, why did you kill a few robbers, you made my head a gourd?

What is the reason?

Monsters are not people, it's okay to kill monsters.

Why do Buddhists still say that all living beings are equal?

"All beings are equal, this..." Tang Seng was speechless for a moment.

Because this is a fact, and he is a holy monk, he cannot lie, and he has not learned the outstanding logical closed-loop debate skills like Tathagata Avalokitesvara.

"Let me tell you, why are you behaving like this!" Toad Daoist said with a cold face, "The reason is very simple, because you are human! Not a demon!"

The four teachers and apprentices were stunned.

"Don't you understand? The old monk himself is human, so no matter how many monsters you kill, you can't hurt him, but if you kill people, you can kill robbers today and monks tomorrow, so you have to give You make a rule that you can't kill people, in this case, the old monk will be safe forever!"

"What a **** holy monk, to save all sentient beings, in the end, he is still selfish, he still seeks a righteous result for himself, and finds a sense of security for his own psychology!" Taoist Toad laughed wildly.

Something seemed to collapse in Sun Wukong's heart and jumped out.

That's what happened!

It turned out that this master was not as selfless and merciful as he said.

Actually just afraid of death.

Just set up rules for yourself, lest one day, kill the old monk himself!

"Hahaha, hahaha! Master, master, so that's what you think, the so-called Buddha's heart, but that's the way it is, every day there is a big truth, and in the final analysis, it is for yourself! What kind of holy monk are you!" Sun Wukong laughed wildly road.

"This monster is a monster, how can it be equal to a human being? No one cares, even if the Bodhisattva kills it if he wants to kill it, he won't blame it." Tang Seng held back for a long time, and finally said a sentence.

"Since that's the case, which of the Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, and Monk Sha are not from monsters?" Taoist Toad sneered, "Now that I have followed you, I have an identity, and I can achieve a positive result, and I will immediately look down on monsters? It's like a country. A certain person, who went to country B, became a citizen of country B, and started yelling at people from country A, do you think this person from country A is good or bad?"

Sun Wukong was stunned.

In his heart, monkey spirits are precious, and they are higher than humans. Humans are second. As for tigers, leopards, and wolves, even if his subordinates are killed and eaten by heavenly soldiers, it doesn't matter.

It turns out that he is a monkey who dislikes the poor and loves the rich.

"Let me tell you what you don't know about your own psychology: among these monsters, there are many kind and ignorant little monsters, but you ignore them and kill them all. In the final analysis, it is a racial struggle, grabbing land for the human race, and on the mountain. Without the monsters, humans can go to the mountains to collect herbs, chop wood, hunt, and expand their ethnic groups! This is why your Buddhists ignore the saying that all living beings are equal, and allow Wukong to kill monsters, and even Bodhisattva himself wants to kill monsters!"

Daoist Toad followed the wheelchair person to practice and learn, and he had already mastered all the knowledge of the previous life.

Only racial disputes can ignore good and evil and kill them all.

Just like the ancestors of Homo sapiens, no matter whether you belong to different genus, you are not your own anyway, so you will kill them all.

Neanderthals, as well as other human genera, were all slaughtered or taken for seed.

"Those of you who practice Buddhism can neither save people nor demons, they can only fulfill themselves, they can only draw incense from heaven and earth, and fool all sentient beings, but they cannot enhance the harmony among sentient beings, nor can they enhance the wealth of the common people, let them The people are better than a little bit, and they all put P!" Toad Taoist finally laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense, the Tathagata Buddha promised me a long time ago that only if I asked for the Three Zang scriptures, I would be able to transcend all sentient beings in the eastern land so that people would not fall into the Avici Hell." Tang Seng forcibly defended.

"Learn from the scriptures, only I, the sage of chaos, have the real scriptures of salvation, Sun Wukong, are you willing to take it?" Taoist Toad did not intend to convince Tang Seng, his goal, from the very beginning, was only Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong was silent.

He does things from beginning to end.

But it cannot be said that the matter of being the Great Sage Equalling Heaven was finally crushed by the Tathagata under the Five Elements Mountain, and the half way was over.

"What scriptures do you have there?" Sun Wukong still wanted to save himself more at this time.

When did he wait until he thought of saving the people?

After becoming a Buddha, after saving himself, he slowly thought about compassion and saving sentient beings.

This is the pursuit of a higher spiritual level after the end of food and clothing.

Because he has kindness in himself, the kindness grows up, and the ability improves, so he wants to become a great kindness.

"My scriptures can not only make myself detached, but also make all living beings live in harmony."

"tell me the story."

"Establish the incense sharing system, each person has very little incense, gather 80% to do things for the people, and 20% to pay for themselves, and achieve positive results."

"All revenues and expenditures are watched by those with high cultivation from the people."

Daoist Toad directly took out the strategy of the wheelchair man last time.

The strategy last time was actually very good, otherwise it would not be able to unify the human world.

As soon as the big killer of the dividing system came out, the black-hearted Heavenly Court system immediately got out of the hearts of the people. UU reading www.

Don't think that the people are stupid, and they will be deceived to death by the holy immortals and Buddhas.

If everyone doesn't work, then it's better to say, let's worship together.

At this moment, there is a **** that works. He tells you that you have the right to see whether I work or not.

The people really know how to choose and worship God.

The efficacious temple is full of incense, which is the most real and most valuable quality of the people.

If it is really fooled into a devout worship, don't care how much the gods give you, first see how much sincerity you give to the gods...

That is really a horse.

It's a pity that the way of heaven is not allowed, which means that after running for a long time, there will be countless mistakes, the tyrannical nature of monsters will break out, and the good game will be lost in the end.

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Chapter 1983 Wukong's Buddhist scriptures are free to read. https://

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