Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2120: fighter master

Yi Zijia frowned and looked into the distance.

If he sends cavalry, he can catch up.

But his cavalry were pirates who could ride horses.

The opponent is the cavalry.

Even ten of his cavalry could not defeat one of the opponents.

But it's a pity to see a piece of fat slipping away in front of your eyes.

You must know that the great victory of Ningyuan, which is famous in the history books, only reported more than two hundred beheadings.

There are 300 real barbarians in front of me, and it can be said that at least 200 real barbarians can be detected.

The question is, where did the other 100 go?

Of course it was gone.

At this time, someone nearby said: "General, if we order the infantry to give up their shields and remove their armor, with our years of training, we can catch up with the enemy's infantry within two days."

"If the enemy wants to escape, they must give up 200 infantry."

Yi Zijia nodded.

This should work.

Although if you give up the giant shield, you will definitely have to bear the losses caused by the opponent's strong bow and heavy arrows in the battle.

But at least it can be guaranteed to hit the opponent instead of watching the opponent escape.

"Okay, let's remove the giant shield and replace it with a small light shield. The pikemen and musketeers only have one layer of armor, and the rest of the armor is handed over to the heavy soldiers."


If Wen Rensheng knew what was happening on the battlefield, he would understand why the pikemen and musketeers were not equipped with heavy armor in the Western battle formation at this time.

Just for mobility.

Mobility is often more important than defense.

If you want to take into account the defense, you have to equip the infantry with horses.

This is exactly what the Jurchens did.

Their own tribe is small, and every white armor is very precious.

Therefore, 3 horses are used daily, and one horse is dedicated to transporting armor.

to increase mobility.

In fact, their white armor is mainly to defeat the enemy in footsteps.

Horses are used at critical times.

Such as chasing and retreating, outflanking.

If they are on the horse, they cannot give full play to the power of their strong bows and heavy arrows.

After making these changes, Yi Zijia dispatched his lieutenant general, leading 1,500 people, a total of 10 light armor squads, to chase the opponent's 300 people.

The remaining people also unloaded their armor and put them on the baggage cart, which was dragged by the stolen horses, cattle and mules.

Grabbing cattle greatly improved their land mobility.

Sure enough, thanks to the good food, good training, and high military pay, the walking speed of 1,500 people is obviously much faster than that of their opponents.

In fact, these 300 people are all real barbarians, and they can eat enough at ordinary times, especially Bai Jia, who is a professional full-time soldier who polishes his martial arts every day, and has a special coating job to serve him.

However, they are only full at this time.

After all, Huang Taiji has just started large-scale captivity in the pass.

So their marching speed is still lower than the 1,500 people.

After two hours of chasing and withdrawing, Niu Luzhang Jingwuge really realized that something was wrong.

He hurriedly said to Mele Zhangjing Donagu: "Master Donagu, there is trouble. They are really strong soldiers, and they are chasing at such a fast speed. If this continues, our infantry will not be able to escape. .”

"I also saw that there are only three choices now. One is to fight them and scare them away; the other is to harass them from behind to slow down their speed; How many can run out?" Donagu frowned.

"Only send cavalry. There are too many of them. We only have 100 cavalry. We can't stop them. Instead, they are easily surrounded." Wuge said carefully, "If you run away directly, you will be beheaded."

Yes, you can retreat in front of the enemy.

Fighting a battle, the enemy is outnumbered, fighting a battle to find out the opponent's combat strength, and then retreating, you will only be reprimanded, or even not reprimanded, and you will gain a reputation for fighting bravely.

After all, intelligence is the most important thing, and sacrificing hundreds of people to gain valuable enemy information is a credit, not a defeat.

The Jurchens are more than rewards and punishments in military warfare. In the early days, they were indeed too far behind the Ming army.

Although there must be some things that pretended to be meritorious, and some things that allowed his nephews to gain military exploits, but it was not serious, and he had to kill the enemy himself to fight.

But if you run away immediately when you see the enemy, and it is the soldiers of the Eight Banners who are thrown down, you will definitely not be able to escape if you behead your head.

But if you pretend it's okay.

But at this time, the Eight Banners are still on the rise, relatively simple and not slippery enough, so they can't do anything to lie about military intelligence.

What's more, the 30 white armors are also pieced together, there is no way to buy them all, and they will definitely go back and be questioned by their respective masters.

So there is only one option, try to fight a battle, find out and then retreat.

So after two waves of people chased after him, Donagu stopped on a slope.

The infantry lined up, the cavalry on both sides.

The white armor was at the forefront, and began to put on three layers of armor with the help of the coating and the red armor banner.

This **** is relatively flat.

But the infantry had to work hard to rush up.

On the left is a bush, which is not easy to detour, and on the right is a forest in the distance.

In front is the grass.

In short, it is a somewhat favorable terrain.

But both parties can accept it.

Both sides saw where the fighter plane was.

This is the basis of battle.

Either both sides can see the chance of victory, or one side has to choose to fight under the disadvantage, such as running out of food, such as being surrounded, such as the emperor's order...

It is obviously tragic to be forced to choose to fight.

One side has a large number of people and is well-trained, while the other side is battle-hardened, and the fewest soldiers have been on the battlefield at least ten times. Of course, this is to remove a few coats.

For Donagu and others, the key is that the opponent's artillery did not follow.

Artillery is still slow.

If the opponent's artillery can run as fast as the infantry, they will definitely drop the infantry and escape with the cavalry.

As for the infantry, even if they lost their helmets and armor, took only bows and arrows, scattered into the mountains and forests, and then regrouped, most of them could escape.

Because then there is no way to fight.

They are well aware of the advantages of artillery.

How did the Ming army die back then, they will die, no need to try, they are not stupid.

But now that the opponent doesn't have artillery, they can fight.

A great battle begins.

There are 1500 people on one side and 300 people on the other side.

The fast forward lieutenant general began to send orders to line up.

10 teams began to line up one after another.

Pikemen, shield soldiers, and arquebus soldiers quickly expanded from the marching column to a horizontal formation.

There are 150 people in a team, and 30 people in a horizontal team, forming 5 horizontal teams.

The whole team is very fast.

At this time, the two sides were still three miles away.

With such a long distance, even if the Jurchen cavalry ran over, they would face the formation that had already formed a team.

So the Jurchen cavalry simply didn't come over.

Instead, dismount and leave the horse behind.

The 30 white armors sat on the ground and waited.

The reason is simple, they want to preserve their physical strength, attack the temptation, and then escape.

So no horsepower can be consumed.

The same is true for the 70 cavalry, all dismounted and led.

They have to wait for the opponent to take the initiative to attack.

The deputy general of the fast army will naturally launch an attack.

He ordered three squads to attack head-on.

Two teams outflanked from the left flank and two teams outflanked from the right flank.

This is how you can deploy your troops.

When the time comes to fight, there will be a V-shaped attack on three sides.

Make the most of your guns.

And he has a total of 10 teams in his hands. In this case, there are still 3 teams left as reserve teams.

Always support an aspect that may be broken.

3 miles away, the completed teams started to move forward.

The shield bearer was at the forefront, and now he only had a layer of armor, so he felt very dangerous.

The enemy's white-armored soldiers in the distance, with their long bows and shiny shovel-shaped heavy arrows, make people creepy.

It is entirely conceivable that as long as the opponent shoots an arrow, one of them must fall.

They don't know the power of Manchu bows and arrows, if they know, they will be even more afraid.

At this time, bows and arrows have a range farther than matchlock guns.

At this time, the Jurchens generally used bows of 7 to 8 power, and the heavy arrows shot could penetrate iron armor within 50 meters, chain mail and cotton armor at 70 meters, and leather armor at 110 meters.

And the power range of their matchlock guns is 50-60 meters.

The effective range is only 50-60 meters, and because the lead bullet is too floating and too light.

Why a musket with a range of 50 meters can replace a bow with a range of 150-200 meters is still a matter of cost.

Human life is worthless these days.

Equipment and food are valuable.

Faster to train, faster to go to the battlefield, faster to die, equipment can be recycled, and food can be saved.

If you can exchange one archer from the enemy, it is worth dying ten musketeers.

In a flesh and blood factory, a healthy worker can only live for three years. What is this worth?

But now the opponent has 300 people, and they have 1,500 people. If 1,000 people die, and 300 people are killed, it is also profitable.

The question is how to ensure that these 1,000 people are willing to exchange their sons?

Westerners rely on leather whips and army sticks, play Stockholm tactics, and beat soldiers into idiots, idiots. Anyway, firing a gun can become a conditioned reflex after a month of practice, and all the steps are fixed.

It was a giant shield and iron armor before, and I was tired, but I walked with peace of mind.

Now it is walking very slowly.

The lieutenant quickly realized the problem, but he could only order the military judge of the squad, the supervisor of the last row, to urge to move forward.

He feels at risk of failure.

Because the opponent's bow and arrow has a long range and strong power.

And his people, judging from their slow pace, have not been trained by Western military law to be beaten into idiots.

Now we can only count on the arquebus soldiers inside to have enough output.

The lieutenant's palms were sweaty.

If you give him a hope at this time, he hopes that his artillery will be dragged up quickly.

When I was marching, I hated others for being slow, and when I was using it, I regretted not carrying it.

Wait until the team walks to 150 meters.


The lieutenant saw through the binoculars that the opponent's soldiers began to draw their bows.

Although the range of the bow and arrow is 200 meters, that is the limit, and the arrows shot are too wasteful.

And although they are strong, they can only shoot seven to eight times in a row at most.

Therefore, it is necessary to deal the greatest damage in the shortest time, so that the morale of the enemy can be quickly broken, and then a round of charge can be harvested.

This move has been tried and tested repeatedly against ordinary Ming army battalion heads.

It was also the root cause of the Jurchen's victory in the previous large battles involving hundreds of thousands of people.

At this time, the deputy general's staff reminded in a low voice: "Morale is unstoppable. Stopping at this time will make the soldiers feel lucky to escape."

"It's okay, order the left and right wings to send out a small team, and start to detour through the mountains and bushes." The lieutenant general thought of a way.

That is to use the advantage of having a large number of people to minimize the density of the opponent's one shot.

If the enemy wants not to be surrounded, he must deploy some people to monitor and intercept the roundabout opponent.

Otherwise, when the detour is successful, the three sides will be sandwiched and fired at the same time, and the enemy will not be able to escape.

The lieutenant also understood that the opponent would retreat sooner or later, so it was impossible to allow himself to be cut off.

Once the back road was cut off, the most precious white armored cavalry could not escape.

In this way, at least the density of the enemy's arrows can be reduced to half, or even a third.

Sure enough, facing his forced detour, the opponent also started to act.

The way of action, however, was not as he imagined, dividing troops to intercept, but concentrating all the troops and pounced directly!

This reflects the strength and courage of the Jurchen soldiers!

If it was an ordinary Ming army, they would probably send troops to intercept them: no, they should have left the infantry and cavalry in embarrassment early in the morning, and there was no such battle to test the intelligence of the combat power!

"Careless!" The lieutenant clapped his hands, but he still didn't have enough combat experience.

More experience strangling some bandits.

Wen Rensheng also wanted to recruit some experienced generals, but that could easily be suspected of treason.

This lieutenant was a Qianhu before, and the Qianhu fled. He was tricked by the civil servants into doing business and was so poor that he ran away with debts.

He has also fought many battles, but he has no experience in fighting strong enemies.

He still doesn't understand the opponent's psychology.

At this moment, he realized his gaffe, and quickly ordered: "Every department is ready to fight! Freely choose the time to fight!"

At this time, the captains of each team responded in time according to the training subjects.

At this time, it showed the help of usual training.

"Pikemen against the impact, prepare against the arrows!"

"Shield guards!"

"Arquebus soldiers begin preparations!"

Facing the roar of the squad leader and the stick of the military judge, the soldiers began to move quickly one by one.

Although the legs are weak and the hands are shaking, the tactical actions are still being completed quickly.

At this time, 30 white armors, more than 200 bannermen, and more than 100 infantrymen, 70 of whom were already close to the 100-meter mark, began to take out light arrows and immediately threw them.

Throw three rounds first to see if the enemy is shaken.

Then they used heavy arrows to shoot at 70 meters. This range was explored with their lives, the range of muskets.

In this range, Ming army shooting is often ineffective.

However, they can easily pierce armor with heavy arrows, and shoot the enemy to collapse.

At this time, 300 light arrows were thrown into the sky.

"Spear against arrows!"

The pikemen quickly formed a forest of guns.

A single long spear is definitely useless. The general played in the movie flicked and knocked out the arrow, which didn't exist at all.

In reality, they were shot as hedgehogs.

Rely on three layers of armor to save their lives.

If you're unlucky, shoot in the head and you'll be gone.

But the gun forest still has some effect.

At least better than a gun that does nothing.

Soon the light arrow fell.

About a third were knocked out by spears.

But two-thirds fell into the array!

In fact, if you have better training, you can evacuate in advance, and then wait for the shooting before concentrating.

But that's asking too much, and it's easy to cause confusion.

In addition, it will allow opponents to find opportunities to charge.

It is easy for soldiers to evacuate, but it is difficult to gather them together.

After all, Wen Rensheng couldn't arm them with ideas beyond the times.


"Ah! My arm!"

"my eyes!"

In the first team of 150 people, more than 20 people were injured in a short time!

This is also because the station is not very dense.

Mainly in the middle of the front and back 5 rows, each row has a distance of 3 meters for the convenience of replacement, and the distance between each arquebus is more than one meter to prevent each other from burning each other's gunpowder packs.

It can be seen from this that the opponent's archery skills are so strong that they can shoot relatively accurately even with projectiles.

Then came two rounds of throwing.

In the end, 70 people were injured!

The second team that was facing it head-on was about to collapse!

Fortunately, at this time, the two teams on the left and right had already taken the opportunity to approach quickly, and then started firing muskets.

At this time, it was already ready for battle, and the lieutenant had just delegated the command.

Because he can't command at this time.

All he can do is to mobilize the reserve team, order the general retreat, and replace a certain team.

As for how the specific team chooses the timing to attack, it is impossible for him to give orders one by one.

Because time is too late.

Using semaphore or riding a horse to inform them is a waste of opportunity.

Just like now, if he ordered to attack left and right, it would take precious 30 seconds to notify the other party.

At this time, it was enough for the opponent to attack for three or four rounds.

The musketeers of the left and right teams, when the middle team acted as a target to attract firepower, quickly approached 60 meters away, and then fired!

It's not something that humans can do to shoot at a distance of 20 meters or even 15 meters like the Johns.

It is too much a test of the will of the soldiers. Only by training the soldiers into puppets can they be shot in line.

"Fall!" The red-haired officer shouted loudly. UU Reading

A burst of white gunpowder smoke suddenly rose!

Then there was a crackling sound!

At this distance, the armor-piercing ability of the musket is not very strong.

Among the 30 white armors, only two unlucky ones were unlucky, and the flying bullets hit them in the face.

The pain made them cover their faces directly, and then fell down.

And those bannermen who are shooting arrows are unlucky.

Out of 200 people, thirty-four fell down at once!

This is the grasp of the fighter.

If the front-line officers and soldiers do not have the spirit of daring to fight, the opportunity to fight is right in front of them, and they cannot be seized.

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