Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2069: Recruitment training

The latest website: Zhang Fei became very interested when he heard it.

First of all, Wen Rensheng was praising him for his ambition, but he also said that troubled times are coming.

So he suppressed his contempt for the two people's size, and immediately asked: "Two strong men, where is your hometown? Why do you say that troubled times are coming?"

At this time, Mr. Zhang has not raised troops to kill, nor will he kill people without reason.

In particular, he respects those who can speak big words. To put it bluntly, he respects scholars.

What's more, it's not a chaotic world yet.

The Yellow Turban has not yet been activated.

He can still listen to people.

Wen Rensheng said: "Recently, there have been severe droughts year after year, people are struggling to survive, and the land has been merged too much. In the past few days, I have seen neighbors fleeing everywhere."

"Above the court, there are foreign relatives and eunuchs fighting endlessly, government affairs are chaotic, and there is no intention of disaster relief."

"It won't take long, as long as someone with a heart climbs up and shouts, the world will inevitably be in chaos."

"Sir, please come in quickly." When Zhang Fei heard it, it was the reason. The people below couldn't survive, and the people above were busy fighting. Regardless of life or death, is it possible not to rebel?

Moreover, Zhang Fei was born with rebellious genes. In the novel, he said that the rebellion is good, and corrupt officials like Duyou should be killed!

Of course Wen Rensheng knew that the biggest scourge was actually the gentry and aristocratic families.

The other is the powerful landlord.

They merged the land without fully consuming it. They piled up a large amount of wealth, mainly food and cloth, and put it in granaries and cellars to rot and not circulate it in the market. As a result, a large number of laborers in the agricultural society were unable to sell their coolies to survive. .

That's just rebellion.

If the market economy is developed, landless peasants can survive by selling their labor.

In fact, the Southern Song Dynasty had a glimmer of hope for a solution.

They are very urbanized, can absorb a large number of landless peasants, and have a large amount of foreign trade, which is collected by the Municipal Bureau of Shipping.

Of course, the people of the Southern Song Dynasty also had a miserable life, mainly because they had to pay a lot of military expenses to resist the invasion from the north.

Drowning children had become a fad at the time.

I can't raise a child after giving birth.

But the final demise of the Southern Song Dynasty was also due to the Mongolian Yuan attack, not the peasant uprising.

It is because the Southern Song Dynasty encountered the door of the commercial economy in its ignorance, and began to develop the commercial economy in large quantities.

It is a pity that after the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, the commercial economy was imprisoned again, and in the Qing Dynasty, it was completely imprisoned, so the landless peasants could not find a way to sell their labor and survive in this circle.

There is only one way to go.

To truly solve this problem completely, it is only after joining the world cycle that the common people will be lucky enough to be consumables, or unfortunately, at least they can sell their labor to survive.

Wen Rensheng saw it so clearly, so he naturally had a strategy in mind.

At this time Zhang Fei is a powerful landlord, of course he will not attribute the cause of the troubled times to the powerful family.

He just lowered his level to the level of the current upper-middle-class scholars, and aimed his spearhead at the so-called **** and foreign relatives.

These two basic plates are relatively small, and the hitting surface is not wide.

In fact, eradicating them will not help.

It will be fine if the gentry come to power?

Impossible, because the upper rank of the gentry will cause various problems, the emperor promoted the two to check and balance.

But Zhang Fei didn't think so deeply at all. He only knew that these two young men, who were similar to farmers, had insight no less than that of the county sergeants, so naturally they couldn't miss it.

Soon the three of them entered the villa, and Zhang Fei personally arranged a banquet.

Of course, Zhao Er was dazzled. All kinds of good food, good food and wine that he couldn't eat normally made his mouth water.

Naturally, it doesn't matter if Wen Rensheng is promoted.

Comparing the two, Zhang Fei immediately gave Wenren a three-pointer.

Sure enough, he is a great talent who lives in seclusion in the countryside.

I never thought that I, Zhang Fei, could make friends with such a person.

Finally, they are no longer those ranger brothers who eat and drink.

Afterwards, the three of them shared their names and addresses, and soon became acquainted with each other.

Wen Rensheng once again said that he was plowing in the fields, he only wanted to survive the troubled times, and he didn't want to hear the nonsense of the princes, so as to elevate his status again.

In this case, for those scholars with family background, it is bullshit.

The other party first looks at your background, and then whether you have a reputation in the past:

"Give away pears at the age of four, beg carp when lying on ice, bury children and serve mother..." and so on.

Neither, if he is willing to look at you more, even if he loses.

Only a country tycoon like Zhang Fei, who is eager to change his social status, can talk to Wen Rensheng.

Only then can Wen Rensheng pretend in front of him.

In fact, Wen Rensheng still has a choice, that is to enter the deep mountains to cultivate, and there is Changshan nearby.

Find a gangster in a hidden mountain, and you can get through the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms,

The problem is that in the mountains and forests, if you get sick, you will lack clothing and medicine, which will be troublesome.

Of course, Wen Rensheng himself knew a lot of medical skills and a lot of herbs.

This is not afraid.

Mainly crying too much in the mountains.

He didn't come to the Three Kingdoms to suffer.

It is to explore the nature of the world.

After some chatting, Zhang Fei said: "You two great talents, please be sure to stay in my village, nothing else, just enough wine and meat every day, plus some fancy clothes for the two, and a beautiful maid to serve you."

Zhang Fei is also a genius, he usually makes friends with heroes, relying on wine, meat and three beautiful servants...

With three prongs, only one out of ten heroes does not take this approach.

"It's easy to say, thank you, Mr. Zhang." Wen Rensheng said with a calm face.

Zhao Er was dumbfounded.

Enough wine and meat, and beautiful women to serve? What kind of fairy day is this?

Zhao Eryi admired his brother very much for a while.

It's just a few words when you come in, and if you flicker, you will get free food, drink, and living every day...

In contrast, he used to work all day long, which is really a silly word.

He naturally didn't know how valuable these insights were.

Without these insights, you can only spend your life digging through the soil and serving as other people's consumables.

He never knew that if he wanted to say the same words as Wen Rensheng, he would have to study for at least ten or twenty years first, and then go to Luoyang Chang'an for three years to study, in order to have such a foundation.

At this time, in the whole world, there will not be more than two or three thousand scholars who can speak this kind of middle-level language.

Think about it, one of these two or three thousand people came to join Zhang Fei's manor.

Could Zhang Fei be so unhappy?

Is he still short of this food?

What is this?

He is now in a critical period from a local wealthy landlord to a noble family.

He lacks a springboard and insight.

It just so happened that Wen Rensheng met his needs, so he was naturally willing to pay.

Afterwards, Wen Rensheng and Zhao Er settled down in the Zhang Family Manor.

Two days later, Wen Rensheng asked Zhao Er to call his family, and all the Zhao families in the village were invited to live in Zhang's house.

Zhang Fei naturally raised his hands to welcome him.

After two days, he has been promoted from Wenren and gained a lot of insight.

Every day, he is looking forward to the coming of troubled times, so that he can make great achievements and be promoted.

These days, wars rely on clan blood.

What kind of beliefs are expected to unite some people, but the core power is the system of bloodline enfeoffment.

We had to wait until the imperial examinations became popular before we could establish a new ruling system relying on etiquette and civil officials.

But Zhang Fei has nothing else but boldness.

The farmer wanted his family to join him, how could he refuse because the other party ate too much?


After all, the setting of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, his bold personality will not change, he is bold and doesn't care about money.

You know he met Liu Beiyi

On the other hand, after listening to the other party's introduction to the current situation, knowing that the future will be troubled, and he can get fame immediately, he took out all his family property to donate to Liu Bei's army.

According to Wen Rensheng's estimate, Zhang Fei's total family property must be in the tens of millions.

After all, 300 men and horses were recruited, and there were six garrisons in total.

The Han Dynasty stipulated that war soldiers (soldiers who killed the enemy on the front line) could get 900 yuan a month, and miscellaneous soldiers could get 600 yuan a month.

Then 300 people will have 270,000 yuan a month in military pay.

If you don't have tens of millions of wealth, these soldiers can't afford to support them for a year, so why recruit?

You must know that apart from the military pay, there is also the need to store food, grass, and ordnance, which is the big deal.

In contrast, Guan Yu is a fugitive murderer, Liu Bei is just a street vendor selling straw sandals, and Zhang Fei is the richest among the three.

Just because Liu Bei was able to see the general situation clearly and had a better background, Zhang Fei exhausted his family fortune and followed Liu Bei.

Wen Rensheng could tell what Zhang Fei was thinking at a glance.

What he was after was a change in social status.

He is now a local tyrant, and he has no way to be a filial son, nor can he take the imperial examination.

Even now that Lingdi Liu Hong is in power and can buy an official, he has no way to buy an official.

According to the price list for selling officials and nobles set by Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, an official position with an annual income of 2,000 shi at the county level can usually be bought at a price of 20 million.

Of course, you can't directly call Lingdi now, this is a title only after death.

It can only be called "Son of Heaven, Your Majesty, Your Majesty" or something like that.

With Zhang Fei's family property, he should be able to buy a high-ranking official below the sheriff.

The problem is that a local tyrant like Zhang Fei wants to buy it, but no one sells him. If you want to buy an official, you have to be a member of the gentry.

Of course, the money is in place, and it is not impossible to accommodate.

The problem is that Zhang Fei still has a bit of cleanliness and looks down on corrupt officials, so it is impossible for him to agree to buy officials to do it, and he would rather rely on military merits to start his career.

In fact, Liu Bei's correct way out is to seize military merits on the one hand, and seize more on the one hand, and then buy officials.

Just bad reputation.

It's a pity he can't do this.

Of course, these are all the settings of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and the details are unknown about the real history.

Scholars are hypocritical. On the one hand, they are vying to buy officials for the clan, and on the other hand, they look down on those who buy officials.

The whole thing is schizophrenia.

In the next few days, Wen Rensheng brought his whole family to Zhang Fei's manor to eat and drink.

Of course, he also needs to reflect his true value.

Otherwise, Zhang Fei doesn't care about it, but his housekeeper and clan members do.

Afterwards, Wen Rensheng took a casual look at Zhang Fei's field, and put forward some suggestions for increasing production, so that the grain would grow better.

The fields of Zhang Fei's family all have canals, which are much better than their Zhao family's land.

Drought also does not affect.

I also looked at the Zhang family's pig farm. I can't just rely on other people's pigs for slaughter. It's so unstable. I still have to have my own pig farm.

Finally, I looked at the place where wine is made.

In short, after a few suggestions, if Zhang Fei lived in Anping, it would not be a problem to double his family property by seven or eight times.

After accepting these suggestions and seeing the results, Zhang Fei even regarded Wen Rensheng as a genius in the world.

Just bragging, it won't take long before it breaks, and it can promote production and increase money, that's a genius.

These days, Guanzi is still pretty awesome.

Zhuge Liang even compared himself to Guan Zhong, which shows that he doesn't discriminate against businessmen very much.

Mi Zhu is a big businessman and can be an official, but his status is not high.

After some means, Wen Rensheng began to discuss the next step with Zhang Fei.

Recruiting troops.

A garrison of 50 people was first recruited.

Don't be too burdened.

In Romance, it is not advisable to dispose of the family property as soon as you come up.

How to raise troops for a long time if there is no base area with steady flow of water?

Hang up once.

Liu Bei had no base in the early stage and wandered around. As a result, he was beaten everywhere, and he was beaten miserably.

When you lose the sky, you lose it at this time.

When Zhuge is obtained, the north will be pacified, and the south will be half pacified, leaving little room for maneuver.

It was not easy for Zhuge Liang to dig out half of Jingzhou and one of Xichuan abruptly.

However, two eyes, and one missing, is completely useless.

Wen Rensheng then used the recruited 50 Xiangyongs for training.

He naturally has many training methods.

First of all, we must ensure that everyone eats well, drinks well, and has balanced nutrition.

Then train the team formation and combat skills.

His training method is Qi Jiguang's method.

In the five thousand years of history, only Qi Jiguang wrote how to train and how to fight according to the strategy in terms of various details.

What the traversers have to do is to provide sufficient logistics.

Then practice according to the opponent's method.

All kinds of terrain have been considered for you, how to fight in the south and how to fight in the north.

How to fight the prairie cavalry, how to deal with stragglers.

Soldiers are more expensive than miscellaneous but not fine.

Your arms must use a variety of weapons, and soldiers must have enough weapons.

Otherwise, it is too easy to be targeted.

It's ridiculous to want to conquer the world with a long spear. Do you think people don't have throwing axes or throwing guns?

As long as someone hits you with a long-range weapon, your long spear array will not be able to resist for half an hour, and you will collapse.

Weapons should be complicated, there are spears, and sword players.

There must also be someone who holds a large shield with both hands.

It is used to hold down the ground, protect the soldiers, and advance slowly.

Prevent chaos and enemy onslaught.

Qi Jiguang was in the south, in order to adapt to various hilly areas and miscellaneous terrain, and adapt measures to local conditions, he mostly used small teams to attack and defend, which was convenient for rapid deployment.

A team of 11 people, forming a mandarin duck formation, using various weapons, with protection, obstacles, output, and treatment, is simply a replica of the kingly way in modern games.

It is integrated, advances and retreats in an orderly manner, and is very suitable for fighting in narrow terrain.

Therefore, in many battles, their own casualties were often in single digits, while the Japanese pirates were killed or injured in hundreds, or even thousands.

It seems that everyone thinks it is a lie, UU Reading However, the fact is like this, high-level training and strong organization, as well as sufficient military pay, high morale, targeted tactics, and effective weapons Such jaw-dropping combat efficiency has been achieved.

A famous general is a famous general, and he knows how to adapt to local conditions.

But in the north, this kind of formation is not the case.

The north is the Great Plains, where the cavalry is vertical and horizontal, and the cavalry is king and holds the tactical initiative.

This kind of squad will not work. Qi Jiguang improved and optimized the tactics of the car battalion, and repeatedly defeated the Mongolian cavalry invasion.

The background of the famous general is shown here. Being able to defeat the most threatening Mongolian cavalry, it can be seen that Qi Jiguang deserves his name.

It's a pity that the end was bleak.

Form an formation with chariots, place more firearms and crossbows in the middle, and attack from a distance, and then defeat the enemy's cavalry.

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