Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2003: Male to female, female to male

"Wan oh, oh, my grandparents don't know me anymore, I've become a bitter child no one wants, woo woo woo..."

Xiao Huan hugged Wen Rensheng's big leg and cried.

It's just that the cry is too fake, and the train whistle is played directly instead.

"You said you can't cry. You can learn how to cry on TV. You can't just use the sound of the train to make up the number." Wen Rensheng said helplessly.

"I have to make up the number, or I will cry badly. Anyway, I don't care, you quickly let everyone know me." Xiao Huan urged.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, it's a good thing that everyone doesn't know you anymore, and it's not a small one, but a great one." Wen Rensheng reminded.

"What good thing? Why can't I see it?"

"Look, everyone doesn't know you anymore, you can recreate a perfect image among the people, which is equivalent to your rebirth!" Wen Rensheng said in a persuasive manner.

"Rebirth? Yes." Xiao Huan's eyes lit up, his head pounding like a chicken eating rice.

"Yes, for example, you can learn to be a good baby, be obedient and learn, and be good at cooking, telling stories, everyone praises you, and you don't have to do the wrong things you did before. , and the knowledge that you didn't know before, is now available." Wen Rensheng said foolishly.

Xiao Huan nodded again and again: "That's right, Lao Wen, I found that you can really turn bad things into good things."

"Of course."

The following week.

Xiao Huan cooks hard every day to let everyone eat delicious food.

If you read carefully, you will be able to add two digits.

Every time you want to play, you have to restrain yourself and work hard.

So everyone praised it.

"Xiaohuan is awesome."

"Xiaohuan is really smart."

"Xiao Huan really worked hard."

"Xiao Huan is a scholar..."


It's just that those days didn't last too long.

On this day, Wang Wenwen ate delicious chicken thighs and fried them to the top.

It can be said that it is a collection of the delicious tastes of many worlds. Every texture and every bit of leather is extremely fragrant and tender.

Xiao Huan is a college scum, only cooking and going to school quickly.

This is because as long as you follow the gourd and draw the scoop, you can completely imitate all the operations of the chefs in this world. There are not so many difficult dishes in this world. As long as the steps are exactly the same, the taste will not be much worse.

While eating, Wang Wenwen confided the words: "Lao Han, is it not good for us to fool Xiaohua like this? Let one of her children cook for us every day."

Burning text

Zhao Han was stunned for a moment, and then said: "What flickering? It is indeed the first time I have seen Xiao Huan? She is really a smart and lovely child with no flaws."

"You're still pretending." Wang Wenwen said contemptuously, "I don't believe it, you didn't retrieve your memory through alien species?"

"Uh, get back your memory? What get back your memory, by the way, Wenwen, I found that you are very kind to me, are we sisters from the previous life?" Zhao Han said dazedly.

"I see, the teacher didn't restore your memory because he was afraid of you being exposed." Wang Wenwen had nothing to say.

This little friend went back to the past, and his IQ also went back...

"Shenma? It turns out that you are all lying to me!" Xiao Huan burst out of Wang Wenwen's belly, revealing two sky-high braids.

"Monster!" Zhao Han fainted from fright.

"I lied to you if she didn't, didn't she just faint from you?" Wang Wenwen tried to push Xiao Huan back.

"Oh, that's true, it seems that I will continue to be a good baby, at least I am still a good baby in Lao Han's eyes." Xiao Huan accepted Wang Wenwen's statement smoothly.

Mainly because being a good baby is really a different way of life.

It's just that she can't always stick to it.

a month later.

Xiao Huan was lying on the sofa, watching TV, revealing his true form.

"Damn old news, it's all fooling me, I'm not a good baby anymore, it's too tiring, but a lazy baby is comfortable."

The crowd laughed.

"I won, I said Xiao Huan can last for a month, you said she can only last for a week." Ouyang Ling said to her husband Wen Rende.

"Uh, well, I underestimated Xiao Huan's ability, it was all taught by my son." Wen Rende praised.

"Hey, the experiment failed. Human inertia can really overcome people's self-motivation. People really need environment and pressure." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Hmph, I'm saying something I don't understand again. I won't listen." Xiao Huan covered her ears.

"It's fine if you don't listen. Just this time I'm going to a new world. If you don't listen, then you won't be able to go." Wen Rensheng smiled.

"Damn, what is the next world, don't try to leave me alone." Xiao Huan immediately got up from the sofa.

Wen Rensheng frowned and said, "The last time I traveled to the west, after I opened the door to the world, there was a time reversal. Obviously, it was the power of chaos that was preventing me from exploring the main world. I have been away from the main world, after several twists and turns, not only Not nearer, but farther."

In the living room, everyone was silent.

Ouyang Ling, Wen Rende, Wu Shanshan, Zhao Han, Wang Wenwen, Wu Liansong... and others thought deeply.

This family of course understands why Wen Rensheng did this.

Only when they find the main world can they truly feel at ease, and they won't be floating like duckweed.

If you can't find the main world, everything in front of you will be like a dream bubble, fleeting.

"Okay, don't worry, everyone, I have a plan, we will use the reincarnation compound to go to the next world, but this time the whole family will go." Wen Rensheng said.

"Teacher, where will the next world go?" Zhao Han asked.

Wen Rensheng smiled, and he stretched out his hand.

A picture appears.

Two stone lions and a white jade gate with the words "Edict Rongguofu" written on it.

Then the screen turned around, clouds and mist shrouded, and a narration voice appeared outside: "Under the ridiculous cliff of the Great Wilderness Mountain..."

As soon as they heard the beginning, everyone understood, isn't this "The Story of the Stone"?

There is also a more resounding name: "Dream of Red Mansions".

The book itself is very bizarre. The author wrote the whole book, but only 80 chapters were kept, and the next 40 chapters were unknown.

Many people sighed for it.

It was a pity for Wen Rensheng when he was young. Later, he suddenly woke up when he was older, and the ending disappeared. In fact, it was more in line with the original intention of the author.

Life is impermanent, books are impermanent, and fate is unpredictable.

And there is no ending, which is equivalent to letting readers imagine for themselves.

When Xiao Huan saw it, he immediately became excited: "Dream of Red Mansions is great, I'm going to be Jia Baoyu."

"You also know Dream of Red Mansions?" Zhao Han asked in surprise.

"Nonsense, can I not know? This is a TV series that my grandma often watches. I have watched it a few times."

"You can't be Jia Baoyu." Wen Rensheng glanced at her and shook his head.


"You can't grow up."

Xiao Huan, who originally wanted to argue, suddenly retreated.

Yes, Wen Rensheng has always been eighteen years old, she has always been five years old, six years old, no more than seven years old anyway.

Wen Rende's eyes lit up: "I can..."

"Cough" Ouyang Ling glared at her husband.

"I see, can I be Eunuch Xia? It's Xia Bingzhong." Wen Rende said angrily.

"It's almost there."

"Then I can only be Dai Quan." Wu Liansong followed.

"Very good, what roles are the others going to choose?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"I'm Lin Daiyu." Zhao Han raised his hand actively.

Wang Wenwen looked at his friend with contempt: "With your muscles, who can believe Lin Daiyu?"

"Isn't it okay to pull the weeping willow Lin Daiyu upside down?" Zhao Han asked rhetorically.

"Then I'll be Xue Baochai." Wang Wenwen patted his big belly and said.

"No, neither of you." Wen Rensheng directly denied it.

"Why?" Wang Wenwen disagreed, "Isn't it just to be good-looking? It's very simple."

"It's not a matter of appearance. The biggest feature of the world of Red Mansions is that when it's fake, it's real and it's fake. There is something inactive and there is nothing. So we have to fit its characteristics. When a woman is a man, she is a man and a woman." Wen Rensheng said.

"Understood, you asked us to choose male characters, right?" Wu Shanshan said.

"That's right."

"Then I'll be Jia Zhen, the eldest master of Ning Guofu." Xiao Huan raised her hand, but Wenren's head slammed a few times.

"You can only be a servant. Mingyan, you choose one."

"Damn." Xiao Huan said dissatisfiedly, "Why can't I be the master?"

"I'm afraid you will spoil the plot."

"Others can choose one for themselves. The elders of the previous generation should not choose, they can only choose the next generation. As for Jia Baoyu, they must bid."


Zhao Han opened his eyes, only to see a green tent and people on the bed.

There are a few pretty maids next to her.

"Second Master is awake." A maid said in surprise.

Zhao Han looked down and saw a piece of precious jade hanging on his chest.

Uh, yes, the final bid is over, and she got the qualification to play the protagonist Jia Baoyu.

As for how she won the bid, of course, it was because she casually said the highest bid: if she became Jia Baoyu, she would become emperor and marry all twelve hairpins.

The crowd retreated.

This goal is too lofty for others to match.

Of course, this is because Zhao Han has not read the original Dream of Red Mansions, and really doesn't know who the twelve hairpins are.

Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai, Jia Yuanchun, Jia Tanchun, Shi Xiangyun, Miaoyu, Jia Yingchun, Jia Xichun, Wang Xifeng, Jia Qiaojie, Li Wan, Qin Keqing.

There are a total of twelve people, Sichun and Jia Qiao sister both have direct blood relationship with Jia Baoyu, which are all gray that cannot be attacked.

Of course, there are many absurd emperors in history, and their sisters and nieces are all married.

By the time Zhao Han knew this, it was too late.

Anyway, now she has become Jia Baoyu.

To be honest, when she watched Dream of Red Mansions, she also fantasized about becoming Jia Baoyu and saving the tragic fate of many beauties.

Many people don't know that if they really want to marry an upright and upright Chai Dai, the only way is to be an emperor.

In addition, it is to destroy the characters of Xue Lin and the two.

Can't imagine one of them being a concubine.

Only the emperor is special in this year, how could these two be concubines?

In ancient times there was no such thing as an equal wife.

Only the emperor has four concubines, all of which are inherited from the etiquette.

The other ministers and nobles are all side chambers.

Zhao Han's mind was in a mess, and it took a while to react.

"Uh, what is this place?" She decided to pretend to have amnesia.

Traversing classic means.

"Second Master, you don't know me anymore? When you just entered the door, you fell on the threshold. I was attacking." The pretty girl said.

"Oh, it's you." Zhao Han suddenly realized.

Xiren is rarely a maid who gets a good ending. Of course, this is also a good ending in the sequel.

From the beginning to the end, he was loyal to Jia Baoyu, and only married Jiang Yuhan after Jia Baoyu had become a monk.

Other maids died or became nuns.

"Assault, my mind is a little confused." Zhao Han subconsciously touched the opponent's hand.

Uh, this is definitely the instinct of the original owner's body, not what she wants to touch.

The pretty maid is used to it and doesn't make a fuss at all: "Second Master, you should rest first, I'll go and tell my wife."

After Xiren left, Zhao Han touched his head and sighed.

It's a bit troublesome to not have the original owner's memory.

At this moment, Xiao Huan suddenly appeared in his mind.

The other party was strutting around in her mind, rummaging here and there.

"Why did you come out?" Now of course she remembered what happened next, and her headache suddenly became even more severe.

"Old Wen said that you can't pass the level alone, so I was sent to guide."

"Are you here to make trouble?"

"How do you know that I'm here to make trouble? Hurry up and bring out all the delicious, delicious and fun things for me." Xiao Huan said.

"You hide it in my mind, and you won't be able to eat it if I take it out." Zhao Han said speechlessly.

"I can't help it. I heard that there are gods and demons in this world. It's different from the last Journey to the West. Here we have all lost our extraordinary power and can only survive as mortals. I can only hide in your mind." Xiao Huan is also helpless.

"Uh, what's going on?" Zhao Han was a little shocked, "Teacher also lost his strength?"

"Yeah, the old news said that the world is very weird, the truth is reversed or something. By the way, do you know how this Jia Baoyu should play?" Xiao Huan asked curiously.

"Of course I do, but I still need you to teach it?"

"Then tell me there are several ways."

"The first imperial examination, the second to sleep, the third to fight for hegemony." Zhao Han counted one, two, three in his mind.

"I can understand the other two. What do you mean by sleeping? During the day, what do you want to sleep for?" Xiao Huan said in confusion.

"It's wrong, uh, but you don't understand it clearly, you are still a child." Zhao Han thought for a while, and said carelessly.

"Cut, I know everything." Xiao Huan said with his hips on his shoulders, "I already know that Jia Baoyu's sister is Jia Yuanchun. You can go the harem route, support your sister to dominate the harem, and then you can be a relative."

"Awesome, you really know everything, but why can't you learn double-digit multiplication?" Zhao Han wondered.

"Math is the most troublesome. I just don't understand why multiplication is used to calculate addition. UU reading obviously adds up one by one."

"Multiplication is a fast operation method of addition. It uses multiplication formulas to solve the addition of multiple identical numbers... Forget it, I'm here to be Jia Baoyu, why should I give you a math class?" Zhao Han said at the end, I was speechless.

"Then which way do you want to choose?"

"Let's take the imperial examination first, and take into account the rebellion." Zhao Han said without hesitation.

"Well, it sounds like you're very experienced."

"Because I've been a world leader once before, of course I have experience."

"But the old news said that this world is different, you can't use extraordinary power, can you still do it? It's too difficult to rebel, and it's even harder to rebel in a prosperous world." Xiao Huan worried.

"As long as the effort is deep, the iron pestle will be ground into a needle. If you cross the road, you will rebel, make it every day, make it every month, make it every year, and one day you will succeed..." Zhao Han said confidently.

"Heads fall to the ground." Xiao Huan continued with "Hehe".

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