Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2127: The Birth of a Monster

Five cavalrymen fled frantically.

These devils, when faced with a seafood, escaped like this!

They will never know that they have a great opportunity to let the world continue to run so ruthlessly and coldly.

Everything depends on material power, and there are no miracles. If there are miracles, it is because people do not understand.

Fairness and righteousness can only be obtained by material power.

No matter how kind you are, no matter how innocent you are, no matter how wronged you are, if someone kills you with a knife, you can do nothing, you are completely gone, such as snow in June, drought for three years, it does not exist.

Only those who are still alive, your loved ones, can do one or two things for you.

Yes, today's young man is a big seafood.

He doesn't have any extraordinary power to attack others, except for some subtle spiritual pollution and intimidation from appearance, he doesn't have much power.

He was born at this time, like his brother Wilbur in the Dunwich Incident, a dog could kill.

Yog-Sothoth once made a human female give birth to a pair of twins belonging to her and him in an unknown way. One of the older brothers has more human blood and is named Wilbur Whateley.

It is the shame of the heir of the evil god, and there are several others similar to it.

However, those five brave and powerful guys who could kill dozens of dogs were scared away because they were born human.

The five cavalry galloped all the way and escaped from Liujiazhuang.

They actually left that newborn evil creature alone in a hotbed full of corpses, bloody, ferocious, and terrifying.

That evil creature was born out of the accumulation of fear, resentment, and numbness to the extreme. Of course this is fake, these things are useless at all...

What is useful is external material power, a guy who likes to be a monster and is so lively.

The five didn't run all the time.

After running for more than twenty miles, two cavalry slowed down first.

The others followed suit.

They originally thought that the other party was saving horsepower, and running all the time would waste the precious war horse.

Then they will be beheaded by the masters.

It was hard for them to get the horses.

The treatment of vests is very different from that of infantry.

"Wait, I thought of it, that's not some evil spirit!" Cavalry A said suddenly.

"What is it if it's not a ghost? There's a snake on its head, and so many big bags all over its body!" Another cavalryman said in fear.

"Tch, I remembered what the master said, it was seafood, a big seafood from the sea, what is it called, anyway, I just can't remember it, I only know that it also has many, many long, slippery hands like snakes It has long legs, but it is delicious when grilled, and it was picked up by the seaside as a tribute."

"Yes, Master Donagu likes to eat seafood."

"Why don't you go back and catch it for the masters to eat?"

"That's right, the seafood is very rare at first glance. I heard people say that the rarer the seafood, the better it is."

The five cavalrymen blew hard, and they seemed to have forgotten the fear just now.

Courage returned to him again.

They rode their horses again and walked slowly back to Liujiazhuang.

The main reason is that they carefully recalled that the seafood, apart from looking a little scary, has nothing to do.

It is not as terrible as musket bullets, not as sharp as knives, and not very powerful toxins.

A poisonous snake is more terrible than it.

So the five returned to Liujiazhuang talking and laughing, and came to the Liujia compound again.

It's just that when they came here, they had already delayed the most precious hour.

Stopping and talking, talking and laughing, used to restore fear, precious time is quietly consumed.

Forty miles back and forth, a lot of time was wasted in the middle, two hours is enough for horses.

Naturally, they didn't know that during this time, that evil creature, driven by instinct, had eaten up the corpses of Liu Dahu's family.

Originally, it was absolutely impossible to eat so conveniently.

If it was born in a peaceful world, in Gyeonggi, it would be discovered after a day or two at most for preying on livestock, and then killed by dogs and courageous hunters, and then become a local legend stay.

Whoever let these evil spirits go, people and animals will not stay.

If the previous wave of sentinels hadn't killed Liu Dahu's dog to eat meat, the evil thing at this time would also be killed by the dog.

But now, there are no dogs, no people, only corpses all over the ground, let alone any resistance.

As for the brain of the deceased, the remaining memory information has greatly enriched its background.

At this time, in its mind, apart from the residual consciousness of the young man, there are many more memories and knowledge taken from the brains of the outside world.

After all, they are fresh minds.

Therefore, when five cavalrymen walked into Zhuangzi cautiously with long knives.

Oncoming, is a behemoth.

It ate up the bodies of six members of Liu Dahu's family, as well as the remains of three dogs, seven sheep...

According to the conservation of matter, six human beings weigh 500-600 catties...

In short, this seafood now weighs 2,000 catties.

"This this…"


"It's a real ghost!"

The five cavalrymen turned around and fled in fright again!

They lost another big opportunity.

There are many beasts weighing 2,000 kilograms, such as bison, rhinoceros, hippopotamus... Five people who are fully armed and hold sharp knives can be killed.

It's just that you have to pay a certain amount of casualties, depending on your luck.

However, none of the five people wanted to be the casualty of that fate.

They ran again.

Only this time, not all escaped.

One fell behind.

This time it was five snakes who caught him.

And stepped forward to bite his flesh and blood with sharp teeth, and then injected the toxin that paralyzed the nerves.

In just an hour, this evil creature from a different space is quickly adapting and mastering the material power of this world.

Yes, Xiao Huan was also suppressed.

It doesn't make the world a complete fantasy version.

The powerful laws of matter are still in effect and still cover most areas.

If this evil creature wants to exert its power, it is instinctively using the power allowed by this world.

Such as body shape, such as toxins, such as thick fat, thick skin, scales...

The captured cavalryman swung his knife instinctively to chop.

But this time, he was far less powerful than last time.

He soon watched in horror as he was being pulled over by the evil thing.

There was a veritable maw: full of sharp, crowded fangs.

There are many hideous rashes, and pus and blood are even sprayed outside.

If he understood what that really meant, he would be even more terrified.

This is a breeding ground for potential accumulation of smallpox, typhoid, plague...

Yes, just the material power of this world is terrifying enough, so terrifying that it can wipe out the entire Middle Ages.

He turned his head vigorously and begged for help: "Big Maozi, Wang Erlu, you two donkeys, I still owe you 3 taels of silver!"

"Come and save me!"

Sure enough, people who can become sentinels and get mixed up in the Han Eight Banners in the cruel Jurchen society of slavery are not too rigid.

Rigid people have long been unable to adapt to the requirements of various masters and died.

However, the two of them just turned their heads, and when they saw the **** mouth, they immediately turned their heads and ran away.

Get on the horse and run wildly.

After running wildly, they never came back.

And the evil things were indulged in the empty village, only corpses and **** villages.

This is undoubtedly the best breeding ground for the birth of evil gods.


"Xiao Huan, what are you doing?"

"I'm playing."

"Oh, then you have fun."

Wen Rensheng began to adjust his strength.

He ordered the establishment of two strongholds and no further expansion to the north.

Think of it as two supply points.

A supply point for trade with the Eastern Dynasty and trade with island countries.


Three days later.

A terrifying legend began to spread in the Gyeonggi area.

In a tavern somewhere in the capital.

"I heard no, there is a monster eating people everywhere in the countryside!" An old man said mysteriously.

A scholar shook his head and said, "It's not just one person, it's a large group. Tens of thousands of people are eating people."

"I'm talking about real monsters."

"I'm also talking about real monsters."

"You young man, don't argue with me. What I'm talking about is a real monster. It's as big as an elephant, and it eats corpses everywhere. If there is no corpse, it stays next to the dying old man in someone else's house, waiting to be eaten."

The old man had a relative from the countryside, and managed to escape into the city, avoiding the fate of being kidnapped and turned into a coat.

It's okay, who wants to be a coating.

I can only sleep in the house next to the latrine, the stable, without a quilt, and can only rely on the grass to cover my body, and I can't finish the work.

"Is it really a monster? You don't talk about it. It's strange. I haven't seen it, so I won't talk about it." The scholar shook his head.

The monsters he was talking about were, of course, those Eastern captives.

But what the old man said was a real monster.

Scholars subconsciously think that the old man just read some messy things and treat him as a monster.

It may be those cannibals.

"Is this the monster you are talking about?" Suddenly a Feng Shui master walked into the tavern, and he was holding an ink painting.

Everyone looked up.

On the ink painting, there was a giant round figure painted on it.

Next to the giant, stood a man.

In comparison, the giant is at least two and a half people tall.

It was covered with a head and a head, but there were many snakes.

The snakes opened their mouths one after another, and the mouths were full of tiny teeth.

It's frightening to see.

And some snake heads are bending down and biting one corpse after another.

That's right, there are still large corpses in the ink painting.

In the distance is a damaged city wall, where many people are still killing people and besieging the city.

"Yes, that's right!" Suddenly, one stood at the door, looking into the store and looking helplessly at the villager pointing at the painting.

He trembled with fear.

"I escaped from the mouth of that monster."

At this time, when the scholar heard this, he immediately asked the shopkeeper to serve a plate of steamed buns to the villager, and he stood outside the door to eat.

"Come, let's talk while eating."

"Thank you sir, thank you master."

The villager said, gobbling up the steamed buns.

The shop waiter served another bowl of water for the other party.

The other party quickly took a few sips, and then said:

"That monster isn't too bad, because it doesn't seem to eat the living."

"You can't say that, it seems to eat living people."

"Hey, you countryman, how do you talk, the words don't match the words." The scholar was a little dissatisfied.

"Master, I'm sorry, it's not that I can't tell, it's that I was frightened. I remembered, it only eats those with knives, and it turns a blind eye to us ordinary people." The villagers suddenly realized.

"Eat the one with the knife? Could it be that the one with the knife made the monster feel threatened?" The scholar is indeed smarter, and he can think about many things clearly.

"Maybe, anyway, thanks to the monster's blessing, a group of Donglu originally wanted to kill our village, but was scared away by it. We also have a chance to escape into the city." The villager said this, quietly Hide the two steamed buns in your arms.

The scholar shook his head, not caring about the tricks of the villagers.

He still didn't quite believe it anyway.

After all, a person's rumors are too unreliable.

People can make up whatever they want.

What's more, there are too many stories about three people becoming tigers.

That's a pretty good story.

As for the reason, probably the people outside the city deliberately concocted a monster to scare away the vicious Donglu.

That way, they might be able to save themselves.

It's a pity that such a simple villager's trick can't fool those Jurchen chiefs.


"What monster? Tiger, lion, big snake? Can it be stronger than our artillery, three-eyed blunderbuss, knives, guns, bows and arrows?" Sanbeile Mang Gurtai heard the news from his men that monsters were raging on the attack route. , couldn't help laughing.

"This, many people have seen it." The scout said cautiously.

That monster is horrible.

It was as big as the entire Khan Palace!

How to kill such a big monster?

How many times can you bombard it with a big cannon?

"A lot of people? Hmph, I think they heard the news of Da Khan's return, worried about their family members, spread rumors on purpose, and wanted to go back!"

"This can't be done. We're going on an expedition. The looted coats and food are just enough to consume. It's useless. Come again next time. Is there anyone following?"

"Continue to loot for me, collect more cattle, horses, mules and carts, and bring more young and strong coats, and then there will be gold and silver treasures!" Sanbeile said fiercely.

"Yes, Lord Baylor." The scout hurriedly retreated.

Not long after, Big Baylor Daishan walked in like an old man.

Mangurtai welcomed him to the upper seat and sat down.

"UU Reading, have you heard about the monster?"

"I heard, it's just a rumor spread by some dog slaves wanting to go home." Mang Gurtai said indifferently.

"You, you, you are always so careless. Fortunately, Da Khan doesn't care about our power, otherwise..." Daishan shook his head and didn't say much.

"Is that true? How is this possible? We have been hunting and running in the mountains and forests since we were young. We have never seen any beasts. Tigers, bears, wild wolves, other than that, how can there be any other beasts that can threaten us?" Manggurtai still didn't believe it.

"It's true, my people saw it with their own eyes, and there are several Han Chinese coat painters who painted it in person. If they didn't see it with their own eyes, they wouldn't be able to draw it so realistic, because those coat painters are from the inland. People have never seen the sea or seafood in their entire lives.”

"It just so happened that they painted the fresh seafood sold by the people of the Eastern Dynasty."

Daishan said slowly.

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