Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2024: advance

Zhao Han comforted: "I don't blame my uncle for this."

"This is a common thing in ancient times. Ministers are insecure, and the emperor is also restless and suspicious of each other. There are few Liu Bei Zhuge people, and the most are Sima Cao Shuang."

"Hey, is there a solution?" Wang Ziteng sighed.

His decades of old official experience could not solve this problem.

In the face of the emperor's distrust, there are only two ways: either to rebel, or to retire and die of illness.

Civil servants can choose to retire, but they have little influence if they leave the center anyway.

One **** and two imperial guards can do it.

But for a military veteran like him, the only way to go is to die of illness.

Because he knew how to train, how to fight, and how to rebel.

Therefore, it is impossible to reassure the emperor if he does not die.

Zhao Han sighed, and she thought of Cao Xueqin, Cao Gong was imprisoned by the Manchu Qing and did not know Western thinking.

Obviously there are things from the West, but they don't know the new imperial court system in the West.

If he knew about the West, he knew that he could write an undefeated family.

That is to limit the monarch and open up the wisdom of the people.

Instead of coming and going in vain, the only way out is to become a monk.

So she said to the prince: "Uncle, this matter is like learning from the West. If you want to solve this problem, it is in the West."

"The West?" Wang Ziteng thought of the opponent this time. Their tactics and tactics were the West, which was indeed difficult to deal with.

Only he knew how difficult it was to fight.

It's all about cutting off the opponent's supplies to win.

If the other party also has good supplies, he has only one way to retreat.

"Yes, there has long been a way to solve the mistrust between ministers and emperors in the West, that is, the prince breaks the law and shares the same crime with the people. Whether the monarch or the minister, can only abide by the law and rely on the law to restrain each other, as long as you don't break the law , Even if you do something wrong, the monarch can't kill you, at most deprive you of your official position and title, and turn you into a commoner."

"Ah, isn't this a rebellion?" Wang Ziteng was shocked.

He couldn't understand what it meant.

Let the emperor also abide by the law, isn't this nonsense?

The emperor's words are the law, the emperor can do whatever he wants, the only thing that can stop the emperor is public opinion and moral pressure, as well as etiquette, plus the potential power of officials... For example, let the emperor fall into the water, and change to an obedient one.

But usually, there is really no reliable way to restrain the emperor.

Whoever the emperor wants to deal with, innately occupies the righteousness.

This is all to blame for the pitfalls of Confucianism. In order to kneel and lick, throw away all the good things of ancient Confucianism, lie down at the feet of the emperor completely, let the emperor stand tall, and say that the monarch, the subject and the subject, the king wants the subject to die, and the subject has to die.

"Rebel, that's not it. Mencius said long ago that the people are the most valuable, the society is the second, and the ruler is the least, but after all, it has been two thousand years, why hasn't it become a reality?" Zhao Han asked seriously.

"That is the world of Great Harmony proposed by Yasheng, and the distance is still far away." Prince Teng shook his head.

"Hehe, everyone doesn't do it, this world of great harmony is always on the horizon." Zhao Han shook his head.

The prince was silent.

In fact, since ancient times, there have been disputes between relatives and monarchs.

It's just that the nephew is still too ideal.

Everyone obeys the law. The problem is that officials want the emperor to obey the law, but they don't want to.

For example, he himself used his power to help his nephew Xue Fan escape the crime several times.

His influence was also borrowed by Queen nephew Xifeng.

Now it seems that if he does not abide by the law, the emperor can naturally not abide by the law.

So he has nothing to complain about.

Nobody is innocent.

If the officials stand up together to abide by the law, the emperor has nothing to do.

The problem is that officials can't do it themselves.

It's no wonder that the emperor took advantage of his strength, and even if he did nothing wrong, he could kill himself with a glass of poisonous wine.

Of course, after death, you can still get a good posthumous title.

After all, the dead are no threat to the emperor, and the emperor can show his benevolence.

But the emperor never showed that he obeyed the law.

Zhao Han saw what Wang Ziteng was thinking.

Sure enough, it is impossible for Wang Ziteng to accept new ideas.

This is the old bureaucracy.

He attaches importance to family affection, but does not care about the law, and the same is true for emperors.

The law is for small people.

She only needs to protect her good sisters and sisters, and she will do it, and she doesn't need to worry about others.

Thus, a conversation between an uncle and a nephew came to an end.

Wang Ziteng then went to the table and retired from the post of general on the grounds that he was seriously ill, old and weak.

He could not rebel, nor could he follow Jia Baoyu's method. Facing the emperor's distrust, he could only show his white belly like those officials who protected themselves in the early Ming Dynasty, to show his innocence.

There was no way he could resist the court head-on.

Only one month later, there was a royal history table, which reported that Ping'an Prefecture, the jurisdiction he once served, had a huge deficit, and it was found out that it was Wang Ziteng's office.

The emperor decreed that for the sake of military exploits, he only repaid half of the deficit.

This half is 400,000 taels, which is already a huge number for the Wang family.

After patching things up, I collected 220,000 yuan, and the rest can only be in arrears.

The emperor's approval, it can be paid off after five years.


at the same time.

Jia's house.

"Ancestor, mother, let's return to our hometown in Jinling." Zhao Han said to Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang.

"My good grandson, why is this?" Mother Jia said.

"Uncle Gonggao retired, and we can't stay in the capital for long." Zhao Han hinted.

Jia's mother has a political vision, but she is old and female, and she is covetous for her children and grandchildren. She is addicted to pleasure and has no spirit of cheering up.

But since Jia Baoyu is carrying the burden, she will not hold back.

At this point, Jia Mu has shown in the original text.

On the one hand, he protects Jia Lian, who can do things outside. On the other hand, he is also a frugal householder. Later, he distributes his own money to his children.

Not stingy.

"Since that's the case, it's up to you to preside over the relocation of the second government."

"First, you only need to move out of the relatives and relatives."

Zhao Han knows that even if he rebels, he doesn't have to worry about being implicated in the nine clans.

Because they won't use the Jia family's name.

Wang Bolun has been beaten by Jia Rong and turned into a puppet.

Jinling's hometown naturally has a Rongguo mansion and a Ningguo mansion.

half year later.

The Jia family, who are family members, moved to their hometown in Jinling.

It is three thousand miles away from the capital.



Inside the Imperial Palace.

"It seems that the Jia family is sensible and gave up early." The emperor said happily.

"With just one Jia family, the emperor can destroy it with his backhand." The queen complimented.

"Although the Jia family is not big, it's not easy for the four princes and eight princes to move the whole body with one hair." The emperor shook his head and said.

"But they went back after all."

"That's because they know how to advance and retreat. Then Jia Baoyu is still good, so let Concubine De Gui go to Jiangnan to visit relatives."

"Your Majesty is merciful."


The emperor thought it was the Jia family who gave up.

Where did they think that this was a precursor to Jia Rong's move.

After returning home.

Above the Longjiang River, somewhere in Jiangxin Island.

It used to be the place where pirates lived.

Half a month later, it was occupied by a fleet sent by Rongyao Group, swept away the bandits, and established many houses.

And began to build forts, all of the bastion type.

It is only a hundred miles away from Jinling City.

Once something happens, it can be rushed over in a day.

As for whether it will be discovered, in the whole Dream of Red Mansions, bandits are everywhere, and there is nothing the officials can do.

In the middle and late dynasties, the laziness of officials was frightening.

There were sects in the Manchu Qing who rebelled and entered the imperial city, only to be repelled by the prince.

The ministers knew it beforehand, but none of them reported that it was so absurd.

In the later dynasties, unless the ministers' own interests were involved, it was difficult, difficult, difficult to expect them to work actively.

Of course, if it touches their own interests, for example, if the refugees eat big households locally, they will be dispatched immediately, and they don't care how many people they kill.

And there are pirates occupying Jiangxin Island, Jinling prefect has not been notified, and the yamen directly suppressed it. The advantage is that the pirates pay 200 taels of snowflake silver every month.

In this way, it is also convenient for Lin Daiyu to go home.

Yangzhou and Jinling are getting closer.

Lin Ruhai has been alive all these years. Relying on the new drug developed by Rongyao Company, he hangs his life and never died.

Zhao Han chose to return to Jiangnan to serve as a prefect of a nearby large state, and by the way, covered Jia Rong and the others.

At this time, the northern refugees were everywhere, bandits everywhere.

The scale of Rongyao's organization of refugees to go overseas is getting bigger and bigger.

People are buying everywhere.

From 20 taels per person, it has dropped sharply to 3 buckets of rice per person.

It's so outrageous.

There are also people who give away their children for nothing, just to keep them from starving to death.

All accepted.

Agricultural societies are like that.

cheap labor.

I do not know that labor is the most precious wealth.

The most important resource that an agricultural society can develop is land.

Food is always in short supply and cannot be fully put on the market to meet the needs of all.

In fact, the land was annexed, and most of the grain was buried in the annexer's granary.

The problem is that the acquirer does not fully participate in the market and does not sell much food. This is the fundamental drawback of the small-scale peasant economy:

The acquirer has a large amount of food, but most of it is not put on the market, but is stored in cellars and granaries.

Those who are short of food have free labor and time, but cannot rely on labor to obtain food from the acquirer.

You can only use violence to **** it, what else can you do if you don't?

The so-called land annexation led to the collapse of the dynasty.

However this is not stable.

What is really stable is the establishment of commercial mechanisms that allow the acquirer to shift the anchor of wealth from food to something else.

The grain can be put into the market in time and transformed into the basic material of economic circulation.

If you want to establish this kind of commercial circulation, you have to build it on the basis of science and technology, sea, land, and water. In short, you must be able to sell food as evenly as possible everywhere at a relatively stable price.

In this way, as long as the population does not exceed too much, it can be stable.

The premise is don't come to war.

However, the war came at a time when no one was aware of it.



On the first day of March, the Great Court will be held.

"I have this written report, and I have heard rumors that someone has recently trafficked people overseas."

"There are many hidden dangers, one: the loss of population, no one to cultivate the land, and insufficient taxation."

"Two people from overseas are unfettered and do not know what they do."

"Three outflows of people, all kinds of beggars, detrimental to the majesty of our dynasty."

"Xia Shang, the old minister, ordered the county governments to strictly investigate the outflow of people and forbid going to sea at will."

At this time, a Hubu Langzhong said: "According to Liu Yushi's remarks, the refugees can't go to sea and have nowhere to live, so how can they make a living?"

"Even if you starve to death at home, it's still a starvation death. It's better than living overseas with no bones left, and it's better than gathering a crowd to rebel." Liu Yushi said righteously.

Naruto was stunned.

Can't justify.

"What Aiqing said is very true, the decree prohibits the refugees from going to sea at will, and those who violate it are strictly investigated."

The emperor thought that it was indeed the case, and immediately issued an decree.

Among the ministers, only a few people think it is inappropriate, and most people think it is very good.

Because this allows them to charge higher rents for their land.

If the common people go to sea, who will rent their land with 80%?

Not many people know that this is the equivalent of putting a lid on a pressure cooker.

In other words, they knew it well, but they didn't care. They always felt that they could still suffer the people, and they weren't afraid to bear some infamy, as long as they didn't lose money.

However, these people did not expect that their stick would hit the vital part of Rongyao Company.

What is the foundation of Rongyao Company?

It is to absorb labor from the mainland and continue to colonize and reclaim the outer islands.

Now it is clearly forbidden for refugees to go to sea, which is extremely harmful.

Because at this time the dynasty still has executive power.

Soon the yamen in the coastal prefectures and counties began to get busy.

Refugees go abroad to raise money...

In the past, a refugee boarded a boat, and the prefect was eager to send it away, but now it costs five taels of silver, and some even cost twenty taels.

Isn't this cheating?

It costs 20 million taels to attract one million refugees a year, and Rongyao can't afford it at all.

Just take it out, I use it as military expenses, wouldn't it be better to beat you?

And many officials who want to climb the mountain have sent people to watch the pier closely, drive away the refugees, and prevent them from getting close to the pier.

There are still few channels for refugees to go to the sea, and there are many people who are afraid of trouble. Due to the strict prohibition by the government, more than 100,000 people can flow out a month, but now they are less than 10,000.

"Fight, we must fight!" Jia Rong said fiercely.

"Playing in the name of Wang Bolun, he has already joined us." Jia Lian followed.

Then they were ready to send two fleets. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

A fleet set out first, approaching the capital from the north.

This is to allow the court to transfer the army from the south.

Sure enough, the court was quickly shocked.

Pirates ashore.

Directly plundering people everywhere. In the past, they were refugees, but now they swept away blacksmiths, carpenters, and scholars...

Many ministers were shocked to find that the land near the capital was soon wiped out.

They don't say 80%, 10% are gone.

The crowd quickly requested to transfer troops to the King of Diligence.

The Minister of War said: "The opponent is likely to attack the east and the west, and the guide to the north. Compared with the capital, Jiangnan is more prosperous. Why don't pirates attack Jiangnan?"

Everyone thought it was reasonable, and then they dispatched the Minister of War to Jiangnan, with only two hundred guards.

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