Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2129: kerosene throwing

Looking at the huge monster in front of him, Mang Gurtai quickly calmed down.

He immediately ordered to the messenger next to him to prepare the rocket.

Yes, the rocket, this is the attack method he thought of immediately.

Such a big monster, it is covered in meat.

And the meat can be burnt.

One of his favorite things to do in the past was to drive the Hannu into the house, then set fire to them, and burn them together. Then, listening to their roaring pain, they drank wine and ate meat.

This is one of his favorite things to do, burning those Han people alive.

There are many advantages to doing this, not only saving knives and bows and arrows, but also saving energy, and it can also avoid the plague after a fire is started, which serves multiple purposes.

It's just that in many cases, people who are burned will struggle violently and run away desperately, so it is a lot of trouble to tie them with ropes in advance, and setting fires can easily affect themselves.

So there are not too many people who can do this kind of thing, and they often kill people before burning them.

Soon the rocket will be ready.

Someone lit the rocket with a fire pocket, aimed at the monster and prepared to release the arrow.

Following Manggurtai's order, hundreds of rockets shot at the big ship monster together.

The monster like a big ship just swayed its body. There were countless snakes on its body, some were shaking, some were vibrating consciously, and some were dancing randomly.

Some rockets were knocked out, and many more landed on it.

However, before they were happy, they saw a lot of mucus coming out of the big ship monster's skin, and immediately extinguished the rockets.

It didn't cause any flames at all.

At this time, a Gu Shan next to him said to Mang Gurtai: "Master Belle, we should use the fierce oil of the Han dog first."

"I remember that the Han people defended the city, and they always used fierce fire oil. Once it burned on us, even if it rolled into the soil, it was difficult to extinguish it. As for water, it couldn't do it at all."

"Splash the monster with Menghuo oil first, and then set the rocket on fire. Otherwise, the monster will always produce slime, and we can't light it up. However, Menghuo oil can still burn even if it is poured with water."

"Very good, Shan Yan, you immediately bring someone to find Menghuoyou." Mang Gurtai was overjoyed and ordered immediately.

They have already robbed many cities, and there must be Menghuo oil, but it depends on whether the transportation team has collected it.

After all, Menghuo oil has long been used in city defense.

Fuel is still a relatively valuable material, so this Gu Shan thinks it should be collected.

Especially oil.

And this monster doesn't seem to care much about these little bugs.

Although suffered an attack, no attack was launched against them.

Of course, it was mainly because they were shooting from a long distance, and some snake heads on the monsters had already started looking for targets to attack them.

But those snake heads, plus the snake body, are only seven or eight meters long at most.

And the distance they shoot is between 110 and 120 meters.

Therefore they were not found.

No one dared to get too close to these monsters, even if they were ferocious, brutal and powerful Jurchens.

A day later, Manggurtai waited until enough fuel oil arrived.

That Gushan brought hundreds of horses, and each horse had two barrels.

Each barrel is filled with dark and pungent Menghuo oil.

There should have been more, the most during the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

However, during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, due to the development of firearms, this method of fire and oil warfare declined because of its many defects and high mining and transportation costs.

After all, there was a lack of oil producing areas in ancient times, and it was far less easy to prepare than black powder.

Fortunately, I still found some, after all, it is the land of Gyeonggi.

After that, Manggurtai ordered people to throw fire oil forward.

Each person uses an earthenware jar, fills it with kerosene from a wooden barrel, and throws it out.

It's just that Menghuo oil tanks are used to defend the city, that is to say, they are thrown from top to bottom.

If you throw it on the flat ground, you can't throw it very far. Depending on their strength, if they can throw it 27 or 8 meters, it is very strong and unscrupulous.

Obviously this distance is very dangerous.

Because the snakes on the big ship monster are generally seven or eight meters long.

And some of them are particularly long, with a length of more than ten meters.

This also corresponds to the maximum length of the snake.

The key is that some of them can spray venom!

This is scary.

Body length + poison spray, which can keep the thrower within the attack range.

Mang Gu found a problem.

Some snakes are particularly alert and quick to respond.

They attack quickly.

Some soldiers, unaware that they were still spraying, ventured into the twenty-meter range.

Then a ball of venom came down, and the whole person smoked on the spot, as painful as a prisoner screaming in prison.

He also noticed that many of the rockets were shot down by those nimble venomous snakes just now, and did not hit the opponent.

However, most poisonous snakes are relatively clumsy, as if they don't know how to fight back flexibly.

Same as normal venomous snakes.

It looks fierce, but it is actually very slow to respond.

They are all blind, as long as they start quietly and move slowly, they can catch the snake's head in one go.

He also caught many snakes in the forest.

There are not many poisonous snakes in Liaodong. The main species is pit viper, which is also a highly poisonous snake.

But they are basically not afraid.

After seeing this, Manggu ordered again: "Let them all withdraw first, and go find the catapult immediately."

"Yes, master."

Several servants left together.

Soon they called in craftsmen to remove wood from houses in nearby cities.

Trembling to build a catapult.

The craftsmen also wanted to escape, but although the big ship monster was scary, it was not as scary as those Donglu.

After all, the big ship monster generally only eats dead people, unless you want to attack it.

Donglu is fiercer than the devil.

Seeing that two days passed quickly.

Manggu was just glad that they had killed enough people before, at least 20,000 to 30,000 people were killed in the city.

Enough for the big ship monster to eat for seventeen or eight days.

And the big ship monster, just like the grass-eating animals, let them make traps and prepare for attack, but still ignored them.

He didn't take the initiative to attack at all, and was still instinctively looking for those corpses.

"It really is a beast, it should be stepped on!" Mang Gu said excitedly.

Because he saw the hope of defeating this monster.

How big and strong?

Without a brain, without a fighting instinct, that is certain death!

Just like Daming, big and useless, they will only be peeled and chopped down by their capable Jurchens.

I saw that big ship monster was eating corpses one after another.

It is eating desperately.

After eating one place, move slowly to the next one, at half the speed of ordinary people walking.

Unless you're too scared to run, you can certainly escape.

Moreover, Manggu could tell when he was eating it, and the Jurchens who were watching could see that it was still growing.

It just grows slowly.

In the past few days, it's probably just a little bit higher.

But they don't know how terrifying it is to be a little bit bigger for this kind of behemoth.

Because it means overcoming enormous gravity.

It is said that such a volume has long been crushed by its own weight.

Unless there are a lot of bones, and they are titanium alloy bones, no, it should be Gundamium alloy.

Only in this way can a tall body be grown.

This behemoth, still dismissive of those small bugs, it is like an elephant grazing.

After those mosquitoes pounced on it, it just flicked its tail and continued to eat grass. Unless the mosquitoes bit it annoyed, it would jump into the water or into the muddy pond to clean it up.

And now it's just quietly eating those corpses.

According to Mang Gu's observation, this big ship monster can eat hundreds of corpses every hour.

Twenty thousand, that is, 200 hours.

Of course it will also rest.

It doesn't eat all the time, so within a month, it won't leave the city.

After several days, the catapult was finally ready.

Probably 120 catapults were built.

At this time, Mang Gu certainly didn't waste it.

He already felt that he was leading fewer people.

He has ordered to continue to send more people over.

He ordered his own direct army, again sending 2,000 cavalry.

Because only the cavalry can arrive quickly, another 8,000 infantry and 30,000 young and strong coats were required to arrive slowly with luggage.

He felt that there might be a long-term battle this time, and it wasn't what he thought at first, that he could be killed with just a bow and arrow or chopping.

Of course he didn't know that there was actually such a chance.

It's just that those frightened ghosts lost twice in a row.

But now, it is obviously impossible to think about hacking to death with a few knives.

And this monster won't be afraid, it doesn't have morale.

To defeat it, the monster must be completely burned before it can be killed.

But now, after the catapult was built, 2,000 cavalry came, and now he has 3,400 elite soldiers in his hands.

These soldiers are enough to defeat 30,000 to 50,000 Ming troops.

But now, it is only used to deal with a monster as big as a sea boat.

In fact, Mangurtai had realized that morale was declining.

Jurchens are very superstitious.

Han people are also very superstitious about coating.

Some of them secretly worshiped this monster.

This made Mangurtai very angry.

For this reason, he ordered Baijia to behead those who worshiped the monster.

Someone was puzzled: "This monster didn't attack us, why did we have to kill it?"

"Yeah, it's still in Mingren's territory, just let it stay here."

How did they know that their master really wanted to defeat the monster and see if he could tame it.

If it can't be tamed, kill it.

If the Ming people find a way to tame it, wouldn't that be troublesome?

This is the thinking of the superior: this is a variable, as long as it exists, it is a variable. I had an advantage when I didn’t have it before, but now that I have more of it, it’s a lot of trouble. I have to get rid of it and restore the previous situation.

After Manggurtai killed Ren Liwei, he ordered the soldiers to start loading the catapults.

These days, they collect more flaming things from nearby cities.

Menghuo oil, rapeseed oil, and even dry coal, these combustibles are collected a lot.

But the most powerful is of course all kinds of oil.

Now everything is ready.

After waiting for the soldiers to prepare the catapults, Manggurtai began to order the throwing.

The first batch of fierce oil cans were thrown upwards.

And some poisonous snakes among those big ship monsters seem to be aware of the great danger.

They start wiggling wildly.

The more than 20 poisonous snakes were the most active, and they knocked out the fierce oil jars one by one.

After being knocked down, the can fell to the ground and shattered. After splashing, a lot of fire oil still splashed on the body of the big boat monster.

But that is still a minority after all.

More fire oil cans fell on the big ship monster.

But its body is too flexible, like hitting the quilt and sand, the jar is not damaged!

When Mang Gurtai saw this, his face was very ugly.

Fortunately, the can fell to the ground and shattered, forming a small puddle.

And that big ship monster, if it was still human, should flee immediately.

That fuel is wasted.

But it didn't flee and was still eating the carcass nearby.

Like not seeing it.

This reassured Manggurtai a lot.

He aimed his catapult and shot around, not one side.

Try to cover the big ship monster with kerosene on all sides.

However, he soon discovered that on the body of the big ship monster was a thick and flexible green poisonous snake covered in mucus.

It is the most cunning and bravest of them all, and it can almost knock down two or three fire oil cans every time it strikes.

And as it seems to be able to control the surrounding poisonous snakes, it can control at least 20 more, in line with his actions.

Mang Gurtai was worried that this poisonous snake might also be a war commander.

His battlefield experience is very rich, and he can see the commanding ability of that poisonous snake at a glance.

It can only control 20 nearby snakes now, and it may be able to control a large area of ​​poisonous snakes in the future.

In this case, the opponent will become stronger and stronger.

Maybe one day, this poisonous snake will be able to control this big ship monster.

He thought of a very strange metaphor, these poisonous snakes are like them parasitic on Daming's body, and when they become stronger, they can replace them.

Could it be the same with those poisonous snakes?

This gave him a greater sense of urgency about his actions.

"It's necessary for me to do this, and it's definitely not out of thin air."

He persuaded himself like this.

After all, it is also an adventure to fight with more than 3,000 elite Jurchens and the Han Eight Banners in one go.

He observed carefully, and as the catapult was thrown, a large oil pit slowly appeared under the monster ship.

And it seems to move faster.

In addition, the venomous snakes moved faster, and they began to form a dense forest of guns.

Yes, it is gun forest.

And it's bouncing up and down.

This kind of gun forest can block part of the long-range attack.

The premise is that the morale of the gunmen cannot drop, and they cannot choose to retreat because many people have been injured.

And now these poisonous snakes have no morale.

Thinking of this, Mang Gurtai immediately ordered: "Use a strong bow and heavy arrows to shoot those poisonous snakes! They are the most clever ones."

Actually, needless to say, his subordinates will also choose the most suitable targets, UU Reading Those poisonous snakes who knocked down their fierce oil cans.

Soon, one after another heavy arrows like small shovels were shot fifty steps away.

Every arrow is extremely accurate.

One arrow can cut a poisonous snake!

Some **** continuously, and they will also penetrate each other.

Flesh and blood, after all, under the control of the laws of physics, cannot stop steel.

It's just that even though they are full of arrows, they are still shaking their defenses to block those projectiles.

Mang Gurtai couldn't help being shocked.

If the Ming army also had such a fighting spirit, it would be impossible for them to win.

This monster is not human.

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