Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2008: Changsheng

Juren can actually become officials.

The famous Zuo Zongtang is a leader, and he is also a leader.

Of course it was in trouble.

And today's Red Mansions era, that is, on the threshold of troubled times, at most 30 years is troubled times.

The vitality of feudal society is very short. A long-lived person was born at the founding of the country. When he died, he basically entered the later stage of the dynasty, and he could clearly see the rise and fall of the dynasty.

Jia Rong is a leader. In the eyes of the people in Jia's house, at least they can find a fat shortage in the county magistrate in the south of the Yangtze River. In the end, they went to the southern island. This is not someone making trouble, what is it?

You must know that at this time, going to the edge of the land to be an official is equivalent to exile in disguise.

Of course they didn't know that this was discussed by Jia Lian, Jia Baoyu, and Jia Rong.


Jia Rong came to an island in the south, and Jia Lian and Xue Da fool accompanied him to take office.

With a population of more than 60,000, all of them are impoverished and down-to-earth. Many people only have one suit of clothes all year round. Fortunately, this is a tropical place, and no clothes are needed.

Very few people have land, and most people work on short-term and long-term labor.

The rest of the land is owned by the masters and the toasts.

Jia Rong didn't take office alone. He brought 120 followers, 80 servants, and 40 guards. Anyway, he paid for him.

"Look, within three years, this place will become our industrial base." Jia Rong was smug.

Then the local environment taught him to be a man.

A week later, he caught a cold, vomited and had diarrhea, fluctuating cold and hot.

In the room, Jia Rong was wrapped in a thick quilt, which was miserable.

"This is malaria, and the local mosquitoes are too vicious." Jia Lian also wrapped herself up like a zongzi, not letting go in the heat.

"Damn it, I miss my alien. Although it is stupid, greedy and can't speak, it is not as cute and fun as Xiaohuan, but it can at least save me from all diseases." Jia Rong said angrily.

"You just endure it. If you are lucky, you can get through it in two or three weeks."

"Bad luck?"

"That's what was written in the county annals: In a certain month in a certain year, Jia Zhixian Xianrong fell ill for less than a month and died in office."

"I don't want to be so miserable."

"There are two news now, one is good news. I have asked Xue's family to quickly buy cinchona cream, and I have bought it now. And the bad news is that you have to hold on for at least seven days. Now the journey is far away, only the north has stocks, and the south has stocks. Instead, it didn't."

"I will endure."

Seven days later, the dying Jia Rong finally got the special medicine cinchona cream. After taking it, the malaria was relieved.

"You are very lucky. You must know that Cao Yin died of malaria. By the way, Cao Yin is Cao Xueqin's grandfather." Jia Lian smiled.

"Damn it, I want to get rid of mosquitoes!" Jia Rong didn't start an industry, but started a sanitation cleanup first.

Led the officials of all sizes in the yamen to pay 1,500 taels of silver from their own pockets, and began a large-scale cleaning of the inside and outside of the yamen and the county seat.

Abandoned gullies, waterlogged places, filthy places, sewer ditches... All of them have been cleaned up.

This process is three months.

It has been highly praised by local squire officials, such as local village elders, teachings, classics, inspections, and officials.

Although this matter is tossing people, it will not hurt their interests, and it will benefit everyone.

In other words, it conforms to the fundamental interests of most people, and only a few feel that their interests have been damaged in the process, such as the yamen, scribes, assistants, etc., who have been here for generations...

Because the master did not distribute the 1,200 taels of silver through their hands, but directly distributed them to the hired short-term workers and long-term workers with the help of the people around them.

But it can be tolerated, the magistrate will stay for three or five years at most, and then he will get out.

On the other hand, Jia Rong and Jia Hui took the opportunity to find out important information such as the geographical environment, power distribution, population size, etc. through three months of cleaning.

"We have the information, where should we start?" Jia Rong asked.

At this time, in the room, the window screens were closed, and the wormwood left a pungent smell after being smoked and roasted.

"Doing pharmaceuticals." Jia Lian said confidently.

"Isn't it a silk industry?" Jia Rong asked in confusion.

"No, there is no foundation for the silk industry here, and there are many links. Once there is a change, we can easily be strangled by the court to kill the supply chain." Jia Lian said.

"That's right," Jia Rong nodded, "but what is the pharmacy going to do? Is it transplanting a cinchona tree?"

"This is one aspect, but not the main one. Let's start with all kinds of tonics, starting with the refreshing oil used by scholars, refreshing medicines, and tonics for the elderly. Do you remember the ginseng Yangrong pills that Sister Lin took?" Jia Lian asked road.

"You know, Lin Xue's two grasses are used to nourish Rong, so it is called Yang Rong Pill. Both of them take pills, which indicates the reality that the two families are sucked by Jia's blood." Jia Rong sighed.

"Yeah, pharmaceuticals are already a big industry in this era, especially for noble families, which cannot be separated from all kinds of pills." Jia Lian nodded.

"Unfortunately, if we can come up with the kind of reincarnation medicine Xiao Huan said, we will be comfortable."

"That's not far from death. Only the royal family has the ability to preserve this thing."

The two decided to stop their discussions. With Jia Rong, the magistrate of the county, as well as money, a name, and people, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and there are not many tyrannical conservative forces in the local area. There is only one limit to what Jia Rong can’t do in his hands: naturally The law does not allow it.

The first is to acquire a large amount of barren hills and wasteland that cannot be grown for food, and then employ landless farmers to grow various refreshing herbs that have long been proven by later generations.

Plants such as cocoa contain stimulants.

The bankrupt Chinese patent medicine merchants hired from Jiangnan finally began to use steam engines to build assembly lines and mass-produce them on a large scale.

In this way, conflicts will be reduced by more than half without competing for land with local local tyrants.

What we manufacture is medicine, and we do not compete for the market with other local industries, which reduces many conflicts.

Moreover, there are very few things that officials squeeze for benefits. After all, the magistrate here is the largest in name.

Even some benefits are given in name only.

Textiles can be worn every day, and tonics can be eaten every day, not to mention that these tonics belong to things like tobacco.

The scale and profits of the tobacco industry are also extremely amazing in future generations, let alone this era?

The surplus labor force in the whole county has been fully utilized.

Jia Rong took the opportunity to let the servants publicize that it was Master Jia who gave them their jobs. As a human being, they must be grateful. Every day before entering the factory, they must sing: "Listen to me, thank you, thank you for having warmed the four seasons..."

Of course, no one dares to say loyalty. The only person who is openly loyal is the emperor. He dares to say that he is loyal to the magistrate. Next year, an official will send a letter to the capital, saying that someone in his hometown wants to rebel.

Fortunately, it is normal for the servants to be thankful, and the big family emphasizes this, for fear that these servants will steal things while the master is not paying attention and hurt the little master.

A lot of silver flowed in quickly.

If there is only money and no materials, there will be inflation.

Therefore, the necessities of life such as food and cloth must be brought in.

After three years, Jia Rong tried to stay in office.

As long as the evaluation is rewritten, the county magistrate can stay in office for up to ten years, and then he will be transferred.


At the same time, in the Jia Mansion.

People are celebrating.

Because Jia Baoyu is a jinshi!

This is very efficient.

Within three or four years, even the middle-ranked scholars, the Juren, and the jinshi are rare in the entire history.

"Old Shiweng can be at ease now, my brother is only twenty years old, and he is already a jinshi. With such glory, how many young people in the world can get it?"

"Hahaha, this son of mine is finally promising, and it didn't cost me all my hard work over the years." Jia Zheng said happily.

"Yeah, this is because the old Shiweng taught me well, which is really enviable. How many Jinshi are there in the world who are less than 20 years old?"

"Old Shiweng will spend the rest of his life sitting and enjoying happiness."

"It's easy to talk about." Jia Zheng felt great comfort, and he no longer had to worry about Jia Baoyu's failure to study.

At this time, Jia Zheng was too naive. He had no idea that his son was too motivated, and he would be a hundred times more terrifying than not being motivated.

One day in the future, when he looks back on the past, Jia Zheng will definitely regret it. If time can come back, he would rather keep Jia Baoyu and let him be a **** for the rest of his life...

At the same time, inside the Rongxi Hall.

Jia Mu, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Xing, Yingchun, Tanchun, Xichun, Li Wan, Wang Xifeng, Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai and other women's scrolls surrounded Jia Baoyu, who was wearing a jinshi costume, and they were also very happy.

"My sweetheart, you finally let your father and mother feel at ease. We, middle-class rich people like us, expect our children and grandchildren to take over. Now that you have become a jinshi, even if I go to see the old man, I can also A face has spoken to him." Mother Jia said at the end, shedding tears.

"This is the blessing of the ancestors," Wang Xifeng smiled and changed the subject, "the ancestors still want to bless Baoyu to ascend to the Heavenly Son Hall, how can he see the old prince now?"

"That's right, old ancestor, you can't leave your grandson, you must live a thousand years." Jia Baoyu said leaning against Jia's mother.

"That's right, old ancestor, you want to live a thousand years. This is the Wuji nourishing pill that came from the south. We have tried it, and it really has the effect of enhancing the blood and spirit. Many old people in the south are eating this." Lai everyone said and offered a pill.

"Okay, okay, you are all filial, and I will take care of you for a few more years." Mother Jia smiled, looking at the full house of children and grandchildren, especially the grandson Jia Baoyu who came out of the same mold as her husband. Feel comfortable.

Then there is the banquet, the wine and the order.

One table for the seniors and one table for the young girls, divided into two sides, enjoy freely.

Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai here were very shocked to be honest.

They also never imagined that Jia Baoyu, who was well-known as a scoundrel and scoundrel, would be admitted to the Jinshi examination in three or four years.

The two were taken aback when they passed the Xiucai exam before, but now that they have won the jinshi, it is more like a dream.

"Baoyu, didn't you always say that you were a lunar beetle, a useless person? Now you have become one of the lunar beetles." Lin Daiyu joked.

"I still think that getting a job title is a lunatic. I entered the official career just to find a solution." Jia Baoyu shook his head.

Lin Daiyu nodded slightly, she already understood in her heart what Jia Baoyu was going to say.

Xue Baochai was a little puzzled, and couldn't help but ask, "Brother Bao, what kind of solution are you looking for?"

"There is a shop in Sister Bao's house, do you know that there is a rise and fall of this shop?" Jia Baoyu said.

"I know one or two." In fact, Xue Baochai knew that the biggest problem with his identity was his business background.

Compared to Lin Daiyu, this is her biggest weakness.

Lin Daiyu's background is the highest among scholars, peasants, industry and commerce. Her father is Tanhua, and her weakness is that her parents are deceased. She has no kinship.

Although Jia's mother prefers Lin Daiyu, but Daiyu's younger sister is not in good health and is destined to not last long.

This is also a weakness.

"When this shop was first set up, everyone worked hard to develop customer sources, save raw materials, and strive to make profits, and then it prospered. When the business was on the right track, the shopkeeper began to have selfishness, and the servant also had selfishness, and everyone began to dig the corner of the shop. , even if the shop is prosperous again, the shop will decline and perish even if a drop of water falls on a stone in a day or two." Jia Baoyu sighed.

Xue Baochai was awe-inspiring, the other party was using the shop as a metaphor for the dynasty.

As for Xue Baochai, because her elder brother Xue Fan was not a proper child, she often looked at the shop's accounts.

As Jia Baoyu said, everyone in the Xue family is selfish, and everyone is digging this big tree.

Import raw materials at high prices and sell finished products at low prices.

The shopkeeper himself runs private shops and does the business of the Xue family. There are countless tricks.

Those old shopkeepers are all good at tricking people.

Eating inside and outside, up and down its hands, everything is proficient.

Xue Baochai only hated that he was not a man, so he couldn't come out and scold these people in person.

My brother and my mother are good people, and always let these people take their place.

However, she saw it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart. She could only mention one or two things, but she couldn't make any move.

"Brother I do not know if there is a solution?" Xue Baochai asked sincerely.

"If it's a shop in Sister Bao's house, there are still some ways to do it." Jia Baoyu said with a smile.

"Brother Bao, come quickly." Xue Baochai couldn't help but approached to listen.

"Hey, Sister Bao is so eager, she's like a flying geese out in the sky." Lin Daiyu said sour next to her after eating it.

"Well you frown, my family's business is going downhill, and my mother is worried every day, but she can't do it. As a child, filial piety comes first, so I can't do anything about it." Xue Baochai sighed.

Lin Daiyu immediately showed a look of guilt: "So, it's not my sister's."

"Okay, I'll just say it. In short, it's eight words. Running water is not rotten. Let's ask about it." Jia Baoyu looked at Xue Baochai's plump skin and said.

Zhao Han really sighed at this time, there are such good-looking and good-looking people in the world.

Cold and fragrant.

Even if she is a daughter, she wants to marry each other.

"The running water is not rotten, is the curtain down and asked? That's the case." Xue Baochai was extremely intelligent, and he understood it as soon as he heard it.

This is to make her become a mistress first, and then follow the example of the ancient empress dowager to govern.

Those shopkeepers and servants should be replaced from time to time, and one cannot be entrenched for a long time.

As a result, they have no time to manage the power.

"But if you change it many times, your heart is unstable, and you only think about temporary benefits, what should you do?"

"So to establish KPIs, UU Reading no, it is a performance system, giving the shopkeepers a promotion expectation, plus various share incentives, of course, this is not absolute, in short, it is necessary to always be diligent." Jia Baoyu thought of those large enterprises that were ruined in the future, and their management measures were not perfect, but they eventually declined.

There is nothing in this world that does not fail.

This may be the reason why Dream of Red Mansions is enduring.

No matter how good the system and the best people are, they cannot remain prosperous.

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