Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2187: The Truth About the Kingdom of No Story

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This moment.

Zhao Pingping calmed down, she thought someone was playing a prank.

For example, use a certain technology to project on her storybook.

This kind of thing has happened before.

For example, sophons can project in human eyes.

In contrast, in her books, there is nothing unusual.

"Let Grandma Ben see what tricks you can play."

In fact, everyone is now surrounded by a sense of crisis.

It's hard to say that the Dark Forest Strike will come tomorrow.

So in panic, everyone has an inexplicable sense of anticipation for these weird things.

Because only change can change the fate of death.

Yes, in fact, not everyone is arrogant to think that the bunker plan will save lives.

Otherwise, no one will secretly study the light-speed spacecraft and escape.

It is correct to say that some people are arrogant, but if it is imposed on all, it is slander.

Looking at it, Zhao Pingping's face changed.

Because the hero in the storybook, after living on the island for some years, began to write something for these people to read.

"A Tale of Three Suns".

"Once upon a time, there was a place with three suns."

"The three suns are called wolf, snake, and half-human."

"They are entangled with each other and chase each other. It is said that they are all children of an evil god."

"Hence the **** temper."

"People there, pray for the sun to rise normally every day."

Looking at it, Zhao Pingping felt more and more that someone was playing a prank on her.

Because the story written above is what happened before.

Including a Virgin, and then the deterrence failed, and the two civilizations fell into the brink of death together.

No, the Three-Body Civilization has died.


deserve it.

If you would take a step back and give in to each other, you could all have survived in the solar system.

Just don't trust humans.

The result is the same.

Zhao Pingping was born in BC.

Only now woke up.

She hated that Madonna very much.

Obviously there is no deterrence, and he is running for the person who wields the sword.

There is simply no b number.

Destroyed two civilizations by himself.

Of course, those who lived after AD deserved it.

In the end, it was naturally made by the Trisolarans themselves.

Through the dyeing plan, they turned the normal strong B.C. people into weak pussies, which led to the tragedy of the two worlds.

This is the law of nature.

When you think you have won, in fact, your failure is right in front of you.

Zhao Pingping continued watching, watching, she suddenly jumped up!

Because in the storybook, something after the bunker era suddenly appeared!

"In the three stories, the real meaning of the king's new painter is a two-dimensional strike."

"Draw a three-dimensional person into a plane."

"Reminiscent of the structure of the sophon, it is to reduce the dimension, so the next attack below is a two-dimensional attack."

"Actually, the blow has already arrived, but because of the speed of light, it will take decades to actually reach the solar system."

"If you want to escape in the era of bunkers, you must rely on the speed of light spaceship."

"Because escape velocity is the speed of light."

"The safety statement is to use a large number of light-speed spaceships to drag out trajectories under the curvature engine and reduce the speed of light. It will become a black area and avoid being two-dimensional."

"In this case, those who want to escape will take the spaceship, and those who want to stay will stay in the dark prison."

"Everyone takes what they need."

"So it is!" Zhao Pingping looked at the storybook in surprise.

She thinks this should be a precious message from a certain high-tech civilization!

They saw the present of the earth, so they passed on the story.

You know, many people are now continuing to work on three stories.

Those three stories were widely circulated.

That is the kingdom of birth stories.

However, only the kingdom without stories is the happiest.

That hero is the prophet.

He was telling himself the truth of the story.


Reduce people to two dimensions and blend them into the picture scroll.

It was so shocking.

It turned out to be such a terrible truth.

Bunkers are useless!

It can only resist light particle strikes.

Besides, it can only fight against the way of hitting the sun. If the opponent comes to hundreds of them and hits the planets together, isn't it a waste of effort?

Now that she knew the truth, what should she do?

She thought she could live many more years.

All in all, this matter must be resolved immediately.

Zhao Pingping immediately took his storybook and went to the nearby Space City Management Office.

"Come here, it's not good, this world is going to be destroyed!"

"Everyone come over here quickly, this world is going to be destroyed!"

After she entered, she yelled that the world was going to be destroyed, and everyone came to me immediately.

Obviously, her yelling caused a small commotion.

Security came right away.

"Be quiet, ma'am."

"I want to tell you one thing, I found out the truth of those three stories!"

"Oh, many people say that they know the truth every day, but who can prove that they are right?" the security guard shook his head.

"My book can prove it, let me meet your director." Zhao Pingping shouted.

She's a pre-hibernation and doesn't have much strategy in her head.

Just desperate to bring things up to higher management.

However, the security guard looked at the storybook and was about to say something just now.

At this time, a lunatic came suddenly and snatched her storybook away.

The kingdom storybook without a story, snatched away by an accident in reality.

"my book!"

Zhao Pingping suddenly realized that she made a big mistake in excitement!

She hurried after him.

But the madman runs fast.

He took a space vehicle directly and flew outside.

"Ah! I beg you, get my book back, otherwise, the world will be destroyed!" She hurried back to find the security guard.

"Okay, I just lost a book, so there's no need to alarm everyone." The security guard said indifferently.

"No, hurry up and get my book back, only it can save the world!"

Zhao Pingping looked at the security guard, and immediately said what was said in the book.

When the security guard heard this, he felt a little puzzled.

But still made a call.

In the same way, Zhao Pingping quickly sent his findings to the mobile phone network.

She believes that real scientists can tell whether this prophecy is true or not.

After being stupid at first, she finally does something right.

Soon some scientists began to demonstrate that such an idea was indeed missing.

"That's right, her analysis is correct, as long as 1,000 light-speed spacecraft can spread enough trajectories to envelop the solar system."

"We have to save the world. If we don't save the world, the world will be gone."

"We need to create a light-speed spaceship soon."

"However, after calculation, our resources are sufficient to manufacture 1,000 light-speed spacecraft, but our time may not be enough."

"Then immediately."

"If you don't hurry, the world will be gone, right?"

Zhao Pingping was relieved to find that even without the storybook, she saved the world.

But the world abandoned her...

Quite simply, a new big trough has arrived.

Only this time people were prepared.

The Space Defense Fleet immediately entered a state of combat readiness.

Wartime appeared.

Everyone enters the wartime distribution system.

Work 19 hours a day, leaving only 5 hours to eat and rest.

Those who don't work are dealt with directly.

And it won't go to waste...

People over the age of 65 who are unable to move, if they are not intellectual workers, should also be killed.

It is the same method as the three-body!

Even crueler.

No, maybe not as brutal as the Three-Body Problem.

Good point they can still make people live to 65 years old.

To give civilization to the years has become a ridiculous sentence.

been criticized by people.

Sure enough, the only lesson people learn from history is this: People don't learn anything from history.

Zhao Pingping was desperate.

Because she found that she couldn't do anything.

After all, she was a BC before.

No genetic modification of any kind.

She can only sweep the streets.

No, the street sweeping is done by robots.

She was forced to learn the hard way, to do more.

And the post-AD people she used to laugh at, at least in daily life, gave her enough redundancy and relaxation...

At least those people won't throw her into the three-body furnace.

Yes, now humans have produced many three-body stoves.

It is said to commemorate the lost Trisolaran civilization, while using them to inspire and remind humans of themselves.

If you don't grit your teeth and persist, the whole world will disappear.

"As long as you endure for 30 years, everyone can enjoy happiness."

"Everyone has to believe that we are not talking nonsense, we have seen hope."

"As long as there are 1,000 light-speed spacecraft, the sun will not be destroyed, and we will survive!"

Every day is a slogan like this.

Everyone is assigned various tasks by the robot system in real time.

Mainly scientific research and various production work.

All entertainment is prohibited.

Only those scientists, scientists, scholars, and engineers who directly develop light-speed spacecraft can have normal life and entertainment.

Avoid being too restrictive and hindering innovation.

This made Zhao Pingping somewhat regretful.

She felt like she couldn't take it anymore.

If I knew this earlier, I might as well keep the storybook.

At least I can live in peace for decades.

Now, he may live for three years and die of exhaustion.

This is not an exaggeration.

Historically, in John's factories, healthy workers lived only 3 years.

It's almost there now.

In a robot production factory.

Zhao Pingping is working hard.

The main thing is to stare at the production button and check the production process regularly.

She seriously thought about how she could survive.

Then it occurred to her that she still had to find her own storybook.

Where the **** is that storybook?

Last time it was snatched away by a lunatic.

Can the lunatic still be found?

She thought carefully, where did the lunatic go?

She was actually very strange, why did a lunatic suddenly appear and **** her storybook away?

What a coincidence.

The people from the previous management office sent many people to look for it.

And there are a lot of strangers looking for it too.

As a result, the madman has never been found.

This is very strange.

In fact, it is not surprising.

She naturally didn't know that this lunatic was actually sent by the proton.

Proton saw this strange storybook at the time.

She thinks this is a two-dimensional civilization, warning the people on earth.

Only a proton has the power to hide a madman.

It was originally said that the proton had escaped from the earth, because it was believed that the people on earth would inevitably be destroyed.

So all the protons left.

In fact, the proton did not leave.

There is also a proton who is accompanying the Virgin.

The cosmic dog licking Yun Tianming's crush.

Yun Tianming's status was high enough among the Trisolarans, especially in the Trisolaran Starfleet, it was even higher.

He has the power to assign a proton.

This is something people on Earth don't know.

This moment.

That storybook is at the famous Our Lady.

Our Lady is looking at the storybook from beginning to end.

She couldn't help feeling ashamed.

Yes, she was only ashamed of her own conscience.

rather than the entire human race.

Because it's mentioned in the book, she'll never learn her lesson...a human being.

In the end, because of 5 kilograms, the entire universe will be destroyed.

The so-called eternal life of death.

Although many people find out many reasons, others will do the same... However, "others will leave some quality" is only a possibility, and the 5 kg ecological **** she left behind are facts.

She directly strangled the possibility of a cosmic return.

It just made her feel ashamed.

She always felt that this was a kind of malice of fate.

Because history always brings her to a turning point that determines the fate of a grand narrative.

rather than someone else.

After reading the book, she understood.

My own destiny is actually drawn out in this story.

Is there a single person who can decide history?

It is difficult for one person to decide the whole history.

But one person may decide the fate of hundreds of thousands, millions or even tens of millions of people.

This is quite normal.

There are some top-notch people who do it.

Of course some are good and some are negative.

For example, the ancient feudal emperors.

Yang Guang ordered the excavation of the Grand Canal.

If he hadn't opened the canal, hundreds of thousands of people would not have died at that time.

The Sui Dynasty will not perish so soon.

Maybe if you take it slow, you can finish it.

This is a typical one person decides the fate of many people.

There are many such things.

And the Virgin also decided the fate of many people.

At least the fate of Trisolarans has been decided.

If the person makes the right decisions, it's a success.

If the person makes a wrong decision.

That would be bad luck.

Just like before, when she was the sword bearer, she controlled her destiny.

However, a wrong decision was made, which affected many people.

This shows that under normal circumstances, decision-making still needs to be decentralized.

Although decentralized decision-making is inefficient, at least the probability of making wrong decisions will be reduced.

Of course, the deterrent mechanism can only be one person.

Deterrence is impossible with two men. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

In this case, it's a dead end.

If there are many people, the probability of making mistakes is low, but if there are many people, it is impossible to make decisions.

In short, it is a complete dead end, a dead end that is difficult to complete.

That's why she appeared.

It appeared that she used the power of one person to take the two civilizations offline.

Definitely the Dark Lady.

The same is true for Storyless Kingdom.

"When the kingdom of stories enters the picture, there are no more stories."

"And that's the truth about the kingdom of no stories."

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