Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2000: change home

【Mystery makes me strong】【】

Sun Wukong found someone again and asked, "Are you still bored in life now?"

"It's not boring anymore, we now feel that life is starting to make sense."

"Yeah, how can we break down the enemy's city?"

"Can you tell us?" someone asked.

"No. Because I don't know either." Sun Wukong is not a grandson, Sun Bin, how could he know how to fight such a cold weapon.

"Well, it seems that we have to work **** our own." Someone said.

"Yeah, the opponent is not very strong, but it is difficult to deal with, they are too tough."

"We should use the method of attacking the heart."

"For example, by deceiving them, the surrenderer will give them a certain number of reincarnations."

When Sun Wukong heard this, he felt that these people were finally smart.

I was so comfortable in my life before that I forgot about these strategies.

Like a group of tigers living in a zoo, forgetting the ability to hunt.

At the same time, Wen Rensheng got a message.

The Holy of Chaos invited him to meet again in the Cave of Chaos.

"You are now half the master of the Three Realms, why do you still live in such a desolate place?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"Because this can remind me that I am far from being the true Lord of the Three Realms." The Holy Chaos shook his head.

"Okay, what are you doing with me?"

"I can complete the third contract."

"Oh, can you really do it?"

"If you want to realize your third wish and find an exit, you need to be in harmony, but people can't be in harmony in the first place. When will they be in harmony? Only when everyone is united and faces despair."

"I understand what you mean, you mean to create an apocalypse of the Three Realms, and everyone will die. At this time, everyone will give up the fight, and their hearts will be ashes, which is equivalent to returning to zero?" Wen Rensheng knew as soon as he heard it. opponent's intentions.

"The sage is indeed very wise. The people of the Three Realms have never faced true despair. Only when they all face despair will they be united, and new passages will be created under the will of all beings."

Wen Rensheng thought silently about the other party's thoughts.

The Holy of Chaos is by no means good.

He already knew this.

Under the guise of being the sentient beings in the Three Realms, the other party is actually ruling the Three Realms for himself.

This can be seen from his use of demons.

"The Great Sage is indeed the Sage of Chaos. Even this method can be thought of." Wen Rensheng asked again, "Then how do you want to help me?"

"It's very simple, you and I use great magic power to directly exchange these Three Realms people with the drought people. When they are in a place of despair, they will feel despair in their hearts."

"That would be very cruel."

"You will not hurt any life, because you and I both know that these lives are worthless if they have no emotions." The sage of chaos said Dandan.

Wen Rensheng smiled.

The Five Heavenly Venerates also understand this.

So they didn't really rebel against themselves.

Resistance is pointless.

"Then how do you get them to exchange?"

"Their souls are now bound to the World Tree, as long as the World Tree is transferred to a dry land, that's it."

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【Mystery makes me strong】【】

Wen Rensheng nodded.

He then helped the Holy of Chaos and began to cast mana, directly transplanting the world tree planted by the Jade Emperor to the arid world.

In fact, he provided hundreds of thousands of times the increase.

Under these increases, the Holy of Chaos can easily do things that were completely impossible in the past, and even break through the limitations of heaven.

Wen Rensheng thought of something when he saw this.

The Saint of Chaos said that he was helping himself, but in fact he wanted the Jade Emperor to lose a precious alien species.

This time, the two sides can draw a tie, and there is only one xenogeneic left.

Wen Rensheng smiled, and he allowed the other party's calculations.

The sage of chaos never thought of coexisting with the Jade Emperor, he only wanted to monopolize the Three Realms by himself.

"You want to monopolize the Three Realms, but the Jade Emperor is not stupid and won't let you go." He said this to the sage of chaos.

"He is not stupid, but he is limited by the way of heaven and cannot think freely, and he is doomed to fail. Before you came, he was like a duck in water, but now with you, he has limitations."

Wen Rensheng nodded, it was like the Manchu Qing was closed, and people could be suppressed at will.

But when outside forces entered, it couldn't be done, and the Han people could only be allowed to sit on the throne, and finally lose the throne.

Xiao Huan scratched his ears and asked, "Why do you have to think about monopoly, so you can't have fun together?"

The Sage of Chaos smiled.

"When we were all children, we could play with everything, but when the people are big, the places where we need them are bigger, and our ambitions drive us to be unable to play with others."

"My child, you have a good idea, but we always have an exclusive desire for the world. For example, you have a good toy, but it is very fragile, play it carefully, but your friends take it away Now, are you willing to let him play?"

Xiao Huan shook his head.

"Yes, the world is like this, he is very delicate, if there are many people playing, he will be easily broken, so you only want to enjoy this toy by yourself, but everyone will think so, so They will kill each other," said the Holy Chaos.

"Why can the five Heavenly Venerates play together?" Xiao Huan asked rhetorically.

"Because they can achieve a relatively restrictive relationship with each other, but I can surpass them, of course I don't want to be with them." The Holy Chaos shook his head.

"You keep saying that you want everyone to be equal, but in the end you want to monopolize it. It turns out that you are also a bad guy." Xiao Huan said with contempt.

"Hehe, I'm a badass, UU reading is like this in everyone's eyes." The Holy Chaos shook his head.

"It turns out that the peaceful competition is just playing me in the lake, it seems like a group of peace, you still have to fight in the end." Xiao Huan suddenly realized.

The truth is very cruel.


at the same time.

In the dry world, there is an extra giant tree.

As soon as it appears, it tries to survive.

Moisture, it needs it the most.

Its leaves become needles, its bark becomes cuticle, and its roots spread all over the world.

It is resistant to salt and acid and alkali.

It struggles to survive in this world.

And try to block the water, creating a local water circulation environment.

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【Mystery makes me strong】【】

After doing these things, the giant tree went to sleep.

The three realms panicked.

They didn't expect that they were still entangled with the drought people just now, and the next step was to be directly transferred to their old nest.

The point is, they don't want to change homes.

Whoever replaces who is stupid.

This is simply what the devil does.

They realize the danger.

The first is lack of water, then the lack of food, and finally the lack of gods.

"Didn't you dislike boredom before, and dislike too much arrangements for you by the gods?"

"There are no gods here, just play around with it."

A voice sounded in their minds.

"We'll never say boring anymore, please switch us back."

"There is nothing here, how can people live!"

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