Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2089: Constraint and Presentation

Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 2089 Constraint and Presentation

"You two children, do you know who this is?" The disciples behind Lu Zhi suddenly became dissatisfied.

"You guys be quiet. May I ask you two boys, where is the smell and where is the mess?" Lu Zhi said seriously.

"It stinks in the old cesspit, the chaos is there, you don't know what a logical relationship is, and that's right, the patriarch said that the biggest problem with Confucianism is that it never talks about logic, and far-fetched is first-rate. Since After only respecting Confucianism, once logic is learned, there is nothing left, only to modify one's own theory for the purpose of the emperor's ministers' preferences, and there is no persistence." Child A scorned.

This is exactly what a child is:

To be frank and straightforward, to speak freely, so as not to consider any shame, any dignity.

"Yes, people are upright and things are upright? You are a gentleman, so you can do good things? Isn't that nonsense? Confucius is still a saint. He can't tell the distance for days. You still expect you to be comparable to Confucius." ?” Child B also sneered.

Lu Zhi was so ashamed that he was speechless for a while.

His idea has always been fixed that as long as a gentleman is in power, the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe.

It's okay for him to think this way, but after more than a thousand years, many people still think this way.

It makes people very sad.

It's not that a gentleman is bad, but that doing things depends on ability and system, and the two achieve each other.

Counting on personal integrity is the most unreliable thing, that is, falling into idealism.

Because honest people will be tempted in the next moment, and the conclusion of a gentleman can only be given after death.

Just like Zhu Xi, some people said that he picked up ashes, but there is no way to say this. No one can be sure whether he is a gentleman or not.

Anyway, he is not famous in later generations.

But in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, his name or the importance in the imperial examination far surpassed that of Confucius and Mencius.

But when it comes to Confucius and Mencius in later generations, there are still many people who know it. If you say who Zhu Xi is, only one person in a hundred people may know it.

After Lu Zhi was shocked, he asked humbly: "Then how should I modify it?"

"You have to go and have a look first, and see how the officials in our cottage let the officials do things for the people, instead of oppressing the people in turn." Child B pointed to the door.

So Lu Zhi left the school with his disciples.

He just felt dizzy.

What I have learned before has been impacted.


Is it the famous one?

They came to a cottage.

Observed carefully for two days.

From the fields to the workshop market in the village, I have seen it all.

Then it was found that the personnel here were divided into officials and officials, and the former put forward ideas and plans.

The latter is responsible for implementation and practical work.

Officials flow, but officials basically don't move, and they work in one place for a lifetime.

Officials are technicians.

They have their own upward channels.

Not elected.

Rely on exams and ratings.

Whoever is more skilled will be rated higher.

Whoever does something wrong will be punished.

In fact, Dahanzhou County is also divided into two categories.

It's just not as clear as they are, and even officials are recommended.

So much so that it is very common for a family to occupy the official position of a state and county.

Technicians, the most typical ones are those who break eucalyptus, measure land, and calculate taxes.

These are officials.

Officials cannot interfere with their promotions, nor are they qualified to remove them.

As long as they do things well, they can sit back and relax.

If something goes wrong, as long as there are reasonable procedures, they will not be found.

After Lu Zhi watched the past few days, he found that although they were not very skilled in operation, there were still many stumbling blocks.

But at least it can be operated, and taxes and troops can be collected normally.

And those officials, two or three out of ten are studying hard, reading various books, studying hard, saying that they want to take a grade test...

Well, it's all about the big man.

But having said that, the Three Kingdoms is the most volume, so what are the future generations?

Only one out of ten people can survive here, and you will die if you don't roll well.

After Lu Zhi saw this, he suddenly felt that his big man could do this?

If the emperor cheers up, the emperor is only in his 30s, and to be honest, he should be able to do it.

Because the big man still has orthodoxy and military strength, and can issue orders to states and counties in various places.

Just as he was thinking, Xun Yu knocked on the door and came in.

"The younger generation has met Lu Gong." Xun Yu said very respectfully.

The present of the other party is the tomorrow that one once expected.

Of course now he doesn't expect it.

"Okay, who are you?" Only then did Lu Zhi feel respected.

To be honest, when he came to this cottage, no one took him seriously.

You must know that outside, in order to seek the status of a named disciple, someone has to spend a lot of effort, and they don't even see each other.

"Junior Xun or Xun Wenruo, Ying Chuan..."

Lu Zhi immediately knew the other party's background.

"Okay, you and ** so..."

After some chatting, the two actually had a deep friendship.

This is the power of connection between the great families.

Relationships can also be found by beating around the bush.

"Mr. Lu has been here for a few days, what advice do you have?" Xun Yu asked.

"Oh, the big man is dead." Lu Zhi sighed.

This is not that he destroys his own prestige, but the fact.

He has been an official for decades, and he has already seen the shortcomings.

There is chaos from top to bottom, everyone is seeking money, the local tyrants are divided, and those with military power have different ideas.

A few days ago, I heard that there was another rebellion, with only a few thousand troops.

"No, the big man will not die, or we can make the big man survive in another way." Xun or some words have also acquired the habit of Wenrensheng.

Wen Rensheng will not be used to them.

Knowledge is precious, only for scholars to transform themselves to adapt to new knowledge, there is absolutely no reason for new knowledge to transform themselves to adapt to scholars.

"How to do this?" Lu Zhi said seriously.

"We want to keep the big man. I heard a saying from Master before. He said that the court and the common people can only establish a common concept under the invasion of foreign enemies. For example, we are all Han people, because when they kill you, they will not distinguish between them. Whether you are an official or a beggar, as long as you live here, speak Chinese, and wear Han clothes, you are the enemy." Xun You said confidently.

"Well, it's true." Lu Zhi also expelled the grassland tribes before, so he knew very well what they were doing in Caogu.

It is cyclical. Once you commit crimes, no matter who you are, young men and women will be robbed to be slaves, the old, weak, sick and disabled will be killed, and everything will be robbed.

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"I think we can start with this, claiming that the big man has been sheltered for four hundred years, and it has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. You can't choose, but you can change."

"You don't hold the real power, but you hold the real power."

"That's a good idea. The question is, won't the Prime Minister rebel?" Lu Zhi asked rhetorically.

"That's why Master praised Huangfusong a few days ago. After there are more professional soldiers like him, this system will have a foundation." Xun Or praised.

"Uh..." Lu Zhi was a little ashamed.

Because he just persuaded Huangfusong to send troops to attack Taihang Mountain without edict.

Although he knew that the possibility of doing so was unlikely, at least there was still a chance of victory now, and it would not work in the future.

But when he came here, he saw that the people here lived like a paradise.

He was lucky, fortunately Huangfusong didn't listen to him.

"But I listened to the words of those boys, and I was deeply inspired. It is impossible to achieve this by relying on honest gentlemen."

"Yes, a gentleman can't be realized. It should rely on the formation of a common concept, coupled with the court system, and finally let the court's major events be widely distributed, so that the whole world can pay attention and know. The power of thousands of people can curb ambitions. The ambition of the family." Xun You said again.

"But if someone insists on facing difficulties, those who hold military power have knives, and they will use them." Lu Zhi knew very well how powerful military power is in his hands.

That's why the emperor likes to let civil servants lead the army to fight, and they will be transferred back after the battle, so as not to form a tangled army.

But this also caused the soldiers to not know the generals, and the generals did not know the soldiers; many of the teams that could fight in ancient times were known by a certain army.

"This is also a problem. In short, it is enough to minimize interference, and the most important thing is to train the garrison troops in the capital well. The other local troops will obey the edict." Xun You said.

Then Lu Zhi and Xun Or carefully talked about the current situation of the Han Dynasty.


"Although the Yellow Turbans have been removed, the refugees have not disappeared. Once something happens, they will come back." Lu Zhi made a precise judgment.

"This is another method that my master said, go overseas to expand the land, and transport the refugees, landless, all overseas." Xun Yu said.

"Above the sea, there are many dangers, and there are no one in the wild land. Oh, yes, yes, your master seems benevolent, but it is the way of heaven." Lu Zhi suddenly said something that made Xun or not If you understand immediately.

But Xun Or quickly thought of it.

Yes, a boat of refugees can transport two hundred people, and Zhang Jiao's rebellion is only a million people.

Only 5,000 ships can be transported away at one time. If they are transported separately, they will be transported in turn every day, and it will not take so many ships.

And when these people go overseas, whether they are dead or alive, they are no longer a hidden danger to the court.

In other words, it may be a hidden danger, but it will take at least five generations to take root in the local area and then counterattack, which will take a long time to do.

But when they counterattacked, they faced a land court with no refugees and internal stability, how could they match up?

Unless there is a big development in industry and commerce.

He suddenly felt a heart attack.

The seemingly gentle and benevolent master, in fact, has no mercy when formulating a strategy.

Some people definitely don't want to go to sea, but if they don't go, they will starve to death. People can't resist hunger.

But Xun Or thought about it and argued:

"Master's every plan is long-term and extremely long-term."

"And Master also taught us how to survive when they went overseas, how to level the land, how to deal with diseases, how to renovate the land to save labor. How to deal with the wild natives, how to produce more food and crops. "

"Oh, Wen Ruo, tell me." Lu Zhi said very modestly.

He is not proud of his status as a great Confucian at all.

"For example, you can't conveniently store fertilizers wherever you want. After landing, burn the nearby plants with fire, sprinkle quicklime into the stagnant water, and disinfect the body with spirits every day. These three measures can greatly reduce deaths." Xun Xun Or carefully.

Each method is described in great detail.

It is definitely not intentional to deceive people to death.

Thinking of this, Xun or heaved a sigh of relief.

Yes, I really want to solve the problem of overpopulation by killing, so there is no need for such trouble.

"So that's the case. It seems that I am using the heart of a villain to save the belly of a gentleman." Lu Zhi laughed at himself without hesitation.

He was partly right.

If you want to launch the great voyage in advance, you need countless lives to fill it in.

Although Wen Rensheng didn't do that intentionally, the objective result was that too much manpower was consumed during the voyage.

Then Lu Zhi asked many more questions.

Xun or explained everything in detail.

After listening, Lu Zhi couldn't help but sigh.

The gap is too big.

When did the Han Dynasty care about those details, everyone talked about Taoism.

Even if there are sporadic and capable ministers, they also rely on their own conclusions to form a reliable agricultural book, and then pass it on.

However, the imperial court did not pay much attention to this kind of agricultural books and work books. Anyway, if they are carved on stones and become classics, they will not have their share...

Don't look at the ministers who all say that they should emphasize agriculture and suppress business, but the more they lack something, the more they talk about it.

The oppression of the common people is becoming more and more ruthless, and it can easily cost +10 yuan per mu.

In Dahan Township, there are also some elders who persuade farmers, but have they really summed up these experiences?

Most of them spend their days leisurely drinking, and how many of them worry about introducing advanced agricultural equipment?


Only by relying on spontaneity and the attention of the court, and one or two capable ministers, can this kind of thing be promoted.

Lu Zhi was right. The instinct of the feudal imperial court was to spin more and more slowly, and the more he turned, the less he wanted to spin, because at first the founding emperor smoked it, and then gradually stopped turning.

The less trouble, the better.

Just like at the end of Ming Dynasty, Xu Guangqi had already discovered sweet potatoes, potatoes and corns, and he went to plant them himself, and presented them to the emperor, hoping to solve the great hunger in the world by this.

As a result, decades later, it was not until the Manchu Qing Dynasty that it began to be gradually popularized.

in summary.

There are also few conventions that bother to promote.

After all, doing things is still too tiring, and there is no reward, it is far less easy than building relationships.

Out of ten people who do things, only one person can be promoted because of his prominence;

If three of the ten climbers can be promoted, over time the court system will be full of people who don't do anything.

Then Lu Zhi saw that it was getting late and felt unwell, so he sent Xun Or away regretfully.

Xun He also had no choice but to leave. He still wanted to talk by candlelight at night, but Lu Gong was obviously not in good health.

Suddenly Xun Yu also found it funny.

Obviously doctors are so important, why didn't the emperor order the development of imperial doctors and sort them out?

This is related to your own wealth and life.

He also knows how high the infant mortality rate is, and the royal family is no exception.

This is retribution!

When the emperor chose to only respect Confucianism and reject all kinds of miscellaneous studies, then medicine also went astray, and finally the retribution fell on himself.

This is what Master said: "In a system, the biggest beneficiary is also the biggest victim. UU Reading"

Yes, the emperor is rich and rich, but he has no choice but to suffer from a little cold.

Why did you go early?

If you study this sutra and that righteousness every day, you will not know how to make great efforts to sort out medical skills.

Even if the research is not good for a while, at least the attitude should be displayed, right?

At least when you are an official, you have to vigorously select people who are proficient in medical skills, right?

But not.

It is probably because people have the characteristic of forgetting the pain when their scars are healed, thinking that this time they are healed, and they will not need it next time.

Thinking of this, Xun Or walked on the road and couldn't help but say: "People are stupid animals that control their emotions. Even if some things are obviously beneficial to them, they will destroy them according to their emotions."

This is his paraphrase of Master's words.

I didn't understand it before, but now the more I do things, the more I understand it.

You have to use the system, you have to use common concepts to suppress the stupid side of people.

For example, the most stupid emperor today is an emperor who only knows how to enjoy himself and has no scruples.

It is because there is no system that can restrain him.

Moreover, according to Confucianism, the emperor must be respected more and more.

A bad emperor can completely lead the court into the abyss.

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