Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2135: memory seal

at the same time.

The player Huang Taiji was nervously preparing.

Half a year later, he prepared 60,000 elites.

These 60,000 soldiers and horses are all elite soldiers.

For the first time, he used modern concepts to arm these 60,000 people.

He told them various stories every day and trained for half a year.

From the bottom to the top it's all explained.

Tell them that if those monsters are not eliminated, future generations will be harmed by them, and there will be no good life.

Eliminate them, and the world will be in front of you.

He originally planned to join hands with the Ming emperor to deal with this monster.

As a result, his spies lurking inside the Ming Dynasty told him that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty had enshrined monsters on a large scale.

He immediately cursed: "Zhuzi is not enough to plan, the one who destroys the world must be this monster."

After he got angry, he felt understandable again.

Because at the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was just like this that he couldn't tell the priority.

So much so that Jiangnan is still intact, and there are still a lot of taxes and food, but even a hundred years of the Northern and Southern Dynasties cannot be realized.

It is because they regard the defeated rogues as enemies.

It is ridiculous to still think about Lianlu and Pingkou without realizing that the Manchu Qing has become the number one enemy.

And later they were still fighting for the imperial line.

Donglin opposed King Fu, and it was clear that the line of King Fu was the line closest to the imperial lineage.

So there is no distinction between priorities.

But for him now, this lack of priority has had serious consequences.

That is, under the canonization of the Ming Emperor, this will cause local officials not to dare to let go of that monster.

It can eat dead bodies with impunity and can grow rapidly.

If the emperor ordered it to be an evil, capable local officials and landlords and gentry would try to contain it.

The consequence now is that if the delay continues, there will be no way to deal with this monster.

Monsters can get very, very powerful, and there's more than one.

So after only half a year of training, and only gathering 60,000 soldiers, Huang Taiji led these 60,000 soldiers to enter the customs again.

Or enter along the path of the last massacre.

Because monsters are distributed along this road.

In order to prevent what happened last time, these 60,000 people did not carry any coats.

There are 20,000 soldiers, and the other 40,000 people, although they are also elite, serve as heavy soldiers.

There is a lot of food and grass.

He called up all the horses.

Horses were used to transport dry food and beans.

Forcibly recruited 200,000 horses from Mongolia.

It can be said that food is not enough, and horses are enough to last for several months.

The only thing needed is to attack, attack, and attack.

Huang Taiji glanced at the soldiers, all of them were tenacious.

All have gone through his long-term grace and cleansing*.

20,000 field soldiers and 40,000 heavy soldiers are all Eight Banners soldiers.

He originally wanted to fight slowly, but because of Emperor Ming's absurd move, he once again misunderstood the contradiction between primary and secondary, and time was not on his side.

Of course, there are profound reasons for this move.

Just like why the small court of the Ming Dynasty was in civil strife, why couldn't they work together to fight against the Qing Dynasty?

Because they can surrender, in the final analysis, it is still an interest.

Those who took refuge in the Qing Dynasty had the same high officials and rich salary, but they had to shave their heads later, so they rebelled again.

And this time, it was the same.

For the time being, the evils only eat corpses, which is not very harmful, but the invasion of the Eight Banners is more harmful.

Emperor Ming naturally chose evil things.

As for the evil thing growing up, he can't control so much.

Let's settle the matter in front of us first.

And when Huang Taiji led the team to easily enter the customs again, they came to the place where the city was massacred last time.

It was a county town of 50,000 people, and Daming had too many people.

Let alone 150 million.

Therefore, the county seat of 50,000 people was a big city in Europe at the same time, but it is only a county seat here.

The capital has two million people.

He ran into the monster easily.

It should be said that the monsters came to find them on their own initiative.

The murderous intent of 60,000 people is too heavy.

Or that the momentum is too great.

Attracted to the monster.

The monster seems to remember the hatred.

However, what Huang Taiji never expected was that after half a year of preparation, he had made both material and spiritual preparations, and he fell into an absolute disadvantage just for the first confrontation.

The reason is simple, that monster now chooses to attack from the ground.

When he had just set up camp, in the middle of the night, the monster came out of the ground.

A monster as long as an earth dragon attacked his camp of the Chinese army.

If it weren't for a team of the most elite guards, Ge Bushxian, who were the outposts of the white armor soldiers, desperately hacking and besieging Dilong, he himself would have tragically died in battle.

That would be a joke.

Like many generals who died in battle at the beginning of the war in history, it is extremely embarrassing.

He stood on the heights and watched the soldiers fight the earth dragon.

The more I look at it, the more my heart sinks.

The monsters burrowed every time they started slashing with their knives.

Then it came out from behind the soldiers, from under the soldiers' feet.

Then just bite down.

Bite off soldiers' feet.

Do not eat people.

Just bites.

His heart is cold.

This monster actually understands that killing is more important than killing in war.

If one is injured, two people need to take care of it.

It doesn't matter if you don't take care of them, the wailing of wounded soldiers will quickly reduce morale.

Make soldiers panic.

Don't forget, this monster also has mental attacks, which are even more terrifying and unpredictable.

The earth dragon crawled in and out from the ground and underground, appearing like a ghost. All his means, no matter whether it was a strong bow or crossbow, or a spear or spear, were useless against that monster.

During the next day, he asked his soldiers to dig underground.

Only to find that the underground is densely packed with caves!

He even pitched his camp on the monster's lair.

So, how can you be undefeated?

He immediately ordered to retreat twenty miles and camp on a certain hillside.

This time, the earth dragon finally couldn't attack.

Morale recovered slightly.

However, the howling wounded soldiers are another big trouble.

Fortunately, he had already prepared a large amount of anesthetics, all of which were purchased from the red-haired man.

Use it directly for the wounded soldiers.

The wounded soldiers then fell asleep.

He then isolated the wounded battalion.

Some people were sent to take care of it.

"Khan, what should we do now?" Mangurtai asked.

Huang Taiji had a headache.

In fact, he had no choice.

This monster obviously drilled all over the ground into its own lair.

It can be said that within half a year, he is preparing, and the monster is also preparing.

How could he deal with the underground monsters?

He knew very well that even modern people probably had no way to deal with the underground monsters, so they could only choose to retreat, and then use the ocean and mountains to block the monsters from attacking.

He thought about it carefully, and the only way to win is to pour a lot of gasoline and burn it with fire.

However, the question is, with the productivity and transportation capacity of this era, how could he have so much gasoline?

He fell silent.

He felt powerless.

He really wanted to complain, why do other people time travel, so what if I time travel...

But think about it carefully, complain about a P!

After all, compared with other traversers who have become slaves, livestock, and maggots, he is dressed in sweat, has so many beauties, and enjoys so much power for many years, which is not bad.

Modern people have few such enjoyments.

It's just that he has too little time to enjoy it.

If he is still in his 20s, he still has the spirit and perseverance to develop productive forces and seriously compete with monsters.

However, this year he is over 40, almost 50 years old.

In history, he died in the 16th year of Chongzhen at the age of 52.

It is now four years since Chongzhen.

Of course, he is now taking care of his body, exercising more, losing weight, and living past 70 is not a problem.

He thought about it, the 60,000 elite soldiers in his hands cannot be wasted here.

If the entanglement continues, he will definitely be wiped out.

Before, I thought that the monster didn't have much wisdom, so it could still be dealt with.

Paying 20,000 casualties should be able to wipe them out.

Now it seems that even if all of them are smashed in, the monster will use guerrilla methods to drag him to death.

That being the case, why did he fight?

After all, he is not the real Huang Taiji.

The real Huang Taiji is cruel and cunning, but his will is absolutely indomitable. Only time and body can defeat him.

In short, the huge confidence that the player Huang Taiji had built before began to waver again.

He chose the second set of plans, which was the easier one.

Within half a year, he also contacted the red-haired man.

He spent a huge amount of money, the gold and silver he robbed from the Ming Dynasty, used it to buy ships, and then traveled eastward to the island country.

Of course he knows how difficult the islanders are.

It is much more daring than the people of Ming Dynasty.

Unless it is like the later generations of the Mai people, they can be completely subdued with a big mushroom that can kill their minds in one fell swoop.

He did not intend to occupy the island country, but occupied a few small islands in the north of the island country, and then ran eastward.

All the way to the east coast of America.

At this time, the Europeans had not yet occupied the east coast.

Compared with the Europeans, the monsters are too powerful.

As for how to deal with this monster, he doesn't care.

Anyway, leave it to others to manage and deal with it.

So withdrew.

Mangurtai was incomprehensible.

But Huang Taiji told him to think long-term and build a solid rear in order to defeat the opponent.

To use the sea to isolate the monster from attacking, so he believed again.

After all, there is no doubt that Huang Taiji's mind is number one in the Eight Banners.


Wen Rensheng shook his head when he saw this.

Sure enough, this kind of evil is not something people of this era can deal with.

No problem, he'll do it.

But before he could move, a golden light descended from the sky.

It is the golden armor **** who appeared in the Three Kingdoms era last time.

The other party looked at him deeply: "You go, leave my world, you have won this bet."

"Since I won, you have to pay the price."

Wen Rensheng laughed.

"Pay? All right, what do you want?" Jinjia Shenren was very impatient.

His good world, historical type, has been ruined into a mixed world of evil gods, how can there be any reason for this?

"Give me the essence of your world."

This time it was Jin Jiashen's turn to smile: "The essence of the world, the essence of my world is actually very simple. It is just a fragment in the long river of history, living by people's doubts."

"As long as people are still unwilling to reconcile with a certain history and have a rebellious heart, they will always want to go in and change it."

"Some times are good enough that people don't go over and change them, but want to go in and enjoy them."

Wen Rensheng nodded.

"That's right."

"I know your purpose, don't you just want to get as close to the real world as possible?"

"If you want to improve your rationality and increase your strength of existence, I will give you the essence of this world."

After finishing speaking, Jinjia Shenren dug out his heart and threw it to Wen Rensheng.

Well, give your heart to God.

Wen Rensheng wasn't too polite and just brought it over.

The heart immediately turned into clear light, which was absorbed by the mysterious seed in the body.

Then a reminder popped up in my mind:

"Your mystery has increased from 110,000 to 120,000."

"Well, the essence of this world, a mere historical world, actually gave me a full 10,000 mystery points."

"It didn't take so long for nothing."

At this time, Xiao Huan popped out triumphantly and said: "Look, I'm still useful. If you trick or treat, he will admit defeat."

"Look at you, you have been tossing around for so long, and you haven't come as fast as me."

Wen Rensheng smiled: "Yes, you are amazing."

"That's not true."

Wen Rensheng nodded, he had to admit that Xiao Huan's statement was quite correct.

The more powerful the person, the more afraid of troublemakers.

It's okay to pay something to appease for this.

After all, going to war would consume too much essence.

At this moment, Xiao Huan said again: "By the way, Old Wei said earlier that she wanted to go to a new place to play and wanted you to accompany him."

"Uh, isn't it great that my master is with you?" Wen Rensheng felt a little headache.

"Hmph, how can I accompany you. Take care of your wife yourself." Xiao Huan said with contempt.

Wen Rensheng felt a headache.

The most troublesome thing in the world is not conquering the world, but a woman's heart.

Just as he thought of this, Xiao Huan brought him a glass of water.

"Oh, Dad, I see you are worried. I'll pour you a glass of water and rub your shoulders."

"Well, it's still useful to have a daughter."

As Wen Rensheng said, after drinking the water, he suddenly felt dizzy and passed out...

"Hey, old Wei," Xiao Huan said triumphantly, pointing to an air, "Look, I can help you a lot this time."

"You have to play with me the legendary outfit that came out before."

"Okay, here you are, all here."

"Hey hey, I want to try their power."

Did Wen Rensheng really pass out?

Of course he didn't pass out.

But he knew that it was best for him to faint at this time.

He thought for a while, contracted his wisdom and most of his memories, and stored them in the mysterious seed.

Then only the memory of just crossing into this world remains...

Naturally, he had a purpose in doing so.

This is what she wants...


Wen Rensheng woke up again.

After waking up, he swept around.

Surrounded by dilapidated houses, it is no longer a new house he has renovated.

Realized right away:

"I wear it?"

"Do you have a goldfinger?"

"It looks like a grassroots family."

He recalled the memory in his head.

He was a child of an ordinary family before wearing it, and he went to school, worked and bought a house smoothly.

Didn't bother the family.

It's just that people worry about marriage.

Because this is the only parent who thinks he is good for you, but you always feel that it is not good for you.

In the past, UU Reading urges you to study hard at school, and urges you to find a good job at work, both of which highly overlap with your interests.

Only getting married and having children requires you to pay a huge cost, but get very little.

In the eyes of parents, they are thinking about your old age.

However, I did not expect that humans are inherently short-sighted animals.

Old age is only a few short years, but it takes more than 30 years of hard work in youth.

Such a life is extremely painful for young people in the industrial age.

That's why the marriage rate is declining every year. Even if it is barely maintained, the birth rate is also declining, and many children will die.

Let alone multiple children.

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