Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2139: Troubled times appear

Chapter 2139 Chaos Emerges

In fact, Wen Rensheng built a nest in the mountains.

Live in a cave.

He has watched a lot of Survival in the Wild.

And when I entered the mountain, I brought enough salt, antidote medicinal materials, fire tools...

Coupled with his internal qi and external skills, his survivability is very strong.

At least the Viper Plague couldn't do anything to him easily.

His immunity and resistance have reached a level where he is almost invulnerable to all diseases.

After all, the body has always been in the state of 18 years old, and most people are not sick when they are 18 years old.

After solving the daily food and needs, he has been practicing martial arts hard.

This cultivation is the same cultivation, and 100 years have passed.

Look, this is the real Gou Dao.

It takes 100 years to practice one inner qi martial arts.

In the end it was not fixed.

It's not that he's out of tea.

It's that he has already practiced internal and external martial arts to the point where he cannot practice.

One's internal Qi has reached its peak, and no matter how much it is cultivated, it will not increase.

Within a hundred years, there is no way to go any further.

And the big lobster also grew bigger and bigger, already half the size of his body.

Soak in the water of a stone pit in the cave.

The lobster doesn't seem to grow any longer, but it's very difficult to molt every time.

To proceed, Wen Rensheng used his internal energy to help it get rid of the skin.

Then that big lobster can live another ten years.

The lobster is now a big green shrimp.

One moult lasts ten years.

And this big lobster seems to be learning his internal energy as well.

Wen Rensheng once saw a prawn crushing a big rock with one pliers.

This guy must have become a demon.

Now Wen Rensheng is also a master with century-old internal strength.

It can be regarded as having extraordinary power again.

It took a whole two hundred years.

You can jump seven or eight meters away, four or five meters high, and then go over with your palm, breaking wood, cracking stones...

Wait a minute, hundreds of people can't surround him.

Now you can walk alone in the rivers and lakes.

But also be careful not to touch the fairy.

He believes that martial arts alone has reached the limit of human beings.

It is impossible to go further without the help of external spiritual energy.

Do you want to go to apprentice?

Forget it anyway.

Wen Rensheng is still worried that someone will see through him.

Then the next step is to find a way to get a book of fairy arts, and find a way to practice getting started.

It's just different from inner qi. After all, inner qi is at a low level. Even so, he still spent fifteen years in order to be safe, including asking for advice, patiently trying to figure it out, and running it bit by bit.

It took fifteen years to get started, and it took more than a hundred years to practice to the peak.

This is all because the third senior brother said that one must be cautious when practicing inner qi, as it will affect the internal organs.

And the level of immortality is higher, so you have to be more careful.

Obviously it won't work if no one gives pointers.

If I get a book of fairy art by myself, if there are some mistakes in understanding, it will be lost forever.

Therefore, it is best to enter a fairy gate and have experienced predecessors give patient guidance.

It's best to point out with your heart.

After thinking about it, he decided to find a casual cultivator as an apprentice.

Still can't worship into the fairy gate.

After all, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is likely to see his own secret in Xianmen.

Relatively speaking, if you are just an old casual cultivator with one or two layers of Qi refining, you have experience in practicing immortal arts, but you are not a threat.

Even relying on a hundred years of internal strength, I can settle the opponent.

Of course, old casual cultivators may also be in danger.

They are close to death, and any means can be used.

But Wen Rensheng believes that he can settle things down.

The biggest threat to the elderly casual cultivators is that they will think of various means to survive in order to avoid death.

No matter how good a person is in the face of death, he will become unreliable.

Wen Rensheng thought about it, and found some middle-aged casual cultivators with cultivation bases below the second floor.

They had better live seventy or eighty years.

In any case, you will not go to a dead end and die with yourself.

As long as I pay a certain price, I can reach a compromise with the other party, and there is still a great possibility to learn their basic skills.

They can't improve themselves, but they have unlimited time, and they can grind it out.

If it doesn't work, I will train a group of disciples to do practice experiments.

Analyze Xiuxian in absolute safety.

And with two levels of cultivation, even if you discover your secrets, you can kill the opponent yourself.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng decided to start asking.

So, he decided to set off, and his target was a middle-aged casual cultivator with immortal skills and second-level cultivation.

Age should be around 50.

For so many years, he is not in vain.

In addition to practicing in the mountains, every time it is time to replenish supplies, I will also go down the mountain to inquire and inquire.

The first few levels of cultivation are the four realms of Qi training, foundation building, Jindan, and Yuanying.

By the time Nascent Soul is already very powerful.

The point is that there are various ways to prolong life.

After 3,000 years, the physical body decays and cannot be saved.

But the Nascent Soul can still be replaced by a body that fits, which can be said to be a seizure.

This kind of seizing is much safer and more reliable than simply relying on the soul to seize the house.

After all, his soul is protected by the Nascent Soul, which can easily crush the opponent's resistance.

It is also able to resist the corrosion and spiritual pollution of the new physical body.

It's about fit.

The better the fit, the less corrosion contamination.

Of course, there will be losses if you fit again.

Generally, after taking the house up to 3 times, it means living for 9,000 years.

Even if it can be extended, there will be a catastrophe in the world in ten thousand years.

No matter how hard he tried, the spirit couldn't escape.

If you don't ascend, you will only be reincarnated, and your soul will die completely.

In order to avoid catastrophe.

From this point of view, Nascent Soul is basically the apex of this world.

When Wen Rensheng heard about this, he felt that the world was more kind to the cultivators.

Many of the novels he read in his previous life were Nascent Souls who only lived for 1,000 years, and it was even more unreliable to seize the house.

Only one who transforms into a **** can live for 3,000 to 5,000 years. If he wants to ascend and get the period of crossing the catastrophe, there are still several levels to pass.

After Wen Ren went down the mountain, he heard about a big event.

That was the civil unrest in the nearby Qingyunmen dynasty.

The reason is also very simple, that is, land annexation.

The common people have no way out, even if they are afraid of the gods, they will eat the big family and become thieves.

In fact, from Wen Rensheng's point of view, it is very simple for ordinary people to have a way to live, that is, to develop the market economy more and invigorate the economy so that ordinary people have a place to work.

It can produce enough consumer goods to allow those who own the land to take out the grain and put it on the market, to circulate it, and to exchange it for other consumer goods.

It's a pity, these big feudal landlords, how could they have such a vision?

After thousands of years, no one has it.

No wonder it is ridiculed and despised by outsiders, repeating history.

Their only idea is to hoard more land and reserve more cultivation materials, and then seek cultivation, pray for longevity, and expand their family.

They have used a lot of power in this regard, and the whole world is not like Wen Rensheng's previous life. There is no western sea trade to communicate with, and it has come to a standstill.

Agricultural technology is those. Industry is still a handicraft industry. There are a few innovations, but none of them can spread.

Basically no progress.

Some people have worked hard to come up with some inventions, and they will be quickly snatched away by these feudal families.

You can't keep the benefits of your invention at all.

In this case, it has been going back and forth for tens of thousands of years.

But under the rule of the immortals, the common people are more closed.

However, Wen Rensheng did inquire about some news, that is, the communication among the fairy gates is very frequent.

It's very simple, because the biggest purpose of the immortals is to pursue longevity.

In order to pursue longevity, if you can't research it by yourself or build it behind closed doors, you will definitely find a way to ask others.

It's like traveling to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures.

That is the body of a mortal who travels tens of thousands of miles to visit and learn from scriptures.

This is motivation.

And those are some scriptures that can only satisfy spiritual needs, and cultivation has real power and longevity benefits.

Not to mention tens of thousands of miles, millions of miles, they are going to seek it.

Whether it's resources or scriptures, those Nascent Soul monks all ran far and fast.

It can be said that they have gained a lot from foreign exchanges.

It's just that they are them.

They won't promote these things to ordinary people.

In their eyes, ordinary people are only the source of disciples and immortal workers.

Wen Rensheng was walking on the road.

Hot weather all around.

The surrounding area is very dry.

The bark is long gone.

However, there are many wild beasts and poisonous snakes in the mountains, as well as monsters, which are not accessible to ordinary people.

However, under the threat of drought, the surrounding mountains and forests are also eaten up.

Some people still want to go to the deep mountains, but more people do not have the ability to cross the mountains.

Wen Rensheng thought that if the immortals were willing to improve people's livelihood and come up with the technology they exchanged, they could greatly increase the savings rate of this population.

Just like in the previous life, the population only carried 50 million people at first. Although the land has not changed, but with the improvement of this farming technology, there is also the improvement of improved seeds, and finally increased to 400 million.

This is an 8-fold increase.

The chances of being an excellent disciple can also be increased eight times.

Then the immortal workers who work for them can also be increased by 8 times.

But these truths, Wen Rensheng would not go to Xianmen to talk about them.

It seems to make the cake bigger, but who will own it after making the cake bigger?

Someone will come to **** it, and he is in this whirlpool, so the danger is very great.

Therefore, Wen Rensheng would not do such a thing before he had no self-protection strength.

Anyway, he has reached the end.

His purpose is to live well, improve his strength, and improve his strength.

He continued on the road.

After walking for half a day, I encountered bandits 43 times.

He didn't fight this person either, and just ran away with luck.

When the robbers saw his speed, they were also very happy, thinking that he was a fairy.

Afterwards, Wen Rensheng came to a city.

He found that the city was quite depressed.

After inquiring, it turned out that he had just been besieged by bandits.

Several big families dispatched internal energy experts, external energy experts, and an immortal casual cultivator to kill those refugees.

But without people, the city will naturally be depressed.

No one collected the dung in the city, and no one sold the vegetables.

The refugees who had no food in the city began to move outside the city, trying to occupy the land and houses outside.

This means that the neighborhood can be safe for a while again.

After Wenren entered the city, he asked someone in a tavern.

"Do you have disaster relief here?"

The man said: "The imperial court allocated thousands of bags of grain for disaster relief, but there are hundreds of thousands of people affected by the disaster. How can there be enough food?"

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

The imperial court is now in a period of dynastic sluggishness, doing as little as possible.

Thousands of bags of grain are enough to feed tens of thousands of people for several days.

In fact, it's not bad.

But the question is can it be sent to the victims?

Even if the grain of the big family is rotten, they still want to grab the most benefits.

Just like someone has a ***, but still wants to ***.

He asked again in a low voice: "Isn't the Qingyun Sect nearby?"

"I don't dare to say that, I know what Xiongtai means." The man immediately lowered his voice.

Wen Rensheng gave him a silver dime, about 3 qian.

Giving dozens of taels to others at every turn is only done by those who don't make money.

For example, guys like Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

"Well, no one was sent to take care of it. A fairy came to see it at the time, but he didn't care, so he said that the acceptance of disciples has been suspended for the past twenty years."

Hearing this, Wen Rensheng understood everything based on his previous observations and guesses.

Quite simply, this means that there are not many jobs for immortals.

If there were many jobs in Xianmen, they wouldn't do this.

If they want to recruit qualified disciples, they won't let them be wasted casually.

Wen Rensheng realized that in the ecological environment of Xianmen, the supply of labor is actually greater than the demand.

He knew that when the Immortal Sect recruited disciples, they usually planted elixir, opened psychic mines, and raised psychic birds and psychic beasts...

It is said to be cultivating immortals, but in the final analysis it is actually a small-scale peasant economy.

Their demand for labor is very small, and they cannot expand.

That's why disciples with poor qualifications will die after a few years.

Only those disciples with good qualifications, such as Tianlinggen and Shuanglinggen, can practice faster and can quickly enter the stage of relatively high input and output.

They will take this kind of disciple seriously.

Through this peasant uprising, Wen Rensheng can infer many inside stories about the fairy sect.

And he thinks it must all be true, because it's logical.

This is to analyze the world of cultivating immortals through underlying economics.

Wen Rensheng thought for a while:

Is it possible to use industrialization to cultivate immortals?

Can the production of cultivating immortal resources enter the era of industrialization?

Wen Rensheng thought about it carefully.

The premise of industrialization is a large demand.

Is there any need now?

There is definitely a need.

That is, it can be said that everyone wants to cultivate immortality, and UU reading everyone needs immortal cultivation resources.

The most important thing in the production of immortal cultivation resources is the pill, especially the longevity medicine.

They definitely want to be able to supply it in large quantities.

Other things are not absolutely necessary.

And the pill is absolutely necessary.

Here comes the problem.

Is it easy to get the industrial production of elixir?

It's not easy.

Because the production of elixir firstly depends on skilled middle and high-level alchemists.

Wen Rensheng knew this.

And this kind of alchemist itself is very lacking.

In addition, planting elixir also requires a harsh environment and a long time.

This means that the supply of raw materials is also very small.

There are few qualified labor force and raw materials for production, so how can it be industrialized?

The industrialization of textiles means the emergence of a large number of labor force and the production of raw materials relying on wool. In addition, the colonies provide a large demand for clothes.

The colonial points conquered everywhere have solved the supply of food, but they need clothes.

This led to the Industrial Revolution in the textile industry.

But how is alchemy the industrial revolution?

Needs exist and are unlimited.

How many can be sold.

Just not too expensive.

But the raw materials cannot be solved, how to expand the production of panacea?

How can an alchemist use a machine instead?

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

If industrialization cannot occur, then too much labor force will not be needed, which will lead to the current result.

Xianmen doesn't care much about the casualties of mortals.

Intervene only when it's almost dead. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page

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