Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2067: peep into the mystery

Latest website: Sheriff Huabao then clapped his hands: "Very good, very well said."

"Okay, this hen, start laying eggs, don't let me do it."

The hen was so frightened that she directly laid the eggs.

After the leopard took out the egg, it opened it directly.

Everyone saw that there was a curly microfilm inside the egg.

This is the classified document.

"Here's the proof, Rabbit, what else can you say?"

Rabbit has nothing to say.

If it planted the hen in the first place, it could still get away with it.

But at first it was trying to muddle through and take away the files afterwards.

This is not said.

When things come to light, its confession itself becomes evidence, and the evidence of eggs is enough to prove that it stole it.

Otherwise, it wasn't the one who stole it, so it should have seen the hen hiding the eggs and exposed it from the very beginning instead of waiting until the end.

When Huabao saw this, he said to the others: "Awesome, your reasoning ability is very powerful. Now that you have cracked this case, go back."

Then Monkey King, Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie, and Bailongma disappeared immediately.

Then Bereng and He Shan also disappeared.

It's just that Wen Rensheng noticed that Monkey King seemed to be missing some monkey hair.

Symptoms of Baldness…

Wen Rensheng understood the purpose of the Great Bear Constellation, which is to constantly pester Monkey King and eat things around him through this kind of attack.

Both Zhu Bajie and Tang Seng lost an organ this time.

The more times they enter this world, the less concepts they will have.

In the end they will get entangled through this situation and will be swallowed up.

After returning, Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie quickly looked at themselves.

It was found that Zhu Bajie's ears and Tang Seng's nose had returned.

This made the two of them very happy. How can they learn from the scriptures if their five sense organs are not complete?

You can't even enter the Buddha's door.

Just like the ancient imperial examination admission, one cannot be disabled.

There may be individual exceptions, but most cannot be disabled.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhu Bajie said happily, touching his ears.

Tang Seng thanked them both: "Well, thank you two benefactors this time."

Bereng quickly said: "Ah, no no, master, you are too polite."

He Shan also quickly said, "This is what we should do."

Bereng looked at his companion with strange eyes: You obviously didn't do anything.

"Fortunately, I took you two with me. It seems that we will never be able to talk again in that kind of place. If we don't take you with us, we might die there." Tang Seng sighed.

"Yes." Zhu Bajie also sighed.

"Hmph, there is no place where I can kill my grandson. It would be really sad if he died in that kind of place." Sun Wukong said in a complicated tone.

Then the group continued on their way.

Then the Drifting Monk was collected step by step on the road.

Drifting obviously also remembered the previous reincarnation.

He was taciturn, coped with the beating, and then took up the burden and left.

Walking this way, we came to the place where there were three dozen bone spirits.

Mrs. Bones appeared.

First, an ordinary village woman appeared and wanted to give food to the monks: maggots, toads, centipedes, fleas...

All high-protein, high-nutrition things.

It's a pity that Tang Seng can't eat fishy fish.

So I refused it.

Of course, they use all kinds of random reasons to evade, such as "the benefactor, the parents are not traveling far, so there must be a way to travel."

Another example is "This food is for your parents, the poor monk cannot move."

Anyway, Tang Seng doesn't eat it.

Sun Wukong went up to pay for it with a stick, and then looked at

Tang monk.

Tang Seng also looked at him.

"Why are you looking at each other? Hurry up and drive the monkey away," Zhu Bajie urged, "This script has to go on."

"It's boring every time." Sun Wukong said suddenly.

Tang Seng turned a deaf ear and began to chant the mantra.

"Don't really read it, just deal with it." Sun Wukong said.

Braun and the two looked at each other.

Yes, even if you do something interesting a hundred times, it will be quite boring.

Mainly tired.

There is no way to be as strong as Monkey King. Journey to the West should be done as it should be, and the script has been fixed.

Then a voice appeared.

"Are you bored too? Don't you want to get out of this cycle?"

"Don't you want to control your own destiny?"

Sun Wukong was silent.

Zhu Bajie shook his head and said, "I don't want to jump out, what's the point of jumping out?"

"Could it be better in other places?"

"At least here, it is also a kind of immortality in disguise."

"That's right, heaven and earth also have a lifespan, and one yuan is one reincarnation. One yuan is only 129,600 years. But we can live every reincarnation, and we have earned it." Monkey King said calmly.

At this time, it doesn't look like a monkey at all, it is clearly a Taoist.

He is a Taoist Wukong who has eliminated his mind and thoughts.

At this time, the fiery red three-legged giant bird appeared again.

"Hmph, a group of lying fools, don't you want to master this world? Every day on the way to the west, you eat and sleep in the open, you can't eat well if you want to eat, and you can't play well if you want to play. When you see beautiful girls Goblins can only be killed..."

Tang Seng suddenly said: "Wukong, kill it! Kill this monster!"

Sun Wukong was surprised for a while.

Tang Seng is an extremely kind-hearted person, and he wouldn't shout and kill ordinary monsters.

Of course he killed the monster, and Tang Seng wouldn't say much.

And at this moment, the three-legged giant bird began to fill his head with magic sounds:

"Everything in the world is going to die, so what's the point of this world?"

"Life and death, traveling west again and again, is meaningless."

"Break the cycle, break the cycle, break the cycle..."

Its sound haunts everyone.

"Get out! You monster bird!" Sun Wukong was also angry, and he went up and hit the stick again.

This strength, but it took 12 points of strength.

However, this time the three-legged bird hardly hid.

Sun Wukong hit him with a stick.

That strength is comparable to a sky-shattering blow.

Then Wen Rensheng knew it was broken.

At this time, Monkey King was irritated by the will of the planet. The three-legged giant bird had already linked it with Journey to the West.

Sun Wukong's stick hits the sky and the earth.

Then, the whole Journey to the West world was shattered...

Debris splatters...

Individual figures, scenery everywhere, rivers and mountains, all turned into dots in the void.

Wen Rensheng understood.

When Monkey King hit Journey to the West, he was actually beating himself.

The three-legged giant bird has already figured out the relationship between Journey to the West and Monkey King by pulling Monkey King twice.

Then came up with this trick.

Really smart enough.

If he hadn't been watching from behind, he would have been concealed by it.

It's no wonder that Monkey King was fooled.

This is because Sun Wukong himself revealed his spiritual fatal weakness:

That is, it is already bored with this reincarnation world.

And when Monkey King himself, the pillar of Journey to the West, feels bored, the whole world will collapse if this stick is dropped.

Wen Rensheng understood.

Characters are the core and foundation of the world.

When the characters think about it, the world will collapse.

Talent is the foundation of the world.

There is no world without observers.

If a world doesn't have any observers, then it doesn't exist.

That's it.

Because nobody knows about it, then it doesn't exist, that's all.

Wen Rensheng was completely awakened.

Of course, it is impossible for him to let this Journey to the West world drift away in nothingness.

At the same time, there was a real hint from the mysterious seed.

This time it wasn't Xiao Huan playing tricks.

"You peeped into the essence of Journey to the West, and the mystery increased from 100,000 to 110,000."

Good guy, raised 10,000 in one go.

Really good.

100,000 raised to 110,000.

It seems that there is still room for improvement in the future.

But Westward Journey is completely over.

Wen Rensheng stretched out his hand, fished out all the fragments in the void, that individual figure, and kneaded them together again.

Let it return to its original state.

And so the whole world went back.

It's just that the Monkey King who came back, his memories of those reincarnations seem to have disappeared.

"Master, I really beat a monster."

"No, you monkey head, you are used to committing crimes and killing good people indiscriminately. What Bajie said is right, you have deceived your teacher with blindfolded methods, and my teacher must teach you a good lesson." Tang Seng reprimanded severely.

familiar plot...

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Let's go, another reincarnation, there is no scripture."

"The only constant is change itself."

"Everything will eventually dissipate, everything is reincarnation."

Xiao Huan yelled loudly, "I haven't played enough yet."

"You go to their world to play."


Dongzhou World.

Wen Rensheng's small world of villas.

He returns home again.

This time the harvest was great.

It seems that nothing happened, but in fact, he has understood how to obtain the mystery of the essence of the world.

Break through and then stand, you can peek into the mystery of the essence.

It's like a country, a civilization, can only see its background in the midst of destruction.

Is it a flash in the pan, or repeated defeats.

Live for only a few generations, or pass on infinitely.

Between breaking and standing, it is like the ebb and flow of a big wave.

Just as he was thinking, he received a call from Lao Liu: "Many people want to come back, what should we do?"

"Then let them come back, anyway, the enemies in this universe are nothing to worry about." Wen Rensheng said.

"OK then."

People who then went to other worlds returned to Dongzhou World again.

Flee, return, rebuild.

Infinite loop.

Same plot as Journey to the West.

The real change is probably that the accumulation of each reconstruction will be more.

"Oh, what should we do next?" Xiao Huan hung upside down from the ceiling, dangling.

The living room of 800 square meters can't accommodate her.

Wen Rensheng shook his head and said, "Everything must be done from the beginning to the end. We went to two of the four famous worlds, the Red Mansion and Journey to the West, and then we went to the remaining two."

"What are the remaining two?" Xiao Huan revealed the scumbag Ben Huan as soon as he opened his mouth.

"The Four Famous Works of "Water Margin", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Journey to the West" and "Dream of Red Mansions".

"The remaining two are historical worlds." Xiao Huan suddenly said.

"Which one to go to, let's start voting." Wen Rensheng didn't decide for himself.

"Definitely go to the Three Kingdoms." Xiao Huan insisted.

"Why?" Everyone wondered.

"Because I know the Three Kingdoms very well." Xiao Huan said triumphantly.

"How do you know all about it?"

"I played Romance of the Three Kingdoms from Romance of the Three Kingdoms 8 to Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12. Is that enough?" Xiao Huan said proudly.

"Uh, this is how you understand. Not bad." Wen Rensheng said helplessly.

"Okay then, I'll listen to you, let's go to the Three Kingdoms."

"Go to the Three Kingdoms, go to the Three Kingdoms, I want to be the emperor!"


Time and space change as time and space change.

In the blink of an eye, things change.

When Wen Rensheng woke up, he found that he was just a young farmer.

Well, this time his identity is just like this, there is no special arrangement.

This is the result of his random selection after entering the world, and he is naturally a farmer.

After all, the number of farmers, at this time, accounts for more than 90% in this world.

It is said that during the Three Kingdoms period, the population dropped from a peak of more than 50 million to several million. Some people said that the population was hidden by aristocratic families.

But in any case, it is certain that more than half is missing.

This can be seen from various books and records, as well as the most important grain output.

The total amount of grain in ancient times was high, which was closely related to the population.

The population is large, the labor force is large, and the wasteland is fully developed, so the total grain output is high.

Of course, when it is averaged out, it is a tragedy.

Then he looked around, and there was a field under his feet.

The wheat seedlings in the field are dying.

Looking at the distance, there is no water in the canal, and the soil has long been compacted.

severe drought.

Enemy of farmers.

Much scarier than floods.

When the flood comes, although there will be various diseases, at least it is possible to fish and grow some crops such as sorghum.

In severe drought, it is difficult to even drink water, and it is normal for people to die of thirst, let alone grow any food.

In the last years of the dynasty, do disasters always occur frequently?

This is not the case, and there were many disasters in the early and mid-term.

It's just that the people have basically no food storage due to land annexation.

So a small disaster can turn into a big disaster.

It was able to resist the past, but now it cannot be resisted.

Originally, the imperial court had savings and could provide disaster relief, but now it cannot.

Therefore, disasters appear to be particularly numerous, particularly large, and particularly severe.

Reflected in the county annals, disasters are frequent.

Wen Rensheng sighed.

"It's over, it's another year of drought, old Liu, go and flee." At this moment, a voice came from the side.

He turned his head and saw two old farmers in their forties.

The average life expectancy in the Three Kingdoms is only in the early 30s, and forty is definitely old.

Of course, if you come from a noble family, you are still young in your 40s, with good genes and good living habits, and you can sprint to the age of 92.

"Where are you going to escape?"

"I heard that there is Taiping Road in the next county, and UU Kanshu can give you a bowl of rice."

"Go together, go together."

The two old farmers abandoned the land and decided to go home, pack up their things and leave.

Wen Rensheng knew that they were all old bachelors.

In ancient times, there were very many bachelors who could not marry a wife, at least one-third of them.

Unlike modern times, it becomes a big problem if 30 million men can't marry a woman, it's like the sky is falling.

What is this in ancient times?

In ancient times, only small landlords and above were eligible to reproduce, and it was normal for the poor to have their roots cut off after two or three generations.

The families that can reproduce to future generations, down to dozens of generations, are all officials and officials.

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