Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2035: attack

Then everyone saw the raging fire rising from Wenren, and they began to sigh one by one.

"It's still big brother, you are amazing."

"It's like we can't do anything about it. It's only been so long before you started the flames."

"Yeah, it's much easier to do with fire."

"We can go down the tree to forage, and we don't have to be afraid of those beasts."

"With this fire, let's build a big fire, at least five, in a circle."

"You said it nicely. It's so hot in the daytime. Who can stand five big fires and not be afraid of heat stroke?"

"Yeah, we are still apes, without the cooling system of modern humans, it will be finished."

Large animals are basically afraid of heat except in the water.

Endurance is not enough, but the cooling system will have problems after long-distance running.

Primitives, on the other hand, can chase and stop in one breath, catching up for a few days, and exhausting their prey to death.

Of course, after the invention of bows and arrows and spears, the efficiency is much higher.

Who can stand that kind of fire, no one can stand it, and the most important thing is what to do with the devils?

"This fire still has to be lit, but not so many, at most two, to prevent it from being extinguished."

The crowd chattered.

"Okay, let's choose an ape king. A snake can't do without a head, and a person can't stand without a king."

"Is this still a choice? The ready-made King of Sui Ren is right in front of us."

Soon the six-person Ape King appeared.

Of course Wen Rensheng wasn't proud of it.

This is simply an extremely common thing to him.

"The next step is to find some food reserves, then to build houses on trees to prevent the rain from causing illness, and to find clean water, leaves alone will not meet the need for water for strenuous activity."

Apes were still very strong at this time, and modern male silverback gorillas can weigh up to 180 kilograms and can lift objects weighing 800 kilograms.

It is about seven times stronger than humans.

Why did the power decrease after becoming a human?

Mainly because of upright walking.

Living underground and being oppressed by gravity, walking on two legs is different from walking on four legs.

In order to accommodate the two legs, the muscle and bone density must be reduced, and if there is still the weight and strength of the orangutan, it is impossible to stand upright.

Standing upright frees both hands, which can make up for the lack of attack power with tools.

Everyone nodded.

Then according to Wen Rensheng's assignment, some people kept watch on the top of the tall trees, and some people started to go down to the ground to look for stones.

Some gather food, others gather vines.

In this way, each perform their duties.

Wen Rensheng acts as a warrior and guard.

This is also the main job of the early kings: military chiefs, providing the most important security guarantees.

This is the nature of the male lion.

Wang Beibei was assigned as the first sentry.

The sentry mainly consumes energy and can restore physical strength, so everyone takes turns.

But at night, be extra careful.

After half a day.

The crowd was in full swing.

A lot of vines are collected, and there are flexible branches.

Wen Rensheng started to teach everyone how to weave a rattan house.

Now everyone is ape, not too tall.

As long as the house is sufficiently sheltered from rain and poisonous snakes.

So it is a rattan house hanging on a tree.

It is located on a high trunk, about ten meters from the ground.

In fact, the baobab tree is quite suitable, very straight, and it is difficult for ordinary leopards to come up.

It only has tree branches in extremely high places, but the disadvantage is that it is too sparsely distributed. Because of its large size, it is far apart from each other, so it cannot form a dense forest, and it is difficult for them to transfer in time when they encounter danger.

So only when the fruit is ripe, the monkeys go to pick the fruit in groups.

It was just evening, when the sun was still bright. Wang Beibei suddenly said, "No, no, a group of wild dogs are coming!"

Wen Rensheng looked up.

His powerful eyesight allowed him to see more than twenty hyenas swarming in.

He immediately realized that the difficulty of this historical node was increasing intensively.

Enemies do not appear randomly as in daily life in nature.

They are afraid, like challenges, will appear one after another.

At the head is a large female hyena.

Hyenas are matriarchal societies. Females are much stronger than males.

After Wang Beibei's warning, the apes working on the ground immediately climbed up the tree frantically.

Then they ran to Wen Rensheng's side one by one.

Fortunately, they responded quickly, mainly because Wang Beibei's vigilance was well done.

It's a pity that there are only six people now. Ordinarily, there should be two guards, one is bright and the other is dark.

Ming is actually sending the dead to attract the attention of the enemy.

It will be attacked, and the dark place will take the opportunity to sound the alarm.

The hyenas rushed up, jumped up, and bit one of the apes who were not too far from the ground.

Fortunately, they chose to build the nest on a tree, so everyone was not too worried.

Wen Rensheng led everyone to start throwing stones from the trees and burning the hyenas with torches.

Several hyenas also tried to climb trees.

The result is meat delivery.

In a tree-climbing state, they lose an important advantage: flexible evasion.

Wen Rensheng directly blinded one eye of the hyena in front of him with a spear.

It wailed and jumped down.

Someone is eager to try.

It is a pity that the ape man's spear is still not so flexible. He must have such a powerful ability as Wen Rensheng to be able to use the spear accurately.

They can only swipe randomly.

"The king is so powerful, I thought these hyenas would climb up." Everyone said.

Wen Rensheng was indifferent to this compliment.

What kind of enemies are these?

The gap is thousands of times smaller than what he encountered before.

It is true that these wild dogs dare not approach him.

It is true that he dares to approach now, which shows that his power is too limited.

"Have you seen these hyenas before?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"I saw it once or twice, and we all fled to the tree."

"Yeah, it's all about us. We're too dishonest to be compared with Wang."

The crowd laughed.

The dingoes ended up eating their wounded companions and dispersed.

Not for nothing, at least they quell the internal friction.

"It's a pity, a dog meat meal." Someone said helplessly.

But there are too many hyenas below, and it is impossible for them to grab it.

Unless it's caught with vines, but that will drive the hyenas crazy and block it.

Waste precious build time.

After the dog attack, they settled for another two days.

Hurry up and build a vine house, then go to the ground to collect food reserves, air-dry them, or dry them in the sun.

Look for tubers, generally the fruit is easy to be poisonous, but not many tubers are poisonous.

Then came the lion attack.

This is even more powerful.

The lion is the overlord of the grassland.

Of course, this era should still be dominated by saber-toothed tigers.

The fighting power of hyenas and lions cannot be compared.

And lions can climb trees.

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