Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2149: 2 golden fingers

Chapter 2149 Two Golden Fingers

the next day.

After discussing with the 18 Nascent Souls, they came together again.

Then I met 1024 Jindans.

They stare and kill again.

After killing, attack the mountain guard formation.

to no avail.

On the third day, come back and attack again.

After a month of killing like this, they were extremely tired.

Finally gave the Jindan avatars a chance to explode themselves.

Of the eighteen Nascent Souls, three were injured.

It's all the Nascent Soul that the golden core blew itself up.

They were all furious and cursed.

Completely lost the demeanor of a Nascent Soul master.

"It's impossible, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible, how could he have so many spirit stones?"

"Yeah, our combined attacks have consumed at least tens of billions of middle-grade spirit stones!"

"How is this possible, how can he have so many spirit stones!"

"Hmph," someone sneered, "If you had one thousand and two four Golden Core monks who would mine for you 24 hours a day and night, you would have so many spirit stones."

Another person shook his head: "It's not right, even if there are so many people mining, they must have so many spirit stone mines."

"Why not?"

"You don't even know that these golden cores secretly dig our mine every day. After their mine is finished, they go around to steal our spiritual mine. They stole most of who's mine!" Someone said carefully.

"Also, I heard that his golden finger can store things infinitely."

"In addition, according to the analysis, each avatar can store things in the space."

"After our research, remote access is possible, which means that they can enter our mine disguised as ordinary miners. After entering our mine, they can keep mining inside without going out at all."

"They are equivalent to opening a hole in the embankment, and our spirit stones flow into their warehouse automatically like a river."

"So that's how it is. No wonder he's so rich." All the Nascent Soul ancestors finally understood.

"Then can we still fight?"

"I can't fight anymore."

"They Qingyunmen are too rich, we don't know how many spirit stones they have, how do we fight?"

"Yeah, how do we fight?"

"It's impossible to fight at all. This **** turned all the spirit stones we worked so hard into their own!"

"The ore veins we cultivated so hard have become their spirit stones."

"Yeah, this time we are using our own spirit stones to resist our attack, which is too bad!"

"That's right, I just ordered to stop mining, because I found out that those spirit stones will all enter Qingyunmen!"

"Ah, there is still such a thing, I have to quickly order to stop all excavation, and immediately close the mountain and mine!"

"What should we do now?"

"There is no way."

"The problem now is that the opponent's avatar is too powerful, and we can't deal with him. It seems that there are 1024, but how many are actually scattered around?"

"That's right, fortunately these 1024 disciples didn't go to kill us."

"We should also be thankful that he is not so bold as to advance to the Nascent Soul stage. If there are 1024 Nascent Souls, all of us will be finished!"

"Hmph, he doesn't dare to promote his avatar to Nascent Soul. Because I know that golden finger is not his."

"If he gets 1024 Nascent Souls, he won't be able to control that golden finger himself."

"That's right, I've also heard that the golden finger was originally owned by a guy named Liu Gang. This guy is too stupid and too proud. It was a good start. As long as it is hidden in a place that Qing Yunmen doesn't know, it will be fine." Become a great emperor."

"The result is good. I have to go to Qingyunmen to learn from my teacher, and let the opponent, an old golden core cultivator, lock the trace."

"In the end, that old guy turned him into a human-shaped Goldfinger."

"Hey, it's really stupid, I can't say it."

"It's really frustrating. Such a powerful Goldfinger has done this. He doesn't want it, so he gave it to us."

"Yeah, if only heaven and earth would give it to us, we would have already ascended."

"This fool, it took only three or two years before it was snatched away and became someone else's chance."

"So what do we do now?"

"The only way now is to gather more Nascent Souls.

"To mobilize more forces, not only our 18 Nascent Souls, we are now bringing in another 1,000 Nascent Souls." A newly promoted Nascent Soul Patriarch suggested.

An old Yuanying shook his head and said:

"Laosheng, you think too much. Our world can support up to 81 Nascent Souls. If this number is exceeded, thunder will fall. Don't you know?"

"Then transfer all the remaining 63 Nascent Souls."

"But what's the point of mobilizing?" Someone said, "It's just consuming more spirit stones of the other party. If you can't break through the formation at once, it's useless."

"Hehehe, even if you defeat old man Qingyun, only one person can get his golden finger, isn't it a waste of effort?"

Some people still have a tone: "But we must at least defeat this old man first, and we cannot let this guy ascend successfully."

"Okay!" Someone said angrily, "It's true, let no one succeed, and don't let this guy succeed."

"This Patriarch Qingyun is too hateful, you don't know, his avatar stole all the elixir that I worked so hard to grow!"

"Me too!"

"Everyone is the same, how else can we beat him?" Everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

Although Yuanying is highly rational, he is not a fairy, but a human being. Who can bear such hatred?

Not to mention that the elixir that many people used to attack the realm was stolen by the Qingyun Patriarch, and the other party has clones.

He is not afraid of other people's revenge and search, so naturally he comes every day and goes every night.

If it wasn't for the fact that things got too complicated in the end, it wouldn't have been exposed.

It's just that everyone scolded happily,

Three days later, three Nascent Souls were instigated to rebel.

They joined Qing Yunmen and entered the big formation.

After another half a month, another nine Nascent Souls were instigated to rebel.

the reason is simple.

Patriarch Qingyun said that after he ascended, he would distribute the authority to use the golden finger to each of them for 300 years.

That is to say, he used the time of using the golden finger as a bargaining chip to win over the Nascent Souls.

They are all very sensible Yuanying Patriarchs.

It's easy to figure out.

Hate is hate, interest is interest.

Mai people can forgive devils, let alone them?

If they really gathered 81 people, even if they broke Patriarch Qingyun, the last golden finger, let alone whether Patriarch Qingyun would self-explode or disappear automatically.

Even if you get the acceptance, how should you distribute it?

Need to beat the inside.

Now Qingyun gave them a huge concession.

Can they not be shaken?

In fact, this is also the condition in their own hearts.

As long as Patriarch Qingyun compromises, they will not go on so desperately.

After all, they can live for thousands of years.

Patriarch Qingyun can live for another 2,000 years. After Patriarch Qingyun is gone, they can share the use time of this golden finger equally.

What Patriarch Qingyun has to do now is to take advantage of everyone's thoughts.

And the calculation they made was exactly in line with his expectations.

In fact, Patriarch Qingyun's purpose for doing this is very simple.

What he has to do is actually two things.

One is to find another treasure that can help him ascend.

The other is to think of a way to take the golden finger of this avatar flow together with the golden finger to ascend.

For this reason, he decided to practice this Liu Gang as his talisman.

But how to practice the magic weapon of life and death?

Now he has two methods, one is to seize the house, but once Liu Gang is seized, the soul of Liu Gang will disappear completely, and it may lead to the disappearance of Golden Finger.

The second is to continue refining Liu Gang.

He discarded his original talisman.

Process and refine Liu Gang and turn it into his own magic weapon.

After all, Liu Gang no longer looks like a human being.

After much deliberation, Patriarch Qingyun decided to adopt the second method, which is to refine Liu Gang into his natal magic weapon.

In fact, the old ancestor's idea, in Wen Rensheng's view, isn't this the object-oriented programming?


Encapsulate a complex method and make it simple and easy to call.

If there is a function that is very complex and very difficult to use.

Then transform it, fix some parameters, and then encapsulate it, without paying attention to details, just need to know how to pass in some parameters, and then get output feedback.

The current Liu Gang is a complex and incomprehensible function.

Encapsulate Liu Gang and turn it into a simple method.

Then adjust it yourself.

In this case, although many functions of flexible operation will be lost, at least it can be carried to the upper realm.

He didn't ask for many functions, that is, the avatar could continue to help him fight and mine.

Of course, it would be even better if he could continue to do pharmacy, talisman making and other work.

Of course, Patriarch Qingyun will always maintain this avatar, which is one level lower than him.

That is to say, when he has the cultivation level of transforming spirit, the avatar can only be Nascent Soul.

He is the avatar of returning to the void, and the avatar can only be the **** of transformation.

When he reaches Hedao, the avatar can only return to the void.

He is crossing the catastrophe, and the avatar can only be in harmony.

That's it, layers of restrictions.

In this way, he will not have to worry about the magic weapon coming back to him.

He can guarantee that he will continue to use it.

The progress of refining Liu Gang is very fast.

Liu Gang didn't resist at all.

Let him progress quickly and succeed in sight.

It will take another hundred years to succeed.

Then to his disappointment, the second thing didn't work out.

No matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find it, and he couldn't find a second magic weapon that could make him soar.

This second treasure can make him ascend to become a god.

Where is that magic weapon?

"Oh, where is it?" Wen Rensheng looked at the old man thinking hard.

The big lobster suddenly drew a word:

"Isn't it right here with you?"

Wen Ren was stunned, and suddenly had an understanding.

That's right, the other party wants to find the Ascension to Treasure, isn't it yourself?

The seed of longevity on his body is another golden finger.

He should have thought of this earlier.

Liu Gang is a soaring treasure.

I am the second.

When Wen Rensheng thought of this, he was even more glad that he didn't go out.

He decided to stay in the Land of Absolute Souls.

It's okay, just boil it.

How long can Patriarch Qingyun live?

Isn't it just 2000?

Of course, in the Land of Absolute Spirits, he can't practice now.

Now he is still building the foundation.

But the spiritual power in his body has not been lost.

Because when he entered the Land of Absolute Spirits, he was absorbed by the Seed of Immortality.

He discovers Goldfinger's new abilities.

As long as he goes out, the seed of longevity will restore his spiritual power and cultivation base to him.

Then let him maintain the original state.

Now he just absorbs the spirit stones outside every day, and then enters the land of absolute spirits to stabilize.

But at this moment, Patriarch Qingyun lost his patience.

He changed the way he was looking everywhere before.

Instead, the 1024 golden elixir clones began to draw a grid in this world to search one by one.

Searching inch by inch.

And other Nascent Souls are also assisting in the search.

The territory is indeed relatively large.

It is equivalent to five or six earths in the previous life.

Then they have 1024 golden pills, plus dozens of Nascent Souls.

There are also a lot of practitioners.

Their search ability is also far stronger than in previous lives.

After all, the satellites in the previous life can't see the underground, they can only detect the underground through some detection waves.

But also can not see through.

Not as useful as Divine Sense.

him this time.

They finally found Wen Rensheng.

"Hahaha, God really has pity on this old man!"

"This old man is the protagonist of the world!"

"The blue clouds are rising straight up, and the good wind will take advantage of it!"

After Patriarch Qingyun discovered Wen Rensheng's existence, he was ecstatic!

Only then fell into a difficult choice.

"This is the golden finger of immortality. It looks better. If I choose this, I don't need a clone."

"There is no need to ascend."

"However, if someone from the upper realm discovers it and hits it down with a fist, the sky and the earth will burst, and I will still die!"

"It's better to have a clone, you can keep developing, and you are not afraid of death."

"It's not aggrieved."

"But longevity has infinite possibilities. As long as the world is not destroyed, I will not be destroyed."

"No, if the world's environment becomes unsuitable for human survival, then he will have to die too. UU Reading"

In short, Patriarch Qingyun, think over and over again.

Until he discovers a reality.

The guy with the golden finger of longevity has been hiding in the land of absolute spirits!

It seems that they will come out to practice before.

Now it doesn't come out at all.

Well, it's too early to think about which one to choose.

It's better to grab it first.

This is real.

If you have a baby, you may be searched out by a powerful person in the end.

Even if it is a mortal emperor, there are still situations where the throne is taken away, let alone you?

This is the cruelest truth.

If you are meticulous to the extreme, then you cannot escape.

Now Patriarch Qingyun discovered Wen Rensheng.

When Patriarch Qingyun started to strike, he was speechless suddenly.

Because the other party has drilled two to three hundred thousand meters underground.

Two hundred kilometers deep, this place has magma.

It's a completely unreal place.

He couldn't go down and catch the opponent at all.

It's just that he, the ancestor of Yuanying, thought that Wen Rensheng didn't know that he had discovered him.

He just thinks:

"This kid, I think he is also a time traveler. Now I finally understand that if you want to ascend to the upper world, you have to sacrifice the golden finger of a time traveler."

"I didn't know before. After all, those who have already ascended will not tell me."

"They will not be handed down, so that later people will not go up and compete with them."

"The one who gets in the car first always wants to weld the door shut."

"If it were me, I wouldn't say it inside the door. At most, I would say that I need some kind of ticket." Bookmark the bookmark of the previous chapter and return to the book page

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